A detailed analysis of SSC CHSL 26th May 2022 (three shifts) has been highlighted in the following section. Along with it, the shift-wise memory-based questions have also been discussed.

NEW DELHI: The Staff Selection Commission Combined Higher Secondary Level (SSC CHSL) 2022 26th May all shifts (Shift 1: 9 am to 1 am; Shift 2: 12.30 pm to 1 pm; Shift 3: 3.30 pm to 4.30 pm) have been concluded. According to the aspirants, the difficulty level of shift 1 and shift 2 were easy to moderate; whereas shift 3 was comparatively easier.
General Awareness: According to the aspirants, the question pattern of the General Knowledge section has been changed. For instance, the candidates were asked to select the dance form after identifying the image posted on the question paper. Most of the candidates faced the challenge to identify the particular dance form from that picture of dance. As the experts suggest, the authorities now want the candidates to know about different dance forms, their attire during a dance performance, how tribes of a particular region look when they dance etc. More specifically, irrespective of the theoretical idea on dancing, the students should now be more aware of its in-depth analysis.
Also Read: Overall Analysis of SSC CHSL 25th May 2022
As per the expert's suggestions’, the candidates should practice more questions on art and culture, who will be appearing for the exam. This is the most weightage section of General Awareness this year. After that, focus on current affairs of the last year.
English Language: The English questions of all shifts were easy. Nothing new in the shift wise question pattern. Some of the most weightage sections of SSC CHSL English language is Sentence rearrangement, synonyms and antonyms, error detection, idioms and phrases etc.
Also Read: Overall Analysis of SSC CHSL 24th May 2022
Quantitative Aptitude: Quantitative Aptitude section was comparatively easier today (all shifts). Most of the candidates identified that no question was there that can be left without solving. Few questions were lengthy, since the candidates had to answer few questions on Simplifications. To solve this section, the candidates should have good calculation speed.
If the candidates have a good accuracy level, then they can expect to get a good score in this section. Out of 25, one can easily get 20-21 in the Quantitative Aptitude section. Some of the maximum weightage sections of Quantitative Aptitude are profit and loss, number system, DI, Simplification, SI & CI.
General Intelligence and Reasoning: Some candidates have found this section a bit lengthy and took time to solve the problems. The shift 1 questions of Reasoning were a bit tougher and unusual compared to previous years. BODMAS is the most weightage section, and in all shifts, there were 4-6 questions on it. Apart from it, some of the other weightage sections are coding-decoding, complete the pattern, odd one out, mirror image, analogy etc.
Also Read: SSC CHSL 2022 Question Paper- Download PDF for All Shifts
The candidates, who have not yet appeared for the SSC CHSL exam 2022, can go through the following relevant links:
SSC CHSL 26th May Exam: Analysis and Memory Based Question Paper
The candidates, who will be going to appear for the upcoming days, can give a look at the detailed topic wise memory based questions and analysis by clicking the following links:
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