Punjabi University Patiala would open 20 new colleges for girls to bring equity, efficiency and excellence in the Higher Education and to raise the standard of girls education in Punjab. These colleges will be started in backward and remote areas near state border of Punjab, under the initiative taken by Punjab Government and will be fully funded by Punjab Government.”
On the occasion Dr. Manjeet Kaur, Professor, Education Department, Punjabi University, Patiala; Dr. Sher Singh, Assistant Professor, Chunni College, Patiala; Dr. Parveen Kataria, Director General, Aryans Group of Colleges; Dr. Manjula Kataria, Principal; Prof. B.S Sidhu, Registrar; Prof. A.P Jain, Director; Ms Amita, Coordinator were also present.
Dr. Dhillon while interacting with the media further said that to strengthen the traditional courses like BA and B.Com, Punjabi University has introduced various skill based self reliant courses like Fashion Technology, Food Processing and Cosmetology which can be completed with regular degree. After these courses one should be able to run its own small/large scale business.
Around 30 experts and professors presented their papers and shared their views on different topics related to Community and Life Skills Education.
Source: Punjab News Express