Which B-Schools to expect for 85 to 95 percentile in XAT 2025?

Mahima Gupta

Updated On: January 17, 2025 04:48 PM

Secured between 85 to 95 percentile? Here's a list of the participating B-Schools to expect for 85 to 95 percentile in XAT 2025. The institutes list along with their cutoff is provided as per previous trends.
Which B-Schools to expect for 85 to 95 percentile in XAT 2025?Which B-Schools to expect for 85 to 95 percentile in XAT 2025?

B-Schools for 85 to 95 percentile in XAT 2025: Achieving a score between 85 and 95 percentiles in XAT is a significant accomplishment, and candidates can anticipate receiving calls from several prestigious B-schools in India. The schools that candidates may gain admission to within this percentile range include XIMB Bhubaneswar, IMT Ghaziabad, IMI New Delhi, FORE School of Management, and KJ Somaiya, among others. While the leading programs at XLRI may demand a higher percentile, those achieving between 85 and 95 percentiles can expect call invitations for either the General Management program or the Human Resource Management program.

Which B-Schools to expect for 85 to 95 percentile in XAT 2025?

Have you scored 85 to 95 percentile in XAT 2025, then check out the expected B-Schools to attain MBS admission for the current academic year.

Name of the Institute

Expected XAT Cut Off Percentile

Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneshwar

95+ percentile

IMT Ghaziabad

90 to 95 percentile

IMI, New Delhi

88 to 90 percentile

FORE School of Management

85 to 88 percentile

KJ Somaiya

85 to 88 percentile

Goa Institute of Management

85 to 87 percentile

Amrita School of Business, Coimbatore

83 to 85 percentile

Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai

83 to 85 percentile

IRMA Anand

82 to 85 percentile

Additional B-schools that may be accessible to candidates within this percentile range include the Goa Institute of Management, Amrita School of Business in Coimbatore, Great Lakes Institute of Management in Chennai, and IRMA Anand. It is crucial to understand that admission to these institutions consists of multiple stages, which include group discussions, personal interviews, and written ability tests. Hence, candidates should prepare extensively for these processes to enhance their likelihood of selection.

XAT Expected Cutoff 2025 |

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