XAT Unofficial Answer Key 2023: On January 08, 2023, XLRI conducted Xavier’s Aptitude Test (XAT) for 2023-25 admissions. The test was conducted from 2 PM to 5:30 PM as a computer-based test. Given the same, the question paper copy remains the same but taking inputs from the students, multiple reliable coaching institutes prepare the question papers and their answer keys. This page will provide links to these answer keys to compare and thus allowing the candidates to better estimate their XAT score 2023.
There were 105 questions and three parts in XAT 2023 question paper. Part 1 was for 175 minutes having three sub-sections; Part 2 was Mock Keyboard Testing for 5 minutes; and Part 3 was for 30 minutes having two sub-sections. The marking scheme for all sections is the same, except General Knowledge (Part 3 sub-section) which has no negative marking. One mark will be awarded for each correct answer. 0.25 marks will be deducted for every incorrect answer and 0.10 marks will be deducted for each unattempted question after 8 unattempted questions.
XAT Unofficial Answer Key 2023
The unofficial XAT answer key 2023 has been attached here in PDF format. Candidates can refer to the same to predict their scores.
XAT Exam Analysis and Question Paper 2023
The difficulty level of the XAT 2023 question paper affects the cutoff value and thus, affects many other aspects of the results and admission. A detailed analysis of XAT 2023 paper made by the experts, while also considering the reviews of the students, has been done and can be checked through the link added below. Also, find the link to download XAT 2023 question paper below:
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