How To Prepare for CLAT in 6 Months: Ultimate Study Plan for CLAT 2025

Rajneesh Shukla

Updated On: June 26, 2024 01:10 pm IST | CLAT

To prepare for CLAT in 6 months, you must start by deeply understanding the latest syllabus & exam pattern along with solving past question papers & mock tests, focusing on weaker areas & taking help from experts. Making short notes of important topics plus timed practice of mock tests also helps.
CLAT 6 Months Preparation Strategy

Are you wondering about CLAT 6 Months Preparation Strategy ? It's almost 6 months left to prepare for CLAT 2025 and if you are confused, scared and not fully prepared then it’s easily understandable and we are here to help you at each step of the way.

To get ready for CLAT 2025 in a short time of only 6 months, you need to use your strategy and be consistent. Begin by understanding the latest exam syllabus and pattern completely along with full knowledge of the sectional weightage of the exam. Create a good study plan that includes all subjects equally in a timetable, dividing the syllabus into parts that can be handled easily. Look for the best study material that is specifically designed for CLAT exam preparation , such as guides, mock tests and resources available online.

You can best prepare by frequently giving CLAT mock tests and solving past year question papers to become familiar with the exam pattern and enhance your time management abilities with timed practise. Additionally, read well-known newspapers like The Hindu or The Indian Express every day and make small notes on significant events to improve your general knowledge.

Locate and improve your weak points through mock tests. Simplify every concept through proper understanding and solving along with asking questions from friends or teachers to make sure you understand everything correctly. Give enough time for revisions so that what is learned can be kept in memory. Maintain enthusiasm, keep a record of your advancement throughout your CLAT 6 months preparation journey, and give yourself a treat when you reach certain points in your preparation.

This article will help you to chalk out a month-wise preparation strategy for CLAT 2025 along with mentioning all the important topics from each section of the Common Law Admission Test exam to assist you in quicker yet effective preparation for CLAT in 6 months.

Also Read: Best Books for CLAT Preparation 2025

Month-wise Study Plan for CLAT 2025: 6 Months Preparation Strategy Summary

Here’s the summary of CLAT study plan for 6 months preparation to give you an idea to structure your entire six months strategy for the upcoming CLAT 2025:


CLAT 6 Months Preparation Strategy

Month 1

Focus: Solidify the understanding of the CLAT exam pattern, syllabus, and important topics.


- Thoroughly review the CLAT exam pattern and syllabus.

- Identify your strengths and weaknesses across the 5 sections (English, Logical Reasoning, Legal Reasoning, GK & Current Affairs, Quantitative Techniques).

- Create a detailed study plan allocating time for each subject based on your preparation needs.

- Start building a strong foundation in English language skills (grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension).

- Begin practicing Logical Reasoning questions to develop critical thinking abilities.

Month 2

Focus: Strengthen your conceptual understanding and start practicing questions.


- Dive deeper into the Legal Reasoning section by understanding key legal concepts, principles, and reasoning techniques.

- Continue improving your English language skills through extensive reading and practice.

- Regularly practice Logical Reasoning questions to enhance your problem-solving abilities.

- Start preparing for the GK & Current Affairs section by reading newspapers, magazines, and online resources daily.

- Revise the Quantitative Techniques section, focusing on strengthening your math skills and practicing sample questions.

Month 3

Focus: Strengthen your preparation and start taking mock tests.


- Regularly attempt full-length CLAT mock tests to assess your overall performance and identify areas for improvement.

- Review your mock test results thoroughly, analyze your mistakes, and create a targeted revision plan.

- Continue strengthening your English language skills, Legal Reasoning, and Logical Reasoning abilities through consistent practice.

- Stay updated with current affairs by reading newspapers and online news sources daily.

- Revise the Quantitative Techniques section and practice sample questions regularly.

Month 4

Focus: Refine your preparation and work on your weaknesses.


- Identify your weakest areas based on your mock test performance and dedicate more time to improving those sections.

- Continue taking regular CLAT mock tests and analyze your progress to fine-tune your preparation strategy.

- Maintain your focus on English language skills, Legal Reasoning, and Logical Reasoning through targeted practice.

- Stay updated with current affairs and revise the GK & Current Affairs section thoroughly.

- Regularly practice Quantitative Techniques questions to enhance your speed and accuracy.

Month 5

Focus: Revise daily, do more mock tests/ sample papers, and work on time management.


