Dear student,
Which is the best option after 10th - whether Arts, Science or Commerce is a question that you alone can decide. There are psychometric tests that can assess your best interests if you are unable to do so by yourself. We can also help you pick the best option for you. Ask yourself the following questions:
Having said this, ultimately, every individual has aspirations - either to be the best in whatever your do & get reputation OR make lots & lots of money. What is more fulfiling for you?
Logistically speaking, in the given age & time, apart for a few core subjects, the money you make will be similar. What we are trying to say is that, don't get coerced into doing something that your parents & family wants or something that your neighbour or a relative has done. Their core skills could be different. Just because they have been a successful engineer or doctor or CA, doesnt mean you will too. You could end up being the best lawyer or the best deisgner that anyone has ever seen, rather than being a mediocre engineer or doctor or CA. Choose something that you are passionate about and feel will keep you engaged lin the ong term. If you pick up a field that doesnt give you joy, you will anyways not be able to sustain it for too long. Hope this helps.
If you want to speak to a counsellor for free, you can write to or call at 1800-572-9877, so that career experts can guide you better. Good luck!
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