There is only one course offered to the candidates at Matrusri Engineering College at the undergraduate level i.e. BE/B.Tech. There are various specialisations in which the course is offered such as Civil Engineering, Computer Science Engineering, CSE Data Science, Information Technology and more. The course is offered for the duration of 4 years to the candidates. The college accepts TS EAMCET entrance exam for providing admission to the courses. For more information regarding the admission process and fee structure, interested candidates must visit our official website. As per RECS TS EAMCET cutoff 2022, 114226 was the last rank for admission to B.Tech courses. So it is possible for you to get a seat at the college.
Addmission ke liye jee mains mein kitna marks chahiye OBC ke liye
General mey jee mains part 1 mey 98 percetile sey admission mil sakta hai