- Take more CLAT mock tests under strict time constraints to improve your time management skills.

- Review your mock test performance and identify any remaining weaknesses to address them effectively.

- Revise all the subjects thoroughly, focusing on your problem areas and ensuring a strong conceptual understanding.

- Continue reading newspapers and staying updated with current affairs to maintain your GK level.

- Practice Quantitative Techniques questions to further enhance your speed and accuracy.

Month 6

Focus: Final revision and robust exam preparation.


- Take a few more CLAT mock tests to assess your overall preparedness and identify any last-minute areas for improvement.

- Revise all the subjects comprehensively, focusing on the most important topics and concepts.

- Refine your time management skills by practicing sample papers under strict time constraints.

- Maintain your daily routine of reading newspapers and staying updated with current affairs.

- Ensure you are well-rested and mentally prepared for the CLAT exam.

CLAT 6 Months Preparation Strategy Phase 1 (June and July)

Here’s how you will prepare for CLAT 2025 in 6 months, focusing on the first phase of June and July 2024:

Building a Strong Foundation

Almost 6 months are remaining for the CLAT 2025 exam that will happen on December 1, 2024. It is important to create a study plan in an organised manner. In this stage of two months, from June to July, you must focus on gaining solid theoretical knowledge in every subject area.

Create a CLAT Phase 1 Study Plan

Make a study timetable for each week and month, giving fixed time to every subject and topic. Try studying 7-8 hours daily with an hour break after every two hours of studying. Use the breaks to listen to music, watch videos or just rest.

Thorough Study of Theory and Solving Practice/ Mock Question Papers

Now, in this first phase of CLAT exam preparation, your main goal is to comprehend the theoretical parts of every subject. You should immerse yourself thoroughly in the CLAT 2025 syllabus and begin solving practice questions to strengthen your comprehension.

Make Reading a Priority

It’s very important to read newspapers, periodicals, and magazines daily for at least an hour to strengthen your English language skills along with getting you ready with the General Knowledge section of the exam by keeping you abreast about the current ongoings of the world.

Solve Mock Tests Daily

Start practising at least 8 mock tests/ sample papers in a week for the first phase of your CLAT 2025 preparation. Solving these mock tests and sample papers will help you identify your shortcomings, and correct them along with boosting your time management abilities in the actual exam.

Prepare for Quantitative Techniques

Start getting ready for the Quantitative Techniques section by reviewing significant maths ideas from the Class 10 level. Solve some practice questions to enhance your ability to deal with problems.

Cover Left Out General Knowledge (GK)

In the beginning phase, you can handle any GK backlogs and build your base in this area. Read newspapers, magazines and online things to keep up with what is happening today.

Practice English and Logical Reasoning Section

Give enough practice time for Logical Reasoning and English questions. Get to know the different question types well, and make regular practice a habit to enhance your speed and precision.

By applying this complete strategy for the initial phase of your preparation, you are able to establish a solid base and create opportunities for more intense practice in the upcoming months. Keep concentrated, committed and steadfast in your actions.

CLAT 6 Months Preparation Strategy Phase 2 (August and September)

Once you enter phase 2 of your preparation, your focus should be on intensive practice and strengthening your problem-solving skills. Here are the tips that will help you in this phase of your 6 months CLAT preparation:

Solve 25 - 30 Passages Each Week

You must start practising at least 25 - 30 passages per week to strengthen various sections of the exam: English Comprehension, Logical Reasoning, and Legal Reasoning. Solving this much passages in a week will increase your critical understanding ability, thus, allowing you to quickly read passages, make correct inferences, and answer related MCQs with precision. Even if the CLAT 2025 entails a difficult passage then also you will be able to crack it with ease if you diligently follow this tip in the second phase of your exam preparation.

Focus on Quantitative Aptitude Practise

After completing the theory, you can begin with data interpretation questions connected to those particular topics. Be certain that, by this time, the concepts of arithmetic chapters which could be utilised for data interpretation are clear in your head. If you don't finish the theoretical chapters before September, you will feel pressured and might find it difficult to study efficiently.

Analysis of Mock Test Performance

Spend at least 1.5 hours analysing your performance in each of the mock tests and identify your weaknesses then take corrective action. This will help you to eliminate your weaker areas and improve your time management skills.

