AP TET 2022 Last Minute Preparation Tips

Deepansh Sharma

Updated On: August 02, 2022 05:23 PM | APTET

As the APTET exam is just around the corners, the candidates who will be appearing for the exam might be seeking for some last minutes preparation tips, which can help them boost their scores to a good level. Here, we are to serve the cause.

Last minute preparation tips for APTET 2022

AP TET Last Minute preparation tips 2022 : Andhra Pradesh State Teacher Eligibility Test, abbreviated as APTET, is scheduled from August 06, 2022 to August 21, 2022. The admit cards have been released by the exam conducting authority so, it's just about a few days left when the aspirants will be sitting in the examination hall, trying every possible maneuver to qualify the APTET 2022 exam. We have gathered some data to aid your preparations and are presenting before you the APTET last minute preparation tips article. This will definitely help you to feel confident and may increase the chances of your selection.

APTET 2022 is administered by the Department of School Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh. This test is conducted to shortlist the candidates for the position of teacher (from Class I to Class VIII) at all schools (Government/ZP/ MP/ Municipal/ Recognized Private Aided & Private Unaided, etc.) in Andhra Pradesh State. This year, the exam has gained some popularity as the number of applicants for this year’s APTET are more in number than what it used to be earlier.

The DSC has also uploaded the AP TET mock test 2022 on the official website. Due to the high number of applications, APTET 2022 is being conducted within a span of 12 days. To guide your way in clearing the exam, we have laid forward some last minute preparation tips. Follow them to score better.

Also Check - AP TET 2022 Admit Card Download Direct Link

AP TET Last Minute Preparation Tips

The points mentioned below are properly curated and should be followed by candidates to add a final major touch to their AP TET exam preparation.

  1. Perform the Mock Test in a Single Stretch

Try to complete the mock exams in a row, without taking a break, and at the scheduled time of the AP TET exam, as this will help you develop a biological clock. Following this notion would be quite advantageous on exam day.

  1. Emphasize your strengths while nurturing your weaknesses.

Instead of stressing over the left or weak subjects, try to focus on your strong aspects. The weak topics can be cultivated so that you have a basic comprehension of them and can attempt some questions from these areas in the AP TET 2022 exam. You should not be concerned with concepts that you are unfamiliar with. In fact, you should be confident in your strong subjects because AP TET is an eligibility test and you must score the qualifying marks rather than 100 percent.

  1. Examine the Mock Exams

The task is not completed just by passing the practice tests. Examine the mock tests and correct any errors by reviewing the fundamental topics. You may discover the fields where you make mistakes while evaluating the sample tests. Candidates do make dumb mistakes while conducting calculations; therefore, reviewing the mock examinations can help you recognise these mistakes, and you will be more cautious the next time you attempt the questions.

  1. Devote additional time to practise portions with higher weightage.

Concentrate on the topics that will carry the most weight in the AP TET 2022 exam. This increases your chances of scoring higher on the exam.

  1. Get Enough Sleep

Make sure to get enough sleep and rest while preparing for AP TET 2022. Proper sleep aids in the retention of what we learn. Second, depriving your body of good rest may cause you to become ill, which is almost costly at this critical moment, so please give your body adequate pauses and relaxation. You should also exercise on a regular basis to maintain your body active and fit, as a sound mind is supposed to rest in a sound body.

  1. Time Management is Essential

These days, governmental examinations are extremely competitive. The syllabus is complex, however the time allocated to complete the paper is rather limited. This requires applicants to respond quickly and accurately while solving the paper. As a result, time management is critical in such exams. As a result, applicants should not devote much time to questions that are lengthy or difficult. Candidates are recommended to begin with the easiest and least time-consuming questions. During the exam, remain cool and confident.

  1. Make use of the advantages of the marking scheme

There is no negative marking in the APTET 2022 exam, so try to answer all of the questions. However, be certain that the questions you are aware of are addressed first and with caution.

  1. Go through the topics you’ve already studied:

With barely a week left for the AP TET exam 2022, applicants are encouraged to review previously learned topics and avoid learning anything new. A better method would be to start with the things you studied the most recently and revise in the same order.

  1. Avoid introducing any new topics.

This point supplements tip number one. With only a few days until the exam, adding new topics would add extra stress, which would reduce your productivity and, ultimately, your chances of passing the exam. So be confident in what you've learned so far and revise it.

What not to do in AP TET Last Month Preparation?

1.Do not be concerned - In the final minutes, breaks are beneficial. You will spoil everything if you exhaust yourself or become agitated during the end time.

2.Take care of your health - Maintain your health by eating a well-balanced diet to avoid feeling ill or tired during the exams. Your every effort will go in vain, if you fall ill.

3. Avoid studying for long hours - Many students will study till the early morning hours before their exams. Candidates frequently study for unusually long lengths of time, far exceeding the time allotted. This is an erroneous method. Candidates should get ample amount of rest before the exam to perform productively. Otherwise, they won’t be able to score as per their efficiency. Candidates should have a well-balanced diet and should also exercise regularly, in addition to receiving enough rest and sleep.

4. Avoid distractions and be confident in your own spirits - Don't add new themes at the last minute. It might make you nervous, so stick to the topics you've already learned and have faith in yourself.

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