When will admissions start at LN Nursing College Bhopal?

- mamta patelUpdated On August 06, 2020 08:36 AM

Dear Student,

No information has been published by the college regarding admissions at LN Nursing College. You can contact the admissions office at the helping provided by the 7440777222, 7428060900 or 7428070900.

If you are interested in pursuing a Nursing programme, then fill out the Common Application Form and receive help from our counsellors who can help you choose the right college and course, according to your needs and choices. You can also call on our Toll-Free Number at 1800-572-9877 and avail FREE counselling services regarding admissions.

- Cyril Titus ZachariahAnswered on August 06, 2020 08:36 AM
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