Most Repeated Questions in NEET Exam: Overall & Subject-wise

Vandana Thakur

Updated On: March 26, 2025 01:31 PM | NEET

The most repeated questions in NEET exam are the frequently asked questions. These questions are mostly from the chapters like Cell Structure and Function, Chemical Kinetics, Work, Energy, and Power. Check details of the important topics for NEET here!

Most Repeated Questions in NEET Exam

Most repeated questions in NEET mean frequently asked or conceptually similar questions that appear in the last years' question papers. As per the past few year's trends, the Biology section has the maximum chance of witnessing the same questions. In NEET Physics most repeated questions are expected to appear from topics like Kinematics, laws of Motion, Physical World & Measurement, Motion of System of Particles, Rigid Body etc. In Chemistry, the topics from which most repeated questions are expected are chemical bonding and molecular structure, Thermodynamics, equilibrium, P-block elements etc. In Biology, the most repeated questions in NEET were asked from topics like ecology and environment, biotechnology and its applications, biology and human welfare, genetics and evolution etc.

In the NEET 2024 exam, 47 questions were repeated as per the last five years ' statistics. In the 2023 and 2022 exams, 46 questions were repeated, and in 2021, 43 questions were repeated. In 2020 there were 38 questions repeated in the NEET 2025 examinations. NEET 2025 is also expected to have a few repeated questions. Students must practice the most frequent questions in NEET exam 2024 along with the NEET Previous Years' Question Papers to level up their knowledge and ace the exam. In this article, students can find the most repeated questions in the NEET examinations, overall and subject-wise.

List of Top 15+ Most Repeated Questions in NEET Exam

Some questions keep repeating themselves in the NEET exam and stand among the most important for preparation. Students can find the most repeated questions in the NEET exam given below.

1. Find the value of 9.99 m–0.0099 m. The options are:

(A) 9.9 m

(B) 9.98 m

(C) 9.980 m

(D) 9.9801 m

A: (B) 9.98 m.

2. Which of the following sentences is correct about the negative temperature coefficient of resistance?

(A) The insulators have a negative temperature coefficient of resistance

(B) The solid metals have a negative temperature coefficient of resistance

(C) The semiconductors have a negative temperature coefficient of resistance

(D) Both the insulators and semiconductors have a negative temperature coefficient of resistance

A: (D) Both the insulators & semiconductors have a negative temperature coefficient of resistance.

3. A capillary tube of radius r is immersed in water & water rises to a height of h. The water mass in the capillary is 5g. Another capillary tube of radius 2r is immersed in water. The water mass that will rise in this tube is:

(A) 2.5 gm

(B) 5.0 gm

(C) 10.0 gm

(D) 20.0 gm

A: (C) 10.0 gm.

4. The statement : h=2Tcosθrgm=ρ∗volume⇒ρ∗h∗πr2⇒5gmr′=2r



Which of the statements is correct about Kepler’s second law?

(A) Kepler’s second law is known as the Law of Areas

(B) Kepler’s 2nd law deals with the speed/area the planet travels

(C) The line joining the planet to the sun sweeps out equal areas in an equal interval of time

(D) All of these

A: The (D) All of these.

5. The chemical reactions in which reactants require a high amount of activation energy are generally

(A) Fast

(B) Slow

(C) Very fast

(D) None of these

A: (B) Slow.

6. What is the actual range of pH scales?

(A) 0 to 10

(B) 0 to 14

(C) 7 to 10

(D) 7 to 14

A: (B) 0 to 14.

7. Which of the following compounds have an angle of 180°?

(A) Alkene

(B) Alkane

(C) Alkyne

(D) Cycloalkane

A: (C) Alkyne.

8. Which of the following chemical processes is required in converting liquid hydrocarbons into a gaseous hydrocarbon mixture?

(A) Cracking

(B) Oxidation

(C) Hydrolysis

(D) Distillation

A: (A) Cracking.

9. Which of the given salts is not hygroscopic?

(A) KCl

(B) MgCl

(C) NaCl

(D) (NH4)2SO4

A: (C) NaCl.

