The Lotus Make-up Indian Fashion Week ended on a high note. The Pearl Academy students took to the ramp to showcase their final collections at the Lotus Make-up Indian Fashion Week. The event took place in JNL Stadium New Delhi.
Over 500 UG and PG students of Pearl Academy from various disciplines such as fashion design , styling, fashion media makeup, jewellery design , took to the ramp and enthralled the audience with their talent. The collection showcased by the Pearl Academy was innovative and spoke volumes. Students used an innovative approach to create chic and stylish designs.
The apparels created by students were more than just being fashionable. From clothing and designs that infused LED technology with retractable apparels that could help prevent assault to designs inspired by India's current traffic scenario. Not only this, but students also used represented block printing in a new manner. All the apparels and designs spoke volumes and showcase the outstanding talent of the students.
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As a part of the pact with FDCI, students of the Pearl Academy conceptualised a pop-up store with limited edition collection (in partnership with Manish Arora) The overall concept of the pop -up store was interior, styling, merchandising and the sale part was managed by the students from luxury management and fashion business course. The products for the collection were created by the students of fashion design and communication design.
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Sunil Sethi, President FDCI congratulated the designers from the Pearl Academy and for their outstanding talent. He said that FDCI has always been committed to providing young designers with relevant exposure and opportunities. According to him, FDCI's collaboration with Pearl Academy is one step forward. The Lotus Make-up India Fashion Week provides the young and upcoming designers with the right platform, right audience and many fashion entrepreneurs.