Dear student, the official site of Maharaja Singh College Saharanpur is currently under maintenance. Thus, we could not procure any information regarding the M.Sc Botany admission process of MSC Saharanpur. Also, there is no official information regarding how much is the annual M.Sc Botany course fee at the institute. You have to either wait until the official website of Maharaj Singh College Saharanpur is back and running or you can choose not to waste your precious time and start looking for alternatives. To find out which colleges have already started their M.Sc Botany admission process for the current academic year, kindly visit this link - CollegeDekho CAF. Through this link, you will find out the name of those colleges that offer M.Sc Botany. After shortlisting an institute, you can apply for admission directly through the same application form. For more details regarding the admission process, application process, annual course fee structure of an institution etc, kindly call 18005729877 and our counsellors will resolve all your queries.
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