TS ECET Final Allotment 2024 Likely on July 20 : According to the official schedule, the Telangana Council of Higher Education has confirmed TS ECET Final Allotment 2024 release date on or before July 21, 2024. However, as per our observation of the usual trends of TSCHE, it is expected to be out before July 21, 2024 only, i.e., on July 20, 2024. The conducting authorities closed TS ECET 2024 Web Options on July 18, 2024 and the official website was shut down for allotment processing on July 19. Usually, the site is closed for one day for allotment processing, and on the next day, the seat allotment is released.
So going by the same logic, since the official website closed on July 19, 2024, TS ECET Final Allotment 2024 will most likely be out on July 20, 2024. Unless there is a delay due to any unforeseen circumstances, TS ECET final phase seat allotment is unlikely to be released on July 21, 2024.
Once released, candidates will be able to check their allotment at tgecet.nic.in through their login dashboard. The allotment will be based on the web options exercised between July 17 to 18, 2024, for the candidates who opted for upgradation in the previous round, and for those who could not secure a seat before. Those who get the allotment will have to pay the tuition fee and self-report on the website between July 21 to 23, 2024. Candidates will then have to report to their allotted college between July 22 to 24, 2024, for document verification and admission formalities.
Candidates must note that after this no more counselling rounds will be held. The vacant seats (if any) remain, will be filled during spot admissions. For Private Unaided Engineering and B Pharmacy Colleges, the spot admission guidelines will be published on the website on July 24, 2024, and the admissions will conclude on July 30, 2024.
Keep visiting CollegeDekho for the latest Education News on entrance exams, board exams and admissions. You can also write to us at our email ID news@collegedekho.com.
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