10. Which of the given statements is correct about olericulture?

(A) Olericulture refers to the cultivation of fruits

(B) Olericulture refers to the cultivation of vegetables

(C) Olericulture refers to the cultivation of cash crops

(D) None of these

A: B) Olericulture refers to the cultivation of vegetables.

11. Who was the first person to discover Mycobacterium tuberculosis?

(A) Robert Koch

(B) Edward Jenner

(C) William Harvey

(D) Alexander Fleming

A: (A) Robert Koch.

12. Plague is a bacterial infectious disease which is often transmitted by the bite of which insect:

(A) Rat flea

(B) Mosquito

(C) Housefly

(D) Tse-tse fly

A: (A) Rat flea.

13. What is the most common characteristic of kangaroo, parrot and platypus?

(A) Oviparity

(B) Hind limb

(C) Homeothermy

(D) Jaws without teeth

A: (C) Homeothermy.

14. Which of the following statements is correct about glycolysis?

(A) It is the conversion of glucose into pyruvate

(B) The Glycolysis pathway can take place aerobically and anaerobically

(C) Phosphoenolpyruvate acts as the second source of ATP in glycolysis

(D) All of these

A: (D) All of these

15. Which of the given crops is an underutilised oil crop?

(A) Helianthus annuus

(B) Cocos nucifera

(C) Azadirachta indica

(D) Brassica campestris

A: (C) Azadirachta indica.

16. Which of these lights is the most useful for the opening of stomata?

(A) Red

(B) Blue

(C) Green

(D) All of these

A: (B) Blue.

17. Fertility in women is impaired by which of the following:

(A) Hernia

(B) Obesity

(C) Gallstones

(D) High blood pressure

A: (B) Obesity.

18. Which of the following is the correct sentences about the mitochondria?

(A) It is associated with ATP production

(B) It is involved in the electron transport chain

(C) Its outer membrane is permeable to all molecule types

(D) All of these.

A: (D) All of these.

19. Which of the given species is not a living fossil?

(A) King crab

(B) Peripatus

(C) Sphenodon

(D) Archaeopteryx

A: (D) Archaeopteryx.

Subject-wise Most Repeated Questions in NEET Exam

Some questions have been repeated in the NEET exam almost every year. Students can find the NEET most repeated questions exam mentioned below.

NEET Physics Most Asked Questions

Some questions are observed to be repeated in the NEET physics section of the exam. Students can find the top four most repeated questions in NEET exam below:

  1. "A particle starts from rest and moves with uniform acceleration. If it covers a distance of 100 m in 5 seconds” Find its acceleration.
  2. "A block of mass mm is placed on a rough inclined plane making an angle θθ with the horizontal. If the coefficient of friction is μμ”, find the maximum angle at which the block will remain stationary.
  3. “A body of mass 2 kg is dropped from a height of 10 m”. Calculate its kinetic energy just before hitting the ground (take g=10 m/s2g=10 m/s2).
  4. Two charges q1=+3 μCq1=+3 μC and q2=−3 μCq2=−3 μC are separated by a distance of 10 cm in air.? Find the force between them.

NEET Chemistry Frequently Asked Questions

Some questions were repeated in the NEET chemistry section as per the analysis conducted on the NEET exam paper. Students can find the list of questions repeated in the NEET 2025 chemistry section mentioned below.

  1. If the rate constant for a first-order reaction is kk, the time it requires for the completion of 99% of the reaction is given by what:"
  • Option 1: t=0.693kt=k0.693
  • Option 2: t=6.909kt=k6.909
  • Option 3: t=4.606kt=k4.606
  • Option 4: t=2.303kt=k2.303
  1. The correct order of atomic radii in group 13 elements is:"
  • Option 1: B < Ga < Al < Tl < In
  • Option 2: B < Al < Ga < In < Tl
  • Option 3: B < Al < In < Ga < Tl
  • Option 4: B < Ga < Al < In < Tl
  1. Which of the following elements has the highest electronegativity?"
  • Option 1: Sodium (Na)
  • Option 2: Chlorine (Cl)
  • Option 3: Magnesium (Mg)
  • Option 4: Fluorine (F)
  1. The enthalpy change for an endothermic reaction is:"
  • Option 1: Positive
  • Option 2: Negative
  • Option 3: Zero
  • Option 4: Cannot be determined

Biology Most Repeated NEET Questions

There are some sets of questions that were repeated in the NEET exam form the biology sections. Students can find the list of the top four questions that were repeated in the biology section mentioned below.

