Tata Memorial Centre is planning to launch an online teaching programme on Oncology. The programme sets to train doctors on the prevention, detection, and the details about the treatment. Tata Memorial Centre has partnered with Omnicuris for the development of the online course.
The course on oncology is a part of the national program, which will be carried out by Tata Memorial Centre all over the country. It will first begin in-service doctors in Maharashtra.
Cancer is one of the biggest threat to India’s health sector today. According to the sources, there are more than three million cancer cases at any given time, with almost one lakh new cancer patients in each state. Early diagnosis and spreading awareness about the disease can help prevent multiple deaths.
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The course is developed to help doctors such as gynecologists, dentists, physicians, and other doctors who are not oncologists. These online sessions are developed to help them basic knowledge of oncology, early diagnosis of cancer and how to refer cancer cases early.
Dr. Rajendra Badwe, Director of Tata Memorial Centre, said that the main aim of the online course is to provide uniform knowledge on oncology whether its students or doctors and everyone across the country has an access to cancer care.
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Also, Dr. Pankaj Cahturvedi, project coordinator said, “ through the online project we are trying to make the knowledge accessible to every doctor in the country, who are unable to attend various conferences held across the country due to their busy schedule.