Revision of GK and Current Affairs

To best revise GK and current affairs section of CLAT 2025, you should follow the below mentioned points:
  • Always read sources such as The Hindu, The Indian Express, and India Today to keep track of recent happenings.
  • Keep a special notebook or digital document for important current affairs, facts, figures and significant events.
  • Plan revision times often to go through your notes, concentrating on news from local and global areas, changes in law, and important cases.
  • Look into websites and applications that offer brief or regular news updates, as well as questionnaires to enhance your information.

Work on Your Weaker Areas

Dedicate more time to make weak areas strong by going through and understanding any mistakes made in practice sessions. Moreover, you can talk about and clarify weak spots with mentors or teachers and review important subjects like syllogism, blood relations, coding-decoding, clocks, and puzzles to enhance performance.

Also, you must devote at least 6 hours to work on your weaker areas of the CLAT 2025 exam. This time must be equally divided between all the 6 sections of the exam, however, there can be flexibility in time devoted to any one section as per the gravity of your weaknesses in that section.

Increase the Frequency of Mock Tests Practising

In the first phase of CLAT 2025 six months preparation, you started off with solving 8 mock tests per week. But for Phase 2 preparation, you will amp up the practising of mock papers; solving 13 - 14 mock tests under timed conditions in a week. This practice will increase your knowledge, improve your memory, enhance your retention capacity, and help you in rectification of any errors OR weak spots.

Also, remember that each mock test should follow a detailed review session to scrape out all your mistakes and weaknesses in order to correct them to increase your chances of scoring very high marks in CLAT 2025.

Solve Previous 5 Years’ CLAT Question Papers

By the end of September, you must aim to solve previous five years' question papers of the CLAT exam. This will allow you to know all the important topics with the help of repeating a number of questions in each paper from each section of the exam. Additionally, you can assess the difficulty level of each past question paper of the exam to give you an idea about the difficulty level of the upcoming Common Law Admission Test.

To sum it up, following this practice will help you gauge the essence of types of questions asked in the actual exam and further mould your study plan for CLAT 2025 to achieve success in the exam.

CLAT 6 Months Preparation Strategy Phase 3 (October till CLAT 2025 Exam)

In this section, we will discuss the final leg i.e. Phase 3 of your CLAT 2025 preparation. For the last two months or so before the exam, you should accelerate on aspects like revisions, solving lots of mock tests, reading your short notes, clarifying remaining doubts, and practising calculations to quickly solve quantitative problems. Here’s how your phase 3 CLAT preparation will look like:

Practise More Mock Tests

In the final phase of preparation, you should increase your frequency of solving mock papers/ sample papers. Solve at least 15 - 18 mock papers in a week for phase 3 of your exam preparation. This will help you keep your knowledge fresh, boost your confidence, and will help you retain concepts in the best way possible.

Continued Revision of GK and Current Affairs

Devote at least 2 - 3 hours to revise your knowledge of GK and current affairs by doing the following things:
  • Daily read newspapers and magazines, prefer articles that are considered to be good sources for preparing for CLAT syllabus.
  • Check top online news portals and websites like The Hindu and Times of India
  • Skim and scan headlines, summaries, and articles to determine if they are related to the topic at hand.
  • Carefully analyse the chosen articles in order to read between the lines and grasp the context and possible implications of the information being presented.
  • Take abbreviated or summarised accounts of key pointers, dates, locations, people concerned, and nub of the topic.
  • Then, you should sort the notes either with the help of electronic note-taking applications or good old paper notebooks divided into sections, such as International Affairs, National News, Environment, etc.
  • Employ the use of editorials and opinion articles to better grasp various opinions in society. This also assists in the enhancement of critical analysis and development of arguments.
  • Try using some sort of system such as mind maps or flashcards to help you revise the notes over and over again.
  • Revise all the topics that are covered in the Monthly Current Affairs Compendium and revise the whole month’s affairs in detail.
  • Utilise mnemonics when studying and when trying to recall facts, dates and concepts concerning various aspects of GK.
  • Prepare illustrations such as mind maps or flowcharts in analysing and reviewing the CLAT current affairs topics.
  • Ensure to get new information that is current on the day of the exam.
  • Participate in group debates or study sessions with fellow students in order to share views on important events to improve your general knowledge.