  1. In plants, the end product of anaerobic respiration is due to what?
  • Lactic acid
  • Pyruvic acid
  • Methyl alcohol
  • Ethyl alcohol
  1. “Assertion (A): A typical microsporangium of angiosperm is generally surrounded by four wall layers. Reason (R): The outer three wall layers perform the function of protection and help in dehiscence of anther to release the pollen."
  • (1) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
  • (2) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
  • (3) (A) is correct but (R) is not correct.
  • (4) (A) is not correct but (R) is correct.
  1. Menstruation is triggered by an abrupt decline in the amount of which hormone secreted by the corpus luteum?"
  • Estrogen
  • Progesterone
  • Luteinizing hormone
  • Follicle-stimulating hormone
  1. Mendelian recombinations are primarily due to which of the following?
  • Linkage
  • Independent assortment of genes
  • Mutations
  • Dominant characters

Therefore, these were some most repeated questions in NEET exam. During their exam preparation, students must practice these questions thoroughly along with the NEET exam pattern and more. For any queries regarding the Most Repeated Questions in NEET Exam log on to our CollegeDekho QnA Zone or contact our toll-free helpline number 18005729877.

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What are the most important topics in the NEET chemistry section?

NEET chemistry most repeated questions come from topics like chemical bonding and molecular structure, Thermodynamics, equilibrium etc.


What are the most important topics in the physics section for the NEET exam?

The most important questions in the physics section are Kinematics and laws of Motion, Physical World and Measurement etc. 

Which subject have the most repeated questions in the NEET exam?

Physics, Chemistry and Biology are the subjects from which the most repeated questions come in the NEET examination. 

NEET Previous Year Question Paper

NEET 2024 Question Paper Code Q1

NEET 2024 Question Paper Code R1

NEET 2024 Question Paper Code S1

NEET 2024 Question Paper Code T1

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What is the NEET safe score 2025 for GMC Srinagar?

-Azra shabirUpdated on March 05, 2025 12:13 PM
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Samiksha Rautela, Content Team

Dear Student,

The NEET safe score depends on the difficulty level of the exam, overall performance of the students, students' category, seat matrix etc. However, as per the last few years' trends, the NEET safe score 2025 for GMC Srinagar is expected to be around 580 and above. Students should note that the J&K NEET Cutoff changes every year.

Thank You


Hi sir. Which coaching institute in Hyderabad is good for NEET preparation?

-narendra naikUpdated on March 20, 2025 04:37 PM
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Samiksha Rautela, Content Team

Dear Student,

There are numerous coaching institutes in Hyderabad for MBBS entrance exam preparation or NEET preparation. Some of them are:

  • Aakash Institute
  • Allen Career Institute
  • Resonance
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  • Vidyashilp Academy

NEET is the single exam that offers admission in MBBS courses offered in India. Multiple NEET coaching institutes in India prepare students to ace the exam.

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Is there any bond in snmc agra

-sonamUpdated on March 25, 2025 04:33 PM
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Jayita Ekka, Content Team

Dear student,

In accordance with the NMC bill and addressing the shortage of doctors in the government sector, the Uttar Pradesh government has mandated a two-year compulsory rural service bond. As per this directive, students admitted to government medical (MBBS) and dental (BDS) colleges, including SNMC College, Agra, are required to sign a bond of ₹10 lakhs. Failure to fulfill the stipulated rural service will necessitate the payment of the bond amount. 


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