How to Attempt Questions in CLAT UG 2025?

Debanjalee Sen

Updated On: April 26, 2024 06:25 pm IST | CLAT

Reading the questions carefully, applying logic while answering and going through all the alternatives before selecting one etc are some of the ways to attempt questions in CLAT UG 2025.

How to Attempt Questions in CLAT UG?

To score well in the CLAT UG 2025 it is important for the aspirants to attend the questions very carefully by applying logic as well as static knowledge, by reading the questions carefully and going through all the alternatives before selecting one and also by paying attention to the minute changes using which the questions are framed etc.

For each section, there is a strategy that needs to be adopted while attempting questions in CLAT UG 2025.

Read the article given below to understand how to attempt questions in CLAT UG 2025. Get detailed knowledge about section-wise tips that need to be followed while attempting questions in CLAT UG 2025.

CLAT 2025 Highlights

To get a swift view about the CLAT 2025, refer to the highlights mentioned in the table below.



Exam Name

CLAT 2025

Full Form

Common Law Admission Test

Conducting Body

CLAT Consortium

Exam Duration

2 Hours

Exam Date

December 2024

Exam Mode


Exam Eligibility Criteria


Exam Language Medium


Courses Offered

BA LLB , B.Com LLB , BBA LLB , B.Sc LLB , Five-Year Integrated Law Course

Also Read: Top 10 Preparation Tips for Qualifying CLAT 2025

CLAT UG 2025 Question Paper Format

The CLAT 2025 UG format has been revised, and students will have to attempt 150 questions in the CLAT UG exam, having one mark each. Aspirants will have 0.25 marks deducted for each wrong answer.

CLAT UG Subject-Wise Weightage

The CLAT UG 2025 exam is divided into five sections and each of the categories carries a different value. To have a clear idea of the subject-wise division, check the table below:

CLAT UG Exam Section

Total Number of Questions

Weightage (%)

English Language

22-26 questions

Approximately 20%

Quantitative Techniques

10-14 questions

Approximately 10%

Logical Reasoning

22-26 questions

Approximately 20%

Legal Reasoning

28-32 questions

Approximately 25%

Current Affairs, including General Knowledge

28-32 questions

Approximately 25%

How to Attempt Questions in CLAT UG 2025?

The UG-CLAT 2025 would assess candidates' comprehension and reasoning skills and abilities. Overall, it is executed to test aptitude and skills required for a legal education rather than prior knowledge. However, prior knowledge may be useful in answering questions in the Current Affairs section on occasion.

Below we have touched upon the effective strategies for attempting the CLAT UG 2025 exam. The CLAT UG 2025 questions are divided into the five subjects listed below.

  • English Language
  • Logical Reasoning
  • Quantitative Techniques
  • Current Affairs, including General Knowledge
  • Legal Reasoning

English Language

Students will be given passages of approximately 450 words each in this section of the UG-CLAT 2025. These passages will be drawn from contemporary or historically significant fiction and non-fiction writing and will be of a standard that a 12th-grade student could read in about 5-7 minutes.

The following questions will be based on queries designed to test the applicant's comprehension and language skills. While answering the questions, students need to consider the following.

  • Read and understand the passage's main point, as well as any objections or viewpoints discussed or outlined in the passage.
  • Go through the questions before you start reading the passage. Once you take a look at the questions, you will have an idea exactly where from the passage were the questions given.
  • Based on the passage, make inferences and conclusions.
  • Summarize the text.
  • Discuss the various arguments or points of view presented in the passage.
  • Grasp the meaning of the passage's various words and phrases.
  • The sections' contents may range over a variety of technical and scientific subjects, but you don't need to be an expert on them to grasp them.

Skills To Improve

You must work on enhancing the following abilities to master the English Language component of the CLAT 2025 exam:

  • The capacity to understand and evaluate the meaning of passages and make accurate inferences.
  • Write a summary of the passage
  • Compare and contrast the passage's various arguments and points of view.

How to attempt CLAT 2025 English Language questions?

You should keep in mind the following advice when taking the CLAT UG 2025 exam's English Language section:

A passage ought to be read in between five and seven minutes.

A paragraph often begins with a point and is followed by arguments or statements that either support or refute that point.

