Last Day Preparation Tips for TS ICET 2025

Mahima Gupta

Updated On: February 05, 2025 02:48 PM | TS ICET

You must revise the key concepts from different sections, practise quick mental calculations, and try to solve at least one full-length mock test to enhance your time management skills for TS ICET. Go through the last-day preparation tips for the TS ICET exam carefully.

Last Day Preparation Tips for TS ICET 2025

Candidates preparing for TS ICET 2025 might feel a bit anxious and nervous. A day before the exam is the most crucial day for aspirants. On the very last day, you must focus on important formulas, shortcuts, and key concepts from Quantitative Ability, Analytical Ability, and Verbal Ability. To improve speed in the Quant section, you should revise multiplication tables, squares, cubes, percentages, ratios, data interpretation, and reasoning concepts. Since TS ICET will have 200 questions that must be solved in 150 minutes, you should plan how much time to allocate to each question. Ideally, you must spend less than 45 seconds per question on average. To ensure effective preparation in the Grammar & Vocab section, you must go through basic grammar rules, common synonyms, antonyms, one-word substitutions, and reading comprehension strategies.

All you need to do is stay a little calm and check out the topics they have prepared well. If you have been preparing with utmost dedication and hard work for TS ICET, you will ultimately be able to deal with the last-day exam pressure. You must try making sticky notes, avoid taking any new topic, and customise your preparation strategy according to their requirements. Read the article to know more about the last-day preparation tips for TS ICET 2025.

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Last Day Preparation Tips for TS ICET 2025

Candidates are advised to follow certain tips a day before TS ICET 2025.

Stop Taking Unnecessary Stress

A day before the D-day, the motivation level must be high among the test takers appearing for the exam the next day. You must believe in your TS ICET preparation and avoid studying for too many hours. Keeping their basics clear and updating themselves with the formulas is enough on the last day. You must be confident about your preparation and should try to take short breaks of 10-15 minutes during last-minute revision. Do not study rigorously for hours. Avoid making comparisons with others, as it will bring the morale down.

Stay Calm and Relaxed

You often take too much stress. You must have faith and maintain a positive mindset during the entire process. Try to stay, calm positive, and relaxed.

Also Read: Last Minute Preparation Tips for TS ICET 2025

Practice Mock Tests

You must start practicing two-three mock tests daily a month before the test to analyse their preparation level. Mock tests for TS ICET are available on the official web portal. Therefore, taking up a mock test before the exam day will help them revise several TS ICET topics. If you take the mock tests, you will also know the test pattern and marking scheme of TS ICET 2025.

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Revise Notes

It is always believed that notes prepared by you during the entire preparation journey prove to be vital as they help them get a gist of everything you need to remember before appearing for the test. Therefore, rather than picking up a new topic, start revising. Always prepare the notes using catchy headlines, bullet points, highlighting key points to make your last-minute revision easy and effective.

Eat Healthy and Avoid Heavy Meals

You must eat healthy and avoid junk a day before the exam. It is advised not to take unhealthy meals as that leads to a lazy and lethargic body.

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Get Sound Sleep

You cannot attempt the exam if you have not slept well. Therefore, you must sleep well for about 7-8 hours a day before the TS ICET exam. Taking proper amount of rest and sleep is important as it helps strengthen concentration, improves memory power, and leads to a healthy and active mind. Thus, sound sleep is essential before the exam day.

Keep your Exam Day Documents in Place

You must avoid last-minute chaos on the day of the TS ICET exam by keeping all the necessary documents well in place. You should keep your ID card, Admit card, and other important stuff in a single place to easily carry it while going on the examination day. It is mandatory for you to keep a printed copy of the TS ICET 2025 admit card and also check if the following details are mentioned on it or not.

  • Candidates name
  • Exam venue details
  • Exam date and time
  • Candidates photograph
  • Signature of the candidate
  • TS ICET 2025 roll number

We hope these last-day preparation tips for TS ICET 2025 prove to be helpful. Check the related article links for TS ICET 2025 below.

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Stay tuned to CollegeDekho for all the latest updates related to TS ICET 2025! For admission-related details, aspirants can fill out the Common Application Form (CAF) and avail free counselling from our experts. For any queries, students can write to us through the Q&A Zone or call on the toll-free student helpline number 1800-5729877.

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How can I improve my chances of clearing the TSICET exam in the last few days?

You can improve your chances of clearing the TSICET exam in the last few days by striving to get the most out of each study session. Also, avoiding away from common distractions such as social media, the mobile phone will be beneficial in increasing your test chances.

How can I crack the TSICET 2025 exam with a good score?

One of the most important TSICET 2025 preparation tips is to focus on the basics and have a firm grasp on the subjects included in the curriculum. Another aspect is the consistent practice of sample question papers.

How to score high in TSICET 2025?

An online exam does not allow you to alter your answers many times. In a speed test, the goal is to answer as many questions as possible in the allotted time. Do not, however, strive to answer as many questions as possible in one sitting. Go through the questions; if you are doubtful about the answer the first time, do not respond right away; instead, skip to the ones about which you are certain. This should help you get a high score.

How can I crack the TSICET exam with three months of preparation?

Become familiar with the TSICET 2025 pattern, the syllabus, and the question types that will be asked from each area. Develop the practise of taking notes and ensure that you are using the appropriate books and reference materials for each subject.

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