The Tamil Nadu government has decided to cancel all the undergraduate and postgraduate exams in Tamil Nadu due to the increasing number of COVID-19 cases. The decision was taken after getting recommendation from a high-level committee formed by the government of the state. The university along with the various colleges which also include the polytechnic college has cancelled the intermediate semester exams.
The intermediate students will be evaluated on the basis of the UGC and as per the AICTE guidelines. The students of the intermediate semester will be considered pass without any exams. Exams have been cancelled for Science and Arts stream first and second-year undergraduate students and first-year postgraduate students across various colleges in the state. Exams have also been cancelled for the engineering students.
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No student from the first to the third year in undergraduate courses will appear for the intermediate semesters. But this rule only applies to the first-year postgraduate students of engineering colleges. The polytechnic colleges have also cancelled the exams for all the first and second-year students. Also, the first and second year MCA students are not required to appear for the exams and they will be evaluated on the basis of the internal exams or projects as per the guidelines given by the UGC and AICTE.
The UGC had also come up with a set of revised guidelines amid the coronavirus situation and asked the universities to decide how they want to assess the students. AICTE has also recommended all its affiliated colleges to abide by the UGC guidelines.
The semester exams in various universities and colleges across Tamil Nadu were postponed earlier and there was no clarity on when the new academic session would begin. Usually, the new academic session in colleges & universities begins in June.
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