For the exam on March 24, find here TS SSC English Guess Paper 2025 to enhance their preparation. The expected questions are provided as per an analysis of previous years' papers.

TS SSC English Guess paper 2025: TS SSC English exam is scheduled to be held on March 24, 2025 from 9.30 AM to 12.30 PM. During the last two days of preparation, the candidates are advised to thoroughly read out the TS SSC English guess questions, which were mostly asked in the previous years exams. Based on that, the expected analysis for TS SSC English guess paper 2025 has been made. It will help the candidates not to understand the type of the questions but also to find out the paper pattern. As per the paper pattern, the candidates will get 3 hours time to answer 80 marks answers. The questions will be categorized into three sections, such as Part A, and Part B. Note that the Part A section of the TS SSC exam will have to be done in the answer booklet. Whereas the answers of Part B questions will need to be done on the question paper itself. Candidates are also asked to not over write the answers.
TS SSC English Guess Paper 2025
Here in the following section, the candidates will find out the section-wise TS SSC English 2025 guess questions:
Part A: Read the Following Passage and Answer the Questions
In this section (Question 1 to 13), the candidates get a passage and a list of questions. Before answering the questions, the candidates should read out the passage questions.
Apart from the passage questions and answers, the candidates will have to answer the following type of questions in Section A:
Ques. You have the lesson “Rendezvous with Ray! In that lesson Gaston Roberge described his experience with Ray. Now imagine yourself as a reporter and write an imaginary interview with Gaston Roberge. (10 Marks)
Ques. Imagine yourself as the head student of your school and design an invitation for the children’s day program to be held in your school on the 14th of November you may include the following.
- Date, time and venue
- Chief guest and guests of honour
- Cultural programs, Prizes
- Vote of thanks
Ques. Write a report using the clues given below.
Bombay: 14 March 2012, 11.20 AM. Bomb blast at Bombay Stock Exchange- Very powerful explosion, Building Shook- 35 people died- Police claim it was RDX- 3 suspects arrested- Red alert issued in all metropolitan cities- Prime Minister and Chief Minister call for maintaining communal peace.
Ques. You have read the lesson “Environment” and you know that environmental protection is the need of the hour. Your school wants to arrange a motivational speech for Warangal Maathai who is a Nobel Laureate and environmentalist.
Ques. Imagine your school is going to organize an “Inter School Painting Competition”. Imagine yourself as the organizer and prepare a poster for the purpose. You may include.
- Date, time and venue
- Theme
- Contact Details
- Eligibility
- Prize etc.
Part B:
In this section, the candidates will be given a poem and based on that the candidates should answer the questions. There will be MCQs, fill in the blanks, complete the passage by choosing the correct word etc.
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