How do I enroll for UG in BA Mass Communication in this college?

- SamyakUpdated On July 21, 2020 02:05 PM

Dear Student,

Admission to the institute is done on the basis of the XIC OET exam. 

n view of the prevailing situation in the country caused by the Covid 19 Virus and keeping in mind your travel and safety issues, the management has decided to opt for conducting the OET from home (from wherever you are located).

The procedure for this is very simple. You continue to register online and select the date on which you wish to give the test and click on the centre for that date. You will be allocated the date and session timings.

The centre now is just a formality that needs to be completed for grouping. The date on which you want to give the test is important. You will be now attempting the test from your location; you need not travel or come to any centre.

On the date and time that is mentioned in your admit card, 10 minutes prior to the test we will share the password and login details with you via email. Please do check your SPAM/JUNK folder in case you do not receive the email in your Inbox.

You will have to login and start the test immediately on receiving the login information. Access to the test will not be available 10 minutes past the start time of your allocated time slot.

You need to login using the password and give the 90 minutes test. The content of the 90 minutes test and how it goes has been explained to you in the admission procedures and the same is already mentioned on the admit cards.

Once you start, you will have to complete the test in 90 minutes. No additional time will be given to you. After you complete the entire 90 minutes test you will intimated on the screen whether you have cleared for the next level. If you have qualified, we will share the details for the skype interview and time via email within 48 hours of the OET.

The interview now will NOT be conducted on the same day.

System Requirement for Online Test:
Make sure that you have a PC or Laptop with the latest Google Chrome version installed. Also, ensure that you are on a good internet connection during the entire duration of the test.

The procedure related to the OET and skype interviews are as per this notification above and overrides what is mentioned below in the Standard Procedure.

To know more about Mass Communication admissions and colleges offering the same fill out our common application form and our education experts will guide you through the entire admission process. If you have any questions, you can avail FREE counselling by calling on our tollfree number 1800-572-9877.

- Simran SainiAnswered on July 21, 2020 02:05 PM
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