How much do a twfs student has to pay per semester and if the student leave the college in the middle of the semester do the student has to pay fees for the rest of the semester?

- Sweta patelUpdated On September 04, 2023 04:19 PM

Dear Sweta, the tuition fee for a TWFS student at Apollo Institute of Engineering and Technology Ahmedabad is Rs 55,000 per semester. If a student leaves the college in the middle of the semester, they will still have to pay the full semester's tuition fee. This is because the college has already incurred costs for the student's admission, registration, and other services. However, the student may be eligible for a refund of some of the fees if they can provide a valid reason for leaving the college. The refund amount will be decided by the college on a case-by-case basis.

- AdityaAnswered on September 04, 2023 04:19 PM
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