Tips to Answer Logical Reasoning Questions in CAT 2024: Strategy and Exam Pattern

Yash Dhamija

Updated On: November 19, 2024 04:04 PM | CAT

Candidates appearing for CAT must check the important tips to answer the logical reasoning questions of CAT provided in this article. They can also check the important topics of logical reasoning for the CAT exam. 

Tips to Answer Logical Reasoning Questions in CAT

Looking for tips to answer Logical Reasoning questions in CAT 2024? Well, you have arrived at the right place. Answering logical reasoning questions in the CAT 2024 requires a strategic approach, careful analysis, and time management. The CAT exam typically includes a Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR) section that tests your ability to analyze information, make logical deductions, and solve complex problems.  Regular practice is essential to improve your logical reasoning skills. It is crucial for candidates to familiarize themselves with the CAT DILR Syllabus 2024 as well as solve a variety of DILR problems from CAT preparation materials, mock tests, and previous years' papers. To help students score well in the CAT LR section, we are going to share important tips on how to answer correctly.

The CAT exam 2024 will be conducted by IIM Calcutta on November 24, 2024 . Some of the important topics that will be covered in the Logical Reasoning section are Venn Diagrams, Seating Arrangements, Assumptions, Blood Relations, Binary Logic, Clocks & Calendars, Data Arrangement, Family Trees, etc. All the problems of the Logical Reasoning section are usually of an ‘all-or-nothing’ type i.e. either you will be able to answer the questions of a problem completely or you will not be able to answer any single question of that problem. You will have to work hard to score well in the Logical Reasoning section. Now, let's have a look at some important tips to answer the Logical Reasoning questions in CAT 2024.

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An Overview of CAT 2024 Logical Reasoning

Logical Reasoning is a vital component of the CAT 2024 examination, serving as a test of your analytical thinking, decision-making prowess, and problem-solving skills. It goes beyond puzzle-solving, offering a glimpse into your managerial potential. Logical Reasoning isn't just a section; it reflects the skills that effective managers need in today's complex business landscape – the ability to dissect intricate situations, make informed decisions, and deduce patterns.

The CAT Logical Reasoning section encompasses various question types, including arrangements, puzzles, syllogisms, and critical reasoning. Diversifying your exposure to these types equips you with a versatile toolkit for tackling diverse challenges.

Tips to Answer Logical Reasoning Questions in CAT 2024

The Logical Reasoning section of CAT comprises 4-5 sets of problems containing 4-5 questions each. Around 20 questions will be asked in this section and candidates will have only 40 minutes to attempt them. One of the major advantages of concentrating on the Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning section of CAT is that you do not need to learn any lengthy formulae or concepts to attempt these questions. However, you will need to practice a lot to score well in this section. You should remember that most of the B-Schools have a separate cutoff for all the sections so you need to focus on each section equally. Here are some important tips to answer the logical reasoning questions in CAT 2024 exam.

  • Give equal importance to both the factual data and the information provided in the question.
  • Start by reading the instructions for the DILR section and each set of questions within it. Understand the rules and constraints provided for each set of questions.
  • If the DILR set includes a passage or data, quickly skim through it to get an idea of the context and main information. Note any key numbers, conditions, or patterns.
  • Determine the type of logical reasoning problem you're dealing with. Is it a puzzle, arrangement, seating arrangement, data interpretation, or something else? Knowing the problem type will help you choose the appropriate strategy.
  • Before diving