Thought of the Day for School Assembly 29 August 2023: Check quote of the day with meaning

Supreeta Roy

Updated On: August 28, 2023 06:00 pm IST

The thought of the day for school assembly 29 August 2023 is by Steve Jobs. Note down the quote of the day today, along with its corresponding detailed meaning.
Thought of the Day for School Assembly 29 August 2023Thought of the Day for School Assembly 29 August 2023

Thought of the Day : The inspirational quote of the day detailed here for 29 August 2023 is by Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple. The thought of the day today is provided along with its meaning. Read this motivating quote for the school assembly to encourage students to choose a career path that aligns with their passion.

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Thought of the Day 29 August 2023

The table below states the thought of the day 29 August 2023 for the school assembly:

“Love what you do, and you’ll do great work.” -  Steve Jobs

Meaning of Thought of the Day 29 August 2023

Steve Jobs' quote carries a straightforward but powerful message. It tells us that if we want to do exceptionally well in our work and reach great heights, we need to have a strong passion and love for what we do. Without that love, it's hard to excel.

When we truly love what we do, it keeps us excited and determined to complete our tasks. We feel an inner drive pushing us to do our best. On the other hand, if we're doing something we don't enjoy, it becomes boring and feels more like a chore than something fun. In such cases, that motivating passion is missing, which affects our willingness to put in the time and effort needed to do a great job.

Loving what we do not only makes us happier in our work but also improves the quality and quantity of what we produce. So, Steve Jobs is encouraging students to choose careers or paths that they're passionate about because it can lead to meaningful and outstanding results. This quote emphasizes that when you love what you do, you're not only happier but also more likely to achieve greatness in your chosen field.

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