Thought of the Day for School Assembly 5 September 2023: Check quote of the day with meaning

Supreeta Roy

Updated On: September 04, 2023 08:45 pm IST

The thought of the day for school assembly 5 September 2023 is by Frank Sinatra. Note down the quote of the day today, along with its corresponding detailed meaning.
Thought of the Day for School Assembly 5 September 2023Thought of the Day for School Assembly 5 September 2023

Thought of the Day : The inspirational quote of the day is by Frank Sinatra, an American singer and one of the best vocalists of the 20th century. The thought of the day is provided here along with its meaning. Read this motivating quote for the school assembly to make students understand that the best way to seek revenge from someone who hurt us in the past is by being successful in life.

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Thought of the Day 5 September 2023

The below table displays the thought of the day 5 September 2023 for the school assembly:

“The best revenge is massive success.” – Frank Sinatra

Meaning of Thought of the Day 5 September August 2023

Frank Sinatra's quote conveys that the most effective response to those who have harmed us or not treated us with respect in the past is through achieving success. When we attain more success and fulfill our goals, it can provoke envy in our enemies. As they become more envious, they may come to realize our significance and eventually develop a sense of respect for us. Sinatra advises against holding onto negative emotions or grudges for others. Instead, he encourages the transformation of pain and heartbreak into motivation, driving us to strive for greater success in life. There is nothing more gratifying than experiencing success and personal growth.

Through this quote, Sinatra inspires everyone to release past grievances, exhibit strength, and aim for even greater accomplishments in life.

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