The state government of West Bengal has taken the decision to seek tips and suggestions from IIT Kharagpur for the construction of Vivekananda Flyover which collapsed a few months back. The major portion of the flyover collapsed, and the government is in a dilemma whether to demolish the entire structure or strengthen the existing structure. So, a committee of experts from IIT Kharagpur will look into this issue and draw conclusions.
The experts of IIT Kharagpur have pointed out six reasons for the flyover collapse:-
- Improper project execution
- Lack of quality check
- Design inadequacy
- Fabrication inadequacy
- Faulty approval of design and
- Inconsistency of material
IITs are the premier institutes of India which play a significant role in the field of engineering. Recently the students of IIT Kharagpur designed a racing car for a competition in Russia. The National Highways Authority of India has also signed an MoU with the Institute to get assistance for the construction and repairing of highways.