Keep Working on Your Weak Areas

Dedicate at least 50% of your study time to working on your weak areas. Clarify your weak points with experts and mentors. Discuss with your friends to get more clarity on certain points. Once all your points are cleared, try solving 2 - 3 mock tests and check if there are no more bottlenecks and you assess your performance based on how much you’ve scored in sections that you are not so good at. If you start scoring well in sections that you were weak in then you can be rest assured that you are getting better in those sections and that you have converted your weaknesses into strengths.

Strengthen Your Quantitative Techniques Section

Master your own tricks and shortcuts for solving mathematical problems in the Quantitative Techniques section so that you have more time to attend to other areas of the test. Here are the important points that you should follow to best improve your Quantitative Aptitude section of the CLAT exam in phase 3 preparation:
  • Make sure you have grasped concepts in percentages, ratios, proportions, basic algebra, geometry and other fundamentals. You can also refer to your Class 8-10 textbooks if you have any doubts.
  • One important aspect to note about this section is that practice is crucial and should be done on a regular basis. Devote a minimum of an hour each day to practise and integrate it into your schedule as frequently as possible.
  • Find out special tricks in order to minimise time taken while solving mathematical problems. It will assist you as you move to other questions during the exam and avoid confusion.
  • Reduce big issues into more manageable subtasks. This will make them easier to solve and they will also be less likely to have errors when completing the solutions.
  • Make sure that there is a clear understanding of what is desired from a particular problem before solving it. That way, you will not be making any errors and your answer will be to the point.
  • Oftentimes, it is more effective to provide an estimation of the answer rather than performing a professional numerical calculation. This method can be used to work faster, but still score a good grade.
  • Search for repetitions and try to find some symmetric shapes to use a shortcut. This can help you to solve some of the issues that arise more effectively.
  • If you are still confused, it is okay to use the best guess that is provided in the choices. This can increase your chances of avoiding negative marking from the number of wrong answers you provide.

Smart Revision for Legal and Logical Reasoning Sections

Here are some important points to help you smartly revise the legal and logical reasoning sections of the CLAT 2025:

Logical Reasoning

  • Regularly practise statement-based and paradox questions.
  • Focus on improving logical reasoning skills by solving more complex problems.
  • Continue with mock tests and focus on accuracy.
  • Practice with increased difficulty and analyse performance.
  • Tackle more challenging logical reasoning problems.
  • Practice with advanced logical reasoning exercises.
  • Practice identifying patterns, making deductions, and drawing valid conclusions from given information in logical reasoning.

Legal Reasoning

  • Study legal principles and precedents by reading case studies and landmark judgments. You can begin this practice in phase 1 itself, and for phase 3, you can revise all the important legal case studies and important judgements.
  • Practice applying legal principles to hypothetical scenarios to enhance analytical and reasoning skills.
  • Practise legal reasoning exercises regularly along with solving mock papers to get better at it each time along with rectifying any errors and clearing doubts (if any).
  • Regular mock test solving will also increase your speed and accuracy in legal passage reading and solving, equipping you to manage time very effectively during the actual exam.
  • Solve complex questions and full-length mock tests.
  • Focus on advanced legal reasoning skills.

Strengthen the English Comprehension Section

Here are some useful tips for phase 3 of the CLAT exam that if incorporated will help you achieve very good results in this section of the exam:
  • Solve the previous year’s reading comprehension questions to improve the skills.
  • Choose answers selectively and after a proper understanding of the passage.
  • Try to read articles, magazines, journals, fiction and non-fiction books from time to time in order to enhance the speed and comprehension of the text.
  • Solve mock tests and sample papers while also doing the following things:
  • Determine the purpose, argument, tone, and mood of passages.
  • Read passages and sum up to get an overall idea and background.
  • Read passages from the author’s point of view instead of reading what is not written.
  • It is always essential to try to put yourself in the place of the writer and to comprehend which historical, social or personal conditions prevailed at the time of writing.
  • Your reading techniques for a passage should include asking questions, underlying concepts, and noting down the key points to help one understand the passage.
  • Determine what key terms and phrases lead to reliable answers to questions.
  • Your grammar practice should include things such as tenses, subject-verb agreements, prepositions, articles, sentences and many more.
  • Check for syntax and grammar mistakes in the sentences.
  • Review at least 20 new words per day. Get to understand the root words, prefixes, and suffixes as they will help you with your lexical resources.
  • CLAT passages will use complex English words for comprehension so it is advisable to invest in a good dictionary.