  • You should make an effort to determine the passage's main message.
  • Once you have identified the main idea, take the passage's useful material and format it as Who, What, Why, When, and Where.
  • Pay close attention to the passage's paragraph structure. Typically, as a paragraph changes, the speaker or point of view being discussed also changes. This will make it simpler for you to locate opposing opinions and arguments when a question requests them. A similar technique can be utilized when using words and phrases like "although," "conversely", and "on the other hand".
  • The majority of vocabulary questions will fall into one of two categories: straightforward definitions and meanings concerning the passage. In either situation, it is advised to read one to two lines before and after the line that contains the word or phrase being questioned. It's crucial so that you can more clearly comprehend the context in which the word is employed.
  • Start answering the questions after reading the passage in the suggested order. Note that you do not need to recall every specific detail from the text, but you should be able to identify its core theme and general organization.
  • Take note of the wording in the questions as you attempt them because they can be quite challenging. For instance, asking "Which of the following is the author likely to agree with" might imply that the author is only agreeing with one choice. On the other hand, a question like "Which of the following is the author likely to most strongly agree with" would suggest that the author is likely to agree with more than one option, but that there is one in particular that the author supports most strongly.
  • Before selecting the appropriate response to a question, make sure to read all four possible answers. Even if you are certain of the solution after reading the first two alternatives, read all the possibilities because there may occasionally be minute phrasing variations between the selections that can result in mistakes.

Tips and Tricks for CLAT 2025 English Language Preparation

Check out some crucial pointers and techniques to master the CLAT 2025 exam's English Language portion preparation:

  • Daily reading of good newspapers such as The Hindu and periodicals is advised, with an emphasis on the editorial page as many passages come from these publications.
  • Discuss the same chapter with your competition. Try to ask each other questions during the discussion such as what the author's major point is, what conclusions may be drawn from the passage, and what arguments might weaken or strengthen the author's arguments in the passage.
  • Any reputable Class 10 grammar book can be used for practice. Classics like Wren and Martin's English Grammar are useful preparation tools.

Current Affairs Including General Knowledge

Candidates will be given passages of up to 450 words each in this section, including excerpts from news articles, journalistic sources, and other nonfiction writing. The questions could include a review of legal information or knowledge discussed in or related to the passage, but they wouldn't require additional legal understanding.

To score well in this section, students should prepare from the following.

  • Read the passage carefully and answer the questions with straightforward solutions.
  • Prepare well in advance about the various aspects of current events and general knowledge and attempt those questions.
  • Prepare for questions on Contemporary events of significance from India and global, arts and culture, International affairs, and Historic events of continuing importance.

Let's look at the highlights of the CLAT syllabus for the current affairs and general knowledge sections first:

  • The paragraphs will be roughly 450 words long.
  • The section will have about seven passages.
  • The texts will be taken from journalism, news, and other non-fiction work.
  • The sections will test your comprehension of important issues and events in depth in addition to your factual knowledge.

In this section, you may be asked the following kinds of questions:

  • Completing any blanks for missing information
  • Determining the reasons behind and effects of the events mentioned in the verses
  • Questions regarding people and occasions connected to the passage's events
  • Questions regarding honors, accolades, and other noteworthy occasions involving the people listed in the passage
  • Questions about legislation and other significant legal occurrences (such as rulings) connected to the passage's events
  • You can also be asked questions about historical details and the relevance of recent and current events.
  • The passage's events, as well as other topics, maybe the subject of some of the questions. For a section concerning a natural disaster, for instance, questions will not only be about that disaster but also comparable disasters worldwide.

Skills To Improve

Your concentration shouldn't just be on isolated facts if you want to ace this section of the law entrance exam. Instead, you should be intrigued by the vast array of facts that make up each unique situation. For instance, if the exam contains a question about forest fires in the Amazon, you should be interested enough to research information on forest fires generally, the Amazon, global climate change policy, Brazil, and other topics. In addition, strong reading and analytical skills are necessary to succeed in this exam segment.

How to attempt CLAT 2025 Current Affairs and GK questions?

