TS EAMCET Bi.P.C Seat Allotment 2022 Released: B.Pharmacy Allotment Link Activated at tseamcetb.nic.in

Angana Nath

Updated On: November 09, 2022 08:14 AM

TSCHE has released the TS EAMCET Bi.P.C seat allotment 2022 today at the official website. The qualified candidates should report to the allotted colleges on or before November 13, 2022. Read below. 
TS EAMCET Bi.P.C Seat Allotment 2022

The Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE) has released the TS EAMCET Bi.P.C seat allotment 2022 today in online mode. To check out the seat allotment result, the candidates should visit the official website- tseamcetb.nic.in. The authority has released the seat allotment result based on the choices filled by the candidates. The candidates, who have allotted seats, should report to the allotted college on or before November 13, 2022. Kindly note, before reporting to the allotted college, the candidates should pay the processing fees. Once the first round seat allotment process is over, the authority will start the final phase seat allotment process on the leftover vacant seats after the first round.

TS EAMCET Bi.P.C Seat Allotment 2022: Where to Check

To check out the TS EAMCET Bi.P.C seat allotment 2022, the candidates should visit the official website. Apart from that the candidates can check the result by clicking on the following link-

Direct link to check TS EAMCET Bi.P.C seat allotment 2022 (College wise)- Click here

Kindly note, if the candidates will not pay the fees within the scheduled date, then the seat will be automatically cancelled. The same seat will not be claimed further.

Steps to Check TS EAMCET Bi.P.C Seat Allotment 2022

Apart from the link provided here, the candidates can check out the seat allotment result from the official website. Check the following steps-

  • Go to the official website- tseamcetb.nic.in
  • Click seat allotment result link on the home page
  • Login using the login credentials, hall ticket number, date of birth and password
  • Download the seat allotment letter
  • Print out the letter

Kindly note, to report to the allotted college, the candidates should carry the seat allotment letter. The authority has released the seat allotment result in the pdf format.

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