Short Notes Revision

At this point, you should take at least 6 hours daily to revise from short notes that you created for all the important topics from each section of the CLAT 2025 exam. Short note revision will help you in quickly recalling all the crucial topics from every section of the exam, thus, saving your time and increasing your chances of scoring high marks in the upcoming exam.

Also Read: CLAT Toppers Preparation Tips

To prepare for CLAT in six months the right approach must be followed. In this case, you should make a study timetable that puts emphasis on learning, practice, and current events. Spend an hour each day reading newspapers, magazines, and periodicals to excel in the subject of English and Current Affairs. Complete weekly mock assessments, moving to biweekly, and review them carefully for assessment of weak points. Concentrate on the parts which are challenging for you, eat healthily, and keep yourself as motivated as possible. This detail-oriented approach will allow you to address all the relevant issues and get the highest score in the CLAT 2025 exam.

For more latest updates on CLAT 2025 Preparation, stay tuned to CollegeDekho . Also, for any query head to our QnA Zone or fill out our Common Application Form .

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How do I balance school and CLAT preparation?

For managing school and CLAT UG preparation, pay attention to your studies and set aside certain hours for CLAT. Employ good time management methods like Pomodoro technique - work in concentrated 25-minutes slots then take 5 minutes off. This balances focus with relaxation to lessen pressure. Also, keep a good lifestyle by having sufficient sleep and doing exercise often to remain energetic and excited.

What is the role of logical reasoning in CLAT UG?

It tests your skill to analyse and solve problems by finding patterns, making logical links, and reaching conclusions. Regularly doing exercises helps improve your ability to solve problems. Paying attention to both theory and application of logical reasoning is very important for doing well in this section.

How do I prepare for CLAT Quantitative Techniques?

For CLAT Quantitative Techniques, work on basic mathematics until Class 10. Revise the fundamentals like algebra, geometry and number systems. Utilise internet sources and take practice tests to enhance your quickness as well as precision. Moreover, attempt last year's papers as well as mock tests to measure your performance and locate weak spots.

How do I cover general knowledge backlogs for CLAT?

To handle general knowledge backlogs for CLAT, continue reading newspapers and working on GK questions. Give attention to recent happenings, national and worldwide news, as well as crucial dates. Utilise internet resources such as news websites, GK applications and online quizzes for keeping track of things. Attempt GK questions from the past year's papers and sample tests to discover areas that need development.

What are the key legal provisions to focus on for CLAT?

For CLAT Legal Reasoning, concentrate on notable laws such as constitutional law, criminal law and contract law. Study and highlight alterations in amendments and bills. Get to know the legal provisions linked with each law subject area. To improve your understanding and application of legal concepts, you should practise answering legal reasoning questions and study case laws. This will assist you in obtaining the highest possible marks in the Legal Reasoning section of your exam.

How do I optimise my study resources for CLAT?

Choose the best materials that cover all parts of the syllabus in a thorough manner. Use a mix of textbooks, reference books, online resources and last year's question papers. Quality is more important than quantity; concentrate on grasping ideas instead of rote learning. Keep checking your advancement with the help of trial exams and modify your learning plan as needed to make sure it's working well.

How do I analyse CLAT mock tests in detail?

For the detailed analysis of mocks, you can find areas to improve by comparing your performance with the average. Concentrate on time management, accuracy and question types. Examine each section individually, taking note of strong points and weaknesses. You can make use of this analysis to modify your strategy and practice. It's important for you to review and enhance your approach continually, so that it becomes more effective as time passes by.

What are the key subjects to focus on for CLAT 2025?

For CLAT 2025, the important subjects are legal maxims, quantitative section, English, GK, constitutional law, criminal law and contract law. These subjects are very important for the Legal Reasoning and Quantitative Techniques sections. Knowledge about legal provisions and solving problems related to quantity will help in getting more scores from these sections.

How do I prepare for CLAT in 6 months?

To get ready for CLAT in 6 months, concentrate on the fixed syllabus, revise frequently and take mock exams. Assign particular time for studying each subject and maintain steady advancement. Use good study materials, previous year's papers and internet help to strengthen the learning process. Stay updated with current affairs and practise logical reasoning and legal reasoning exercises.

What is the recommended time to start preparing for CLAT?

You should begin to get ready around 8-9 months prior to the exam. This will give you enough time for understanding the syllabus well, practising regularly and revising as well as enhancing your knowledge adequately. It is also helpful in managing stress and preventing last-minute cramming which could hurt performance.

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