Dear student,
B.Tech admissions at Malla Reddy Engineering College are based on TS EAMCET scores. The TS EAMCET cutoff 2023 hasn’t been released yet. So based on the previous year cutoff trends, the expected cutoff ranks 2023 for B.Tech in CSE-Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning ranges from 21473-21476. As your rank is 87409, there are chances you won't get a seat for B.Tech in CSE-Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. However, you might get a seat for B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering as the expected cutoff ranks range from 96782-96784.
TS POLYCET Registrations starting date please
I am staying in Gujarat for more than 25 years & want details on GUJCET
Can I take direct admission in BCA after passing 12th?
Addmission ke liye jee mains mein kitna marks chahiye OBC ke liye