Word of the Day 24 August 2023: Meaning, Example, Antonyms, Synonyms

Mahima Gupta

Updated On: August 23, 2023 06:00 pm IST

The word of the day for 24 August 2023 is 'Gratuitous’. The meaning, example, antonyms, and synonyms for the word of the day are detailed below.
Word of the Day 24 August 2023Word of the Day 24 August 2023

Word of the Day 24 August 2023: The word of the day encourages curiosity and love for learning and inculcates a lifelong passion for reading. By dedicating a few minutes each day to engaging with new words, students can truly unlock the power of strong vocabulary and set themselves on a path toward academic success. Today’s word “Gratuitous” means something that is given or done without any reason or justification. It describes actions or behaviors that are unnecessary and which are done without any motive. Additionally, going through each word help students grasp its meaning and how to use it in their daily lives more appropriately.

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Word of the Day 22 August 2023: Gratuitous

Students can find the word of the day, for 22 August 2023 along with its meaning, example, synonym, and antonyms here to

Meaning, Example, Antonyms, and Synonyms for Word of the Day Today


The word “Gratuitous” refers to actions or behaviours that are excessive, unnecessary, or lacking purpose.


Unwarranted, Unjustified, Unnecessary, Excessive, Uncalled, Unprovoked, Unmerited


Justified, Warranted, Necessary, Essential, Valid, Deserved, Earned, Required, Reasonable


Students repeatedly interrupt a class discussion with irrelevant and gratuitous comments, seeking attention rather than contributing to the learning environment. Furthermore, gratuitous behaviour among students can extend to social interactions where students sometimes engage in insensitive actions which are done without a cause just for the purpose of carrying out reactions from others.

Also Read | Word of the Day 23 August 2023

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