If you have appeared for the NIFT 2025 exam, then the relationship between NIFT rank vs campus needs to be understood well. It will enable you to understand the marks required for a strong rank in the exam. This will also enable you to plan your preparation much better. The NIFT 2025 exam, by NTA, provides entrance to the programs of B.Des, M.Des, B.F.Tech, and M.F.Tech. Generally, scores of 82+ out of 100 are likely to fetch a good rank, and this is also an estimate going by past year trends. If you compare your expected rank with the NIFT campuses in India , you will be much better prepared to plan how to study and which way to approach admission. Read below for detailed insights into NIFT ranks vs campus 2025.
NIFT Rank vs Campus 2025 Analysis
The NIFT cutoff 2025 specifies the bare minimum rank or score required for admission, which will be made public individually for the MFTech, BFTech, BDes, MDes, and MFM courses on the official website of the conducting body. The NIFT 2025 cutoff has been determined by various factors, including the volume of applications, the prospective student's merit rank, and the category in which admission will be granted. Find below the tables about past-year trends of the institution-wise NIFT rank vs campus for the general category (open) for various campuses across the country at All India Quota and the design courses they offer.
NIFT Rank vs Bengaluru Campus 2025
The table below outlines NIFT Bengaluru Campus vs Rank 2025:
Campus Name | Course Offered | Opening CMR | Closing CMR |
NIFT Bengaluru | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Communication) | 7 | 93 |
NIFT Bengaluru | Bachelor of Fashion Technology (Apparel Production) | 7 | 123 |
NIFT Bengaluru | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Design) | 29 | 234 |
NIFT Bengaluru | Bachelor of Design (Accessory Design) | 19 | 251 |
NIFT Bengaluru | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Communication)-NRI Sponsored | 453 | 621 |
NIFT Bengaluru | Bachelor of Design (Textile Design) | 274 | 675 |
NIFT Bengaluru | Bachelor of Design (Knitwear Design) | 328 | 684 |
NIFT Bengaluru | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Design)-NRI Sponsored | 1872 | 2269 |
NIFT Bengaluru | Bachelor of Design (Accessory Design)-NRI Sponsored | 1718 | 3593 |
NIFT Bengaluru | Bachelor of Design (Textile Design)-NRI Sponsored | 3909 | 4961 |
NIFT Bengaluru | Bachelor of Design (Knitwear Design)-NRI Sponsored | 3953 | 5292 |
NIFT Rank vs Bhopal Campus 2025
The table below outlines NIFT Bhopal Campus vs Rank 2025:
Campus Name | Course Offered | Opening CMR | Closing CMR |
NIFT Bhopal | Bachelor of Fashion Technology (Apparel Production) | 176 | 842 |
NIFT Bhopal | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Communication) | 289 | 931 |
NIFT Bhopal | Bachelor of Design (Accessory Design) | 343 | 1443 |
NIFT Bhopal | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Design) | 521 | 1477 |
NIFT Bhopal | Bachelor of Design (Textile Design) | 1234 | 1883 |
NIFT Bhopal | Bachelor of Design (Knitwear Design) | 1481 | 2135 |
NIFT Bhopal | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Communication)-NRI Sponsored | 3405 | 5500 |
NIFT Bhopal | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Design)-NRI Sponsored | 2745 | 5846 |
NIFT Bhopal | Bachelor of Design (Textile Design)-NRI Sponsored | 7709 | 7709 |
NIFT Rank vs Bhubaneswar Campus 2025
The table below outlines NIFT Bhubaneswar Campus vs Rank 2025:
Campus Name | Course Offered | Opening CMR | Closing CMR |
NIFT Bhubaneswar | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Communication) | 35 | 981 |
NIFT Bhubaneswar | Bachelor of Fashion Technology (Apparel Production) | 494 | 1006 |
NIFT Bhubaneswar | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Design) | 568 | 1248 |