See the following key considerations to bear in mind as you read the passages and attempt the questions in the part on current events and general knowledge:

  • Before answering the questions, make sure to read the entire passage. This is crucial so that you can gather insightful hints regarding the solutions to each of the passage's questions.
  • Make sure you understand the main concept or point of focus of the passage after reading it. Remember that it is not necessary to memorize or cram every detail from the passage.
  • Pay special attention to the wording when attempting the questions. Sometimes, the terminology used in the questions could be deceptive. Which of the following is not an example of x, for instance, can be how the questions are phrased.
  • To prevent mistakes, make sure to read all four alternatives before selecting one.
  • You can visit several websites online in addition to reading the daily newspapers to stay up with the most recent happenings taking place across the world.
  • Talk about significant events and concerns with your study group or peers to get a better understanding and form convictions on a particular subject.
  • Without comprehending the larger context of the lengthy lists of facts, avoid memorization. The CLAT Consortium also advises against the same.

Legal Reasoning

One of the most crucial sections for the CLAT 2025 exam is legal reasoning, which will account for 25% of the total question count. You must therefore concentrate on doing well in this section if you want to achieve a high rank in CLAT. You need to have a solid CLAT preparation plan and the finest methods for answering passage-based questions in Legal Reasoning if you want to ace the section.

The Legal Reasoning section consists of eight sub-sections. The sections may refer to actual events or hypothetical circumstances involving law, politics, or moral philosophy. However, you don't need to be a law expert to respond to the questions; all you need is a comprehensive understanding of current legal and ethical concerns. The section's questions will primarily be based on information taken from books and news items related to legal issues. Additionally, specific sections will be written for the CLAT exam.

This section requires the aspirant to read 450-word passages. The passages usually deal with actual events, legal issues, public policy issues, or moral philosophical issues. No prior legal knowledge is essential here. However, understanding current legal and ethical issues will help the candidate apply general principles or propositions to the given fact scenarios.

To ace this legal reasoning section, students need to attempt questions the following way.

  • Identify and deduce the rules and standards stated in the passage.
  • So use them in particular scenarios wherever applicable
  • Recognize how changing rules or principles affect their application to different situations.

To answer the kinds of questions in this part, candidates will need to:

  • Determine the passage's guiding principle(s) and use it(or them) to interpret the given data.
  • Recognize how a change to the facts or the principle may affect how the updated principle might apply to those changed facts.
  • Determine potential consequences of the concept in light of numerous actual situations that may or may not be addressed in the passage, with or without changing the principle.

Skills To Improve

You won't be given the principle and facts individually, which is one of the largest changes to the CLAT Legal Reasoning section's format from previous years (up to 2019). You will also need to do independent fact-finding and rule application. Remember that the questions are intended to assess your ability to apply rules to a factual setting based on the limitations provided, not your understanding of legal facts. Therefore, you must concentrate on developing the following skills if you want to succeed in this section:

  • Comprehension skills
  • Reasoning skills
  • Reading skills

How to attempt CLAT 2025 Legal Reasoning questions?

The following are some of the best methods to approach questions in the CLAT's Legal Reasoning section:

  • Find the values outlined in the passage after carefully reading it.
  • After that, carefully read each question to see whether the principle(s) relates to the facts presented in the passage (with or without certain modifications) or to a different set of circumstances.
  • Once the concept and the facts have been established, try to divide the principle into more manageable chunks. You should be able to list three prerequisites for a principle like, "A person who operates a drone at a height over 500 feet in a public location is guilty of nuisance." First, the person controlling the drone should have been doing so over 500 feet, then they should have been doing so in a public area, and finally, they should have been doing so.
  • Be sure to pay special attention to the "OR" and "AND" conditions as you dissect the principle. Again using the same example, you would have one "AND" condition and one "OR" condition if the principle read, "A person who operates a drone at a height over 500 feet or in a public location is guilty of nuisance." A tiny modification can have a significant impact on the outcome.
  • Pay particular attention to the minute changes in the facts that, like how a principle is phrased, can have a significant effect on how an issue turns out.
  • Keep in mind that a passage may contain many principles and sets of incidents. While some questions will require you to apply the same principle to many fact situations, others may pertain to a distinct principle and fact scenario for each question. Therefore, before tackling a question, proceed with extreme caution.
  • Do not use any prior legal information you may have when tackling the questions since it could result in unneeded mistakes.
Also Read : Best Books for CLAT Preparation 2025

Logical Reasoning

One of the crucial parts of the CLAT 2025 exam preparation is logical reasoning. It has a 20% weighting in the CLAT question bank and measures candidates' comprehension and critical-thinking abilities.

