Word of the Day for School Assembly 30 August 2023: Meaning, Example, Antonyms, Synonyms

Mahima Gupta

Updated On: August 29, 2023 06:20 pm IST

The word of the day for 30 August 2023 is ' Articulate’. The meaning, example, antonyms, and synonyms for the word of the day today are detailed below.
Word of the Day for School Assembly 30 August 2023Word of the Day for School Assembly 30 August 2023

Word of the Day for School Assembly 30 August 2023: Students must invest a few moments each day and watch how it positively impacts their language proficiency over time. Today’s word is “Articulate” which simply means being able to express yourself clearly and effectively in a way that others can understand. It is a valuable skill that enhances communication and contributes to academic and professional success.

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Word of the Day for School Assembly 30 August 2023: Articulate

Below students can check out the word of the day, for 30 August 2023 along with its meaning, example, synonym, and antonyms.

Meaning, Example, Antonyms, and Synonyms for Word of the Day Today


The word ‘Articulate’ means expressing oneself clearly and fluently, both verbally and in writing, with the ability to convey complex ideas effectively.


Coherent, Eloquent, Expressive, Fluent, Well-Spoken, Clear, Comprehensible, Definite, Distinct, Intelligible, Lucid, Meaningful, Understandable


Inarticulate, Hesitant, Muttering, Unvocal, Ineloquent, Stumbling, Sputtering, Faltering, Halting, Mumbling, Mute, Stuttering


Being articulate enables students to express their thoughts and ideas in a concise and organized manner. This improves their ability to participate in classroom discussions, contribute to group projects, and defend their viewpoints. Articulate students are also more likely to excel in oral presentations or debates, as they can effectively present their ideas to an audience. When students are articulate, they can convey complex concepts and engage in meaningful discussions with their peers and teachers.

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