What is the last date of BCA course?AndWhat is the fees structure of BCA in GIM ?

- Tamanna SultanaUpdated On October 05, 2023 05:50 PM

Dear student,

The Gitaram Institute of Management does offer BCA programme for its students. Bachelor of Computer Application is a three-year programme which is divided into six semesters. To be eligible for admission to the BCA course at the Gitaram Institute of Management, students need to pass Class 12 with English and Mathematics subjects from a recognised college or school. The fees for BCA at Gitaram Institute of Management is approximately between Rs 95,000 to Rs 3,50,000 for the complete course. The BCA application for 2023 is currently ongoing in online mode. The college has not mentioned a last date. For the latest updates on the last date for admission, keep an eye on our website.

If you have any queries, feel free to ask them here. Thank you.

- Ashish AdityaAnswered on October 05, 2023 05:50 PM
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