Candidates cannot risk losing points in the CLAT Logical Reasoning part due to a lack of preparation. Instead of evaluating candidates' theoretical knowledge, this component evaluates their analytical ability. Only with careful practice and comprehension can one master it.

Candidates must first understand and identify the argument presented in the passage to attempt the CLAT Logical Reasoning questions. Following that, applicants must critically examine the line of reasoning and determine how much the conclusions may depend on the stated premises. Candidates must make an assumption based on the material and then apply it to several contexts. Candidates must also be able to evaluate the strength of arguments, find parallels and analogies, and spot contradictions.

This section of the UG CLAT 2025 requires the aspirant to study a series of short passages of about 300 words each. Students must follow the following points to ace the logical reasoning section.

  • Recognize a point of view, read the passage, and identify the arguments made in it.
  • Analyze patterns of reasoning critically and assess how decisions may be influenced by specific assumptions or evidence.
  • Analyze patterns of reasoning critically and assess how decisions may be influenced by specific assumptions or evidence.
  • Deduce what follows from the passage and use these inferences to solve new problems.
  • Find connections and similarities, look for inconsistencies, and evaluate the effectiveness of reasonings and debates.

Quantitative Techniques

The quantitative techniques section's 10% weight in CLAT 2025 could be a deciding factor for candidates vying for admission to the esteemed National Law Universities (NLUs). A candidate cannot risk failing the Quantitative Techniques component of the CLAT exam by not preparing for it. The CLAT exam may only have 13–17 questions, but if applicants properly prepare, 10% of the weighting will be in their favor.

Preparing for CLAT 2025 Quantitative Techniques might be simple if you use a strategy that strives to cover the subject and includes enough practice with mock exams. Although the part appears to be the simplest of the five in the CLAT exam, candidates who choose not to study mathematics in class 12 will need to master all the tactics again because the questions are based on Class 10 standards. Candidates can close any gaps in their CLAT Quantitative Techniques preparation and improve their scores by making constant efforts.

Short collections of facts, statements, graphs, or other written, visual, or diagrammatic representations of numerical data will come before the CLAT Quantitative Techniques questions. Candidates must carefully read the paragraph or information provided, extrapolate information from it, use mathematical procedures, and then respond to the questions that follow.

The CLAT UG 2025 Quantitative Techniques section will consist of short sets of facts or propositions, graphs, or other textual, pictorial, or diagrammatic representations of numerical information, followed by a series of questions. Students will be expected to conclude from the passages provided by applying mathematical operations.

Aspirants must follow the below-mentioned points to crack the quantitative section of CLAT UG 2025.

  • Attempt the 10th standard mathematical operations on the data provided.
  • Attempt questions that involve ratios and proportions, algebra basics, basics of statistics, and mensuration.
  • The questions will require the aspirant to derive, infer, and manipulate numerical data from passages, graphs, or other representations.

Candidates must prepare the following topics thoroughly and try to attempt them accurately during the exam:

  • Ratios and Proportions
  • Basic Algebra
  • Statistics
  • Profit and Loss
  • Time, Distance, and Work
  • Mensuration

Also Read : CLAT 2025 Important Topics: Subject Wise Weightage

General Instructions for CLAT UG 2025 Preparation

Given below are some of the general instructions for CLAT UG 2025 preparation that all aspirants must be aware of beforehand.
  • Enrolled candidates in CLAT UG 2025 will receive access to a dedicated learning platform featuring preparatory materials, including model question papers, guides, sample questions, and subject-specific instructional materials.
  • Emphasize enhancing reading comprehension skills, particularly for lengthy passages.
  • Stay updated on current affairs by regularly reading reputable newspapers and magazines.
  • Boost proficiency in answering quantitative questions by practicing fundamental mathematics from 10th-standard textbooks.
  • Efficiently manage time, adhere to a well-structured timetable, and prioritize accuracy.
  • Frequent practice, including attempting numerous mock tests, is crucial for success.
  • Consult recommended books to support CLAT UG 2025 preparation.

Also Read : Last Minute Preparation Tips for CLAT 2025

Top Private Law Colleges in India (Non-NLUs)

Listed here are some of the best private law schools in the country. These colleges have excellent infrastructure and updated teaching methods.

CLAT is one of the most sought-after law entrance exams in India and all law aspirants must ensure that they prepare well for the examination to score well and rank well in the merit list to get admission to their desired law college. This article will help all law aspirants understand how to attempt each section of the examination to attain as high scores as possible to gain a good overall score in the exam.

CLAT is a national law entrance exam that grants admission to top NLUs. The exam also provides enrollment to India's best private law schools.

For any help on admissions to law colleges, students can contact our counselors at 1800-572-9877 or fill out the Common Application Form . Questions about CLAT or law are welcome in the Q&A zone . Stay tuned to CollegeDekho for more current updates and information.

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How to improve CLAT English Language preparation?

Candidates need to develop a reading habit to improve CLAT English Language. Daily reading of good newspapers such as The Hindu is advised, with an emphasis on the editorial page as many passages come from these publications. You can refer to any Class 10 English Grammar book such as Wren and Martin for practice. 


How to answer the CLAT GK and Current Affairs section?

Candidates need to read the passage before answering the CLAT GK and Current Affairs section. Make sure you understand the main concept or point of focus of the passage after reading it. You can visit several websites online in addition to reading the daily newspapers to stay up with the most recent happenings taking place across the world.


How can candidates answer the CLAT Legal Reasoning section?

CLAT Legal Reasoning section requires the aspirant to read 450-word passages. The passages usually deal with actual events, legal issues, public policy issues, or moral philosophical issues. No prior legal knowledge is essential here. However, understanding current legal and ethical issues will help the candidate apply general principles or propositions to the given fact scenarios.


How to answer CLAT Logical Reasoning?

CLAT Logical Reasoning is an important section and candidates are evaluated based on their analytical ability. Only with careful practice and comprehension can one master it. Applicants must critically examine the line of reasoning and determine how much the conclusions may depend on the stated premises. They must also assess the strength of arguments, find parallels and analogies, and spot contradictions.


How to attempt CLAT Quantitative Techniques section?

Preparing for CLAT Quantitative Techniques can be simple if candidates use a strategy that strives to cover the subject and includes enough practice with mock exams. Although this part is easy, candidates who chose not to study mathematics in Class 12 will need to master all the tactics again because the questions are based on Class 10 standards. 


What are some of the general preparation tips for CLAT?

Candidates who will prepare for CLAT in the correct way will get excellent results. Referring to the best study material for CLAT and following the ideal preparation tips and strategies will be extremely helpful in getting a good score. With the right preparation strategy, students can ace CLAT without much difficulty and increase their chances of getting into the desired college.

Which are the top private law colleges in India?

The top private law colleges in India are Aurora's Legal Sciences Academy, Hyderabad (ALSA), Amity University, Teerthanker Mahaveer University (TMU), SAGE University, The ICFAI University, Chandigarh University (CU), Lovely Professional University (LPU), O.P. Jindal Global University (JGU), ILS Law College (ILSLC), etc. 

What are the important topics of the CLAT UG exam?

The important topics of the CLAT UG exam are Reading Comprehension Vocabulary Based Questions, Figures of Speech- Personification, Irony, Tenses, Articles, Prepositions, Active & Passive Voice, Modals, Current Affairs, Economy, Science, History, International events, International Affairs, Arts and Culture, Legal Maxims, Legal Terms, Indian Constitution, Torts, Criminal Law, Contracts, Volume & Surface Area, Statistics, Basic Algebra, Average, Percentage, Ration & Proportion, etc.

How many sections are there in the CLAT UG exam?

CLAT UG has 5 sections, English Language, Current Affairs, including General Knowledge, Legal Reasoning, Logical Reasoning and Quantitative Techniques. As a whole, CLAT is aimed to be a test of aptitude and skills required for a legal education rather than prior knowledge, though prior knowledge may be beneficial in answering questions in the Current Affairs section on occasion.


What is the exam pattern of CLAT UG?

There has been a change in the CLAT UG exam pattern. The exam will be conducted for 2 hours time duration with 120 multiple-choice questions instead of 150 questions with one mark each. For each incorrect answer, 0.25 points will be deducted. 

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