Dear student, although no information regarding whether or not the MSW admission process at Government First Degree College Udupi has concluded for the academic year 2020-21, it seems that the MSW aspirants have to wait until the release of the admission application form for the academic year 2021-22 to apply for admission. We presume that the institution has closed its intake process for the current academic year because it has already conducted the PG orientation programme for the new entrants for the academic year 2020-21. However, we always encourage the students to check on their own in cases as sensitive as admissions. Given below are the contact details of the institute officials from where you can resolve all your queries regarding the admission process -
Ph - 0820-2583275
Email -
In case you want to look for some extra options, you can click on this link - Common Application Form and find out those MSW colleges where you can apply for admission today. For more details regarding the MSW admission process through our CAF, kindly dial - 18005729877 and talk to our counsellors.
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