NIFT Bhubaneswar | Bachelor of Design (Accessory Design) | 769 | 1407 |
NIFT Bhubaneswar | Bachelor of Design (Textile Design) | 1366 | 2021 |
NIFT Bhubaneswar | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Communication)-NRI Sponsored | 2712 | 5876 |
NIFT Bhubaneswar | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Design)-NRI Sponsored | 5997 | 6458 |
NIFT Rank vs Chennai Campus 2025
The table below outlines NIFT Chennai Campus vs Rank 2025:
Campus Name | Course Offered | Opening CMR | Closing CMR |
NIFT Chennai | Bachelor of Fashion Technology (Apparel Production) | 108 | 235 |
NIFT Chennai | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Communication) | 71 | 238 |
NIFT Chennai | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Design) | 214 | 460 |
NIFT Chennai | Bachelor of Design (Accessory Design) | 92 | 620 |
NIFT Chennai | Bachelor of Design (Textile Design) | 626 | 998 |
NIFT Chennai | Bachelor of Design (Knitwear Design) | 756 | 1158 |
NIFT Chennai | Bachelor of Fashion Technology (Apparel Production)-NRI Sponsored | 1534 | 1534 |
NIFT Chennai | Bachelor of Design (Leather Design) | 919 | 1666 |
NIFT Chennai | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Design)-NRI Sponsored | 1889 | 3638 |
NIFT Chennai | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Communication)-NRI Sponsored | 1425 | 5229 |
NIFT Chennai | Bachelor of Design (Knitwear Design)-NRI Sponsored | 6777 | 6796 |
NIFT Chennai | Bachelor of Design (Accessory Design)-NRI Sponsored | 8179 | 8179 |
NIFT Rank vs Gandhinagar Campus 2025
The table below outlines NIFT Gandhinagar Campus vs Rank 2025:
Campus Name | Course Offered | Opening CMR | Closing CMR |
NIFT Gandhinagar | Bachelor of Fashion Technology (Apparel Production) | 142 | 218 |
NIFT Gandhinagar | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Communication) | 110 | 233 |
NIFT Gandhinagar | Bachelor of Design (Accessory Design) | 77 | 331 |
NIFT Gandhinagar | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Design) | 208 | 466 |
NIFT Gandhinagar | Bachelor of Design (Textile Design) | 532 | 767 |
NIFT Gandhinagar | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Communication)-NRI Sponsored | 629 | 3567 |
NIFT Gandhinagar | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Design)-NRI Sponsored | 1601 | 3944 |
NIFT Gandhinagar | Bachelor of Design (Accessory Design)-NRI Sponsored | 4170 | 5649 |
NIFT Gandhinagar | Bachelor of Design (Textile Design)-NRI Sponsored | 4345 | 6925 |
NIFT Rank vs Hyderabad Campus 2025
The table below outlines NIFT Hyderabad Campus vs Rank 2025:
Campus Name | Course Offered | Opening CMR | Closing CMR |
NIFT Hyderabad | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Communication) | 96 | 195 |
NIFT Hyderabad | Bachelor of Fashion Technology (Apparel Production) | 64 | 279 |
NIFT Hyderabad | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Design) | 311 | 472 |
NIFT Hyderabad | Bachelor of Design (Accessory Design) | 277 | 484 |
NIFT Hyderabad | Bachelor of Design (Textile Design) | 487 | 988 |
NIFT Hyderabad | Bachelor of Design (Knitwear Design) | 653 | 1023 |
NIFT Hyderabad | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Design)-NRI Sponsored | 2711 | 3103 |
NIFT Hyderabad | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Communication)-NRI Sponsored | 1830 | 4631 |
NIFT Hyderabad | Bachelor of Design (Textile Design)-NRI Sponsored | 5017 | 5680 |
NIFT Hyderabad | Bachelor of Design (Accessory Design)-NRI Sponsored | 857 | 6550 |
NIFT Hyderabad | Bachelor of Design (Knitwear Design)-NRI Sponsored | 4953 | 6779 |
NIFT Rank vs Jodhpur Campus 2025
The table below outlines NIFT Jodhpur Campus vs Rank 2025:
Campus Name | Course Offered | Opening CMR | Closing CMR |
NIFT Jodhpur | Bachelor of Fashion Technology (Apparel Production) | 221 | 674 |
NIFT Jodhpur | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Communication) | 271 | 842 |
NIFT Jodhpur | Bachelor of Design (Accessory Design) | 648 | 1086 |
NIFT Jodhpur | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Design) | 582 | 1131 |
NIFT Jodhpur | Bachelor of Design (Textile Design) | 1286 | 1903 |
NIFT Jodhpur | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Design)-NRI Sponsored | 4171 | 4636 |
NIFT Jodhpur | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Communication)-NRI Sponsored | 2894 | 5053 |
NIFT Jodhpur | Bachelor of Design (Textile Design)-NRI Sponsored | 5267 | 5267 |
NIFT Rank vs Kangra Campus 2025
The table below outlines NIFT Kangra Campus vs Rank 2025:
Campus Name | Course Offered | Opening CMR | Closing CMR |
NIFT Kangra | Bachelor of Fashion Technology (Apparel Production) | 43 | 863 |
NIFT Kangra | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Communication) | 242 | 926 |
NIFT Kangra | Bachelor of Design (Accessory Design) | 936 | 1572 |
NIFT Kangra | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Design) | 727 | 1705 |
NIFT Kangra | Bachelor of Design (Textile Design) | 1982 | 2313 |
NIFT Kangra | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Communication)-NRI Sponsored | 3085 | 5973 |
NIFT Kangra | Bachelor of Design (Accessory Design)-NRI Sponsored | 6660 | 6660 |
NIFT Kangra | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Design)-NRI Sponsored | 3678 | 7252 |
NIFT Rank vs Kannur Campus 2025
The table below outlines NIFT Kannur Campus vs Rank 2025:
Campus Name | Course Offered | Opening CMR | Closing CMR |
NIFT Kannur | Bachelor of Fashion Technology (Apparel Production) | 115 | 606 |
NIFT Kannur | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Communication) | 255 | 832 |
NIFT Kannur | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Design) | 594 | 1416 |
NIFT Kannur | Bachelor of Design (Knitwear Design) | 1462 | 2038 |
NIFT Kannur | Bachelor of Design (Textile Design) | 1062 | 2176 |
NIFT Kannur | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Design)-NRI Sponsored | 6014 | 6177 |
NIFT Kannur | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Communication)-NRI Sponsored | 4474 | 7308 |
NIFT Rank vs Kolkata Campus
The table below outlines NIFT Kolkata Campus vs Rank 2025:
Campus Name | Course Offered | Opening CMR | Closing CMR |
NIFT Kolkata | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Communication) | 125 | 360 |
NIFT Kolkata | Bachelor of Fashion Technology (Apparel Production) | 236 | 429 |
NIFT Kolkata | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Design) | 180 | 551 |
NIFT Kolkata | Bachelor of Design (Accessory Design) | 479 | 790 |
NIFT Kolkata | Bachelor of Design (Textile Design) | 440 | 1191 |
NIFT Kolkata | Bachelor of Design (Knitwear Design) | 915 | 1404 |
NIFT Kolkata | Bachelor of Design (Leather Design) | 1214 | 1950 |
NIFT Kolkata | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Design)-NRI Sponsored | 4290 | 5488 |
NIFT Kolkata | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Communication)-NRI Sponsored | 4525 | 6483 |
NIFT Rank vs Mumbai Navi Campus 2025
The table below outlines NIFT Navi Mumbai Campus vs Rank 2025:
Campus Name | Course Offered | Opening CMR | Closing CMR |
NIFT Mumbai | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Communication) | 5 | 57 |
NIFT Mumbai | Bachelor of Fashion Technology (Apparel Production) | 24 | 99 |
NIFT Mumbai | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Design) | 3 | 170 |
NIFT Mumbai | Bachelor of Design (Accessory Design) | 63 | 243 |
NIFT Mumbai | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Communication)-NRI Sponsored | 389 | 389 |
NIFT Mumbai | Bachelor of Design (Knitwear Design) | 155 | 555 |
NIFT Mumbai | Bachelor of Design (Textile Design) | 301 | 570 |
NIFT Mumbai | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Design)-NRI Sponsored | 339 | 1749 |
NIFT Mumbai | Bachelor of Design (Accessory Design)-NRI Sponsored | 1087 | 2430 |
NIFT Mumbai | Bachelor of Design (Knitwear Design)-NRI Sponsored | 2362 | 3703 |
NIFT Mumbai | Bachelor of Design (Textile Design)-NRI Sponsored | 2149 | 3899 |
NIFT Rank vs New Delhi Campus 2025
The table below outlines NIFT New Delhi Campus vs Rank 2025:
Campus Name | Course Offered | Opening CMR | Closing CMR |
NIFT New Delhi | Bachelor of Fashion Technology (Apparel Production) | 1 | 35 |
NIFT New Delhi | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Communication) | 4 | 48 |
NIFT New Delhi | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Design) | 15 | 104 |
NIFT New Delhi | Bachelor of Design (Accessory Design) | 8 | 141 |
NIFT New Delhi | Bachelor of Fashion Technology (Apparel Production)-NRI Sponsored | 157 | 157 |
NIFT New Delhi | Bachelor of Design (Textile Design) | 39 | 316 |
NIFT New Delhi | Bachelor of Design (Knitwear Design) | 236 | 461 |
NIFT New Delhi | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Communication)-NRI Sponsored | 213 | 512 |
NIFT New Delhi | Bachelor of Design (Leather Design) | 267 | 550 |
NIFT New Delhi | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Design)-NRI Sponsored | 390 | 638 |
NIFT New Delhi | Bachelor of Design (Accessory Design)-NRI Sponsored | 713 | 1220 |
NIFT New Delhi | Bachelor of Design (Knitwear Design)-NRI Sponsored | 815 | 2055 |
NIFT New Delhi | Bachelor of Design (Leather Design)-NRI Sponsored | 2223 | 2445 |
NIFT New Delhi | Bachelor of Design (Textile Design)-NRI Sponsored | 572 | 2615 |
NIFT Rank vs Panchkula Campus 2025
The table below outlines NIFT Panchkula Campus vs Rank 2025:
Campus Name | Course Offered | Opening CMR | Closing CMR |
NIFT Panchkula | Bachelor of Fashion Technology (Apparel Production) | 234 | 889 |
NIFT Panchkula | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Communication) | 158 | 1021 |
NIFT Panchkula | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Design) | 945 | 1479 |
NIFT Panchkula | Bachelor of Design (Textile Design) | 1317 | 1914 |
NIFT Panchkula | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Communication)-NRI Sponsored | 2676 | 3071 |
NIFT Panchkula | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Design)-NRI Sponsored | 2951 | 3828 |
NIFT Panchkula | Bachelor of Design (Textile Design)-NRI Sponsored | 5234 | 5234 |
NIFT Rank vs Patna Campus 2025
The table below outlines NIFT Patna Campus vs Rank 2025:
Campus Name | Course Offered | Opening CMR | Closing CMR |
NIFT Patna | Bachelor of Fashion Technology (Apparel Production) | 284 | 929 |
NIFT Patna | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Communication) | 330 | 964 |
NIFT Patna | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Design) | 786 | 1488 |
NIFT Patna | Bachelor of Design (Accessory Design) | 673 | 1968 |
NIFT Patna | Bachelor of Design (Textile Design) | 1372 | 2238 |
NIFT Patna | Bachelor of Design (Textile Design)-NRI Sponsored | 6193 | 6193 |
NIFT Patna | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Design)-NRI Sponsored | 6532 | 6532 |
NIFT Patna | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Communication)-NRI Sponsored | 7135 | 7135 |
NIFT Rank vs Raebareli Campus 2025
The table below outlines NIFT Raebareli Campus vs Rank 2025:
Campus Name | Course Offered | Opening CMR | Closing CMR |
NIFT Raebareli | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Communication) | 456 | 1215 |
NIFT Raebareli | Bachelor of Fashion Technology (Apparel Production) | 466 | 1286 |
NIFT Raebareli | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Design) | 1518 | 1922 |
NIFT Raebareli | Bachelor of Design (Accessory Design) | 1573 | 2186 |
NIFT Raebareli | Bachelor of Design (Leather Design) | 2248 | 2830 |
NIFT Raebareli | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Design)-NRI Sponsored | 6103 | 7243 |
NIFT Rank vs Shillong Campus 2025
The table below outlines NIFT Shillong Campus vs Rank 2025:
Campus Name | Course Offered | Opening CMR | Closing CMR |
NIFT Shillong | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Communication) | 523 | 1541 |
NIFT Shillong | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Design) | 833 | 1925 |
NIFT Shillong | Bachelor of Design (Accessory Design) | 1177 | 2352 |
NIFT Shillong | Bachelor of Design (Textile Design) | 2264 | 2666 |
NIFT Rank vs Srinagar Campus 2025
The table below outlines NIFT Srinagar Campus vs Rank 2025:
Campus Name | Course Offered | Opening CMR | Closing CMR |
NIFT Srinagar | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Communication) | 381 | 1745 |
NIFT Srinagar | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Design) | 1714 | 2318 |
NIFT Srinagar | Bachelor of Design (Accessory Design) | 2147 | 2652 |
NIFT Srinagar | Bachelor of Design (Textile Design) | 2357 | 2899 |
NIFT Rank vs Varanasi Campus 2025
The table below outlines NIFT Varanasi Campus vs Rank 2025:
Campus Name | Course Offered | Opening CMR | Closing CMR |
NIFT Varanasi | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Communication) | 1223 | 1781 |
NIFT Varanasi | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Design) | 888 | 2071 |
NIFT Varanasi | Bachelor of Design (Fashion Interiors) | 1434 | 2459 |
NIFT Rank vs Daman Campus 2025
The table below outlines NIFT Daman Campus vs Rank 2025:
Campus Name | Course Offered | Opening CMR | Closing CMR |
NIFT Daman | Bachelor of Design (Textile Design) | 1558 | 2510 |
NIFT Marks vs Rank 2025 Minimum Prescribed Marks
The marks required for qualifying for the NIFT exam vary with the category and section. These minimum scores play a very important role in determining eligibility for the merit list and getting admission to courses like B.Des, M.Des, B.F.Tech, and M.F.Tech. The NIFT cutoff is not the same for all. It depends on categories and sections. There you can obtain an idea of ranks by referring to last year's opening and closing ranks data. It helps you understand which range of competition you should be targeting.
Programs | NIFT Common Merit Rank (CMR) - Range | Shortlisted Candidates |
Bachelor of Design (B.Des) | 51-317 | 80 |
319-619 | 90 | |
620-825 | 90 | |
828-1098 | 90 | |
1104-1328 | 80 | |
1331-1605 | 90 | |
1612-1874 | 90 | |
1882-2127 | 90 | |
2128-2440 | 80 | |
2443-2741 | 90 | |
2747-3132 | 90 | |
3133-3628 | 90 | |
3629-4100 | 80 | |
4110-4714 | 90 | |
4715-5543 | 90 | |
5448-6739 | 90 | |
6744-8150 | 100 | |
8161-9875 | 100 | |
9883-11605 | 100 | |
11658-14378 | 86 | |
M.F.Tech | 88-100 | 3 |
Master of Design (M.Des) | 24-525 | 91 |
B.F.Tech Apparel Production | 11-272 | 40 |
276-929 | 89 | |
Master of Fashion Management (MFM) | 24-352 | 80 |
353-814 | 90 | |
816-1310 | 81 |
Also Read: What is a Good Score in NIFT 2025?
Factors Determining NIFT Campus vs Rank
Understanding the relationship between campus, marks, rank, and percentile concerning NIFT 2025 will be very important for you in case you are targeting a particular course or NIFT campus. This relationship enables you to plan your preparation well and target a particular score so that you can acquire a good rank. There are several determinants as to how marks may translate into ranks and percentiles which are listed below:
- Total Number of Applicants: When there are more applicants, the competition increases.
- Paper Structure: The number of questions in the paper plays a significant role.
- Difficulty Level: A difficult paper can affect overall scores and rank distribution.
- Candidate Performance: How others perform collectively can impact the cutoff trends.
- Past Trends: Past year data on NIFT marks and ranks provides valuable insights.
NIFT 2025 College Wise Seat Matrix
The NIFT Seat Matrix 2025 gives information on how seats are provided by all participating institutes. Analyzing the seat matrix along with NIFT rank and preferred colleges helps you estimate your possibility of getting admission to your desired course and campus. Find below the updated seat matrix for NIFT 2025 to get an idea of how the seats are allocated across different NIFT colleges in India.
NIFT Colleges | NIFT 2025 Seat Intake |
NIFT Bengaluru | 304 |
NIFT Bhopal | 287 |
NIFT Bhubaneswar | 246 |
NIFT Chennai | 304 |
NIFT Daman | 82 |
NIFT New Delhi | 376 |
NIFT Gandhinagar | 266 |
NIFT Hyderabad | 266 |
NIFT Jodhpur | 246 |
NIFT Kangra | 287 |
NIFT Kannur | 287 |
NIFT Kolkata | 304 |
NIFT Mumbai | 304 |
NIFT Patna | 246 |
NIFT Panchkula | 246 |
NIFT Raebareli | 228 |
NIFT Shillong | 205 |
NIFT Srinagar | 230 |
NIFT Varanasi | 123 |
We hope the above article has helped you know the NIFT 2025 rank vs campus details about your desired institute and preferred academic courses they offer along with their opening and closing CMRs.
Also Read:
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Of course, both NIFT Mumbai and NIFT Delhi have their own strengths but are considered to be prestigious institutions. Industry connection with strong input into contemporary fashion design is one aspect and academic-oriented approach with a focus on research and innovation is the other aspect of NIFT Delhi. In any case, your personal preference in pursuing a successful career would lead you to the best NIFT for you.
A rank of 3000 in NIFT is considered good in general, especially for the General category. The chances of getting a seat in the popular campuses and courses go up. But the specific opportunities depend on the factors like category, course preference, and campus choice.
Overall 20,000 students appeared for NIFT 2024 per the official data released by the administrating authority. This year, the number of students who took the exam has increased, compared to approximately 40,000 students who appear for the exam every year. Thus, the NIFT cutoff is expected to be high in 2024.
As it is conducted by NIFT, the actual cut-off marks for NIFT 2025 will only be determined after the entrance exam is conducted successfully. However, from last year's trend and its difficulty level, the prediction of cut-off marks may reach up to 30-35 marks in 200 for the general category; in other categories such as OBC, SC, ST the marks may vary.
The list of the best NIFT campuses in India includes colleges such as NIFT New Delhi, NIFT Chennai, NIFT Gandhinagar, NIFT Hyderabad, NIFT Kolkata, NIFT Mumbai, NIFT Bengaluru, NIFT Raebareli, NIFT Bhopal, and NIFT Kannur.
The following factors determine the NIFT cutoff:
Applicant's performance in the entrance exam
The cutoff patterns from prior years
The exam's degree of complexity
The BDes and BFTech seat matrix for each NIFT campus across India
Total number of applicants taking NIFT in a respective year
Yes, the seat matrix changes every year. The NIFT seat matrix 2025 is available on the website of NIFT and other education portals. This seat matrix indicates the total number of seats in every course provided by all NIFT institutes, keeping in mind category-wise reservations and specific seat numbers for every program.
A good NIFT rank depends on your desired course and campus. For very competitive courses like B.Des. at top campuses, a rank below 1000 is excellent. For other courses or campuses, a rank below 5000 is good enough. However, the best strategy is to aim at the highest possible rank and increase the chances of getting into the desired course and campus.
The top 10 NIFT colleges in India are #1 NIFT New Delhi, #2 NIFT Navi Mumbai, #3 NIFT Bengaluru, #4 NIFT Chennai, #5 NIFT Kolkata, #6 NIFT Hyderabad, #7 NIFT Patna, #8 NIFT Bhopal #9 NIFT Kannur (Kerala), and #10 NIFT Gandhinagar.
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