Department of electrical engineering Rajasthan Technical University (RTU) got the National Board Accreditation (NBA) for the two years. On last year, University had applied for accreditation on five courses out of which only one got NBA accreditation.
An eleven members team visited the university and tested application standards, in this team two subject experts and one of the committee chairman was involved. Power System course deserves accreditation value. After getting accreditation of NBA, students of Rajasthan Technical University will be given priority in National or Multinational Companies.
Department of Electronics (Control & Instrumentation and Digital Communication), Department of Mechanical (Industrial Engineering & Management) and Department of Civil (Environmental Engineering) had applied for the accreditation of NBA.
That’s Why Did Accreditation:
Every course was tested by the team on nine points. These are - Vision, Mission, Program Curriculum, Student performance, Faculty Facilities, Academic Sport, Governance, and Improvement Continuance etc. A score of 600 to 750 out of 1000 get two years accreditation and score between 750 to 1000 marks get the five years accreditation. A score between 750 to 600 points, the Power Systems course is done.
Head of Electrical Engineering Department Prof. Dinesh Birla said, "National Board of Accreditation is recognition board at the international level, to achieve the recognition of the international agreement which is valuable for University.NBA recognition will be given Priority to students in international academic institutions."
Source: Mithlesh Kumar Akodia, City Journalist - Kota, CollegeDekho