HPU B.Ed CET 2023 will be conducted on July 1, 2023. Find out the HPU B.Ed CET 2023 Exam Day Guidelines here and be aware of the instructions required to have a smooth exam day experience.

HPU B.Ed CET 2023 Exam Day Guidelines : HPU B.Ed CET 2023 exam is scheduled to be held on July 1, 2023. Candidates appearing for the entrance exam must clearly understand the HPU B.Ed CET 2023 exam day guidelines to be followed. Additionally, as HPU B.Ed CET is held offline, the candidates must check the instructions to use the OMR sheet to mark their answers.
Aspirants interested in pursuing a B.Ed course from participating institutions must excel in the HPU B.Ed CET. The Himachal Pradesh University (HPU) has declared the official notification and exam schedule on its official website.
HPU B.Ed CET 2023 Exam Day Guidelines
The major guidelines that the aspirants must follow on the exam day of HPU B.Ed CET 2023 are presented below -
- Candidates can enter the examination room 30 minutes before the test begins.
- They must take their seats as per the seating arrangement once the examination hall opens.
- The candidates are expected to report on time, or else they will miss out on the instructions given by the invigilator inside the test hall.
- They must present their HPU B.Ed CET admit card as and when asked by the invigilator or any other related authority.
- If it is found by the authorities that the aspirants do not have the admit card with them or lost the document, they will not be approved to enter or sit inside the examination hall under any conditions.
- The students will be provided with the official question booklet and the answer sheet before the test starts.
- They must check and ensure that the number of pages written on the top of the first page of the booklet containing questions corresponds to the total number of pages the booklet has. If the booklet has any pages missing or errors in print, the candidates must immediately let the invigilator know about it.
- Next, the students must fill out the required details on the question booklet's cover page with a ballpoint pen.
- When asked by the invigilator, they will start answering the questions in the booklet. Also, the students have to furnish the information asked on the answer sheet.
- The entrance test will commence at the exact time displayed on the admit card. The invigilator will also make an announcement related to this, and candidates can start exploring the questions.
- During the examination, the authorities will verify the details of the admit card of HPU B.Ed. They will check the identification-cum-attendance sheet of each aspirant to confirm their identity.
- Later on, the candidates can keep the admit card back with them. After proper verification, the invigilator will put their signature on the answer sheet, the Identification-cum-attendance sheet, and the admit card.
- The examination authorities will signal the test's commencement and also hint at the duration left for the test at half-time.
- They will also offer a signal before the test ends. The aspirants must not mark any further answers after this indication.
- The students must hand over the answer sheet to the examination supervisor before they leave the room.
- Applicants can, however, keep the question booklet and their hall ticket / admit card with them.
- Suppose any candidate is found removing pages from the booklet having questions when the test is ongoing or by any means producing tampered or fabricated papers. In that case, they will be dealt with accordingly as per the rules.
- Applicants must keep the admit card in suitable condition as it will be required to check their results during the counselling and during the admission process.
- Candidates are strongly advised to refrain from engaging in any form of unfair means/ activities/ malpractices that violate the rules of the entrance test.
- Any aspirant caught involved in any such practise will be barred from taking the test in the future as well and will face criminal or legal consequences as decided by the university authorities.
- Also, they must remember if a student is admitted on merit basis of the entrance exam but at a later stage is found to have used unfair means in the entrance test, their admission will be cancelled and will be removed from the programme. In addition, the university may also take legal action against the student and his / her parents.
HPU B.Ed CET 2023 Exam Timing
Here is the schedule for HPU B.Ed CET 2023 that the candidates must follow on the test day
Event | Details |
Examination Centre | As mentioned in the HPU B.Ed CET admit card |
Examination Hall Entry Time | 10.30 AM |
Question booklet and answer sheet distribution | 10.50 AM |
HPU B.Ed CET Start Time | 11 AM |
HPU B.Ed CET Test Concludes | 1 PM |
Things to Carry on HPU B.Ed CET 2023 Exam Day
Here is a list of things that the students can carry on HPU B.Ed CET 2023 Exam Day -
- Admit card
- Cardboard / ClipBoard
- Good quality Blue or Black Ball Point pens of good quality. These pens must be used for writing the details asked in the official question booklet and the answer sheet’s responses
Please note that for rough work, candidates must use only the space allotted in the question booklet. They should not do rough work on the answer sheet or put any other additional marks on it.
Things Not to Carry on HPU B.Ed CET 2023 Exam Day
Here is a list of things that the candidates must not bring with them on the HPU B.Ed CET exam day -
- Calculators
- Slide Rules
- Geometry Box
- Electronic Digital Watches with facilities of calculators
- Mobile phones
- Any other electronic gadgets that are not allowed inside the examination hall.
HPU B.Ed CET 2023 Guidelines for Filling OMR Answer Sheet
The HPU B.Ed CET is conducted in the offline mode, hence aspirants must review the exam day guidelines for filling up the OMR answer sheet provided to them. We have curated the major instructions related to the OMR sheet to help the candidates be aware of how to mark the answers.
- Candidates can review the specimen copy of the OMR answer sheet which has been provided in the official prospectus of HPU B.Ed CET.
- Aspirants should carefully go through the instructions for filling out the answer sheet and familiarise themselves with the requirements for providing personal information and marking their answers. This will help them avoid any errors or time loss during the examination.
- Notably, the answer sheet is a different type of paper and will be scanned using optical scanners. The answer sheet has only one side for marking answers and it is crucial that the candidates do not fold it.
- Additionally, they should avoid making any stray marks on the answer sheet to ensure accurate scanning of the paper.
- To have a smooth and comfortable writing experience during the exam, candidates are encouraged to carry sturdy support like cardboard or a clipboard. This is particularly important as the tables in the examination venue may not have a smooth and even surface.
- Other than this, they are required to write their roll number on the OMR answer sheet. For a reference on how to write it, candidates can check out the specimen copy.
- For writing answers and the roll number on the OMR sheet, students have to darken the appropriate circles in the OMR sheet only with a proper blue or black ballpoint pen.
- Candidates will be provided four alternatives to each question; one of these 4 choices will be the correct answer. They must record their responses by suitably marking the answers and darkening the circle completely. For the questions whose answers the candidates are not sure of, they must avoid putting any mark against the question number in the sheet.
- Please note any circles partially filled, X-marked or tick-marked or any dot matrix on the OMR sheet will not be counted by the optical scanner. As a result, answers which are not darkened in the right manner shall be rejected.
- It is imperative that the aspirants should be sure about the answer’s accuracy as they cannot change the option once marked in the sheet. The conducting body does not allow the use of an eraser or any other fluid on the answer sheet, as these may lead to improper evaluation.
- If the aspirants mark more than one circle, the scanner will reject the answers. Additionally, a light-coloured or faintly-marked circle will not be accepted by the scanner, and hence the candidate may lose marks in that manner.
Related Links:
Candidates can explore the below-related links about HPU B.Ed CET 2023 -
Those having queries about HPU B.Ed CET must visit CollegeDekho ’s website. For doubt clarification, candidates can use the Q&A Zone to ask their questions or call 1800-572-9877.
Stay tuned to CollegeDekho for more such new updates about HPU B.Ed CET.
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