Dear student, the online application form link for admission into various courses offered by Bharatiya Mahavidyalaya Amravati including MA English is still active on the official website of the institute. However, due to some errors on the website, we cannot get hold of the detailed MA English admission schedule for the academic session 2020-22 of Bharatiya Mahavidyalaya Amravati. You are requested to visit the official website of the institution and try to apply for admission into the MA English programme offered by Bharatiya Mahavidyalaya Amravati. To find out the detailed admission schedule and last date to submit the admission fee, you can contact the institute officials with the help of the contact details provided below -
Tel - 0721-2673283
Email -
1sem,2nd sem, 3rd sem 4th sem,question paper
Is it possible to pursue MA in English without having the subject in graduation?
What is the eligibility criteria to apply for MA English admission at Jyoti Nivas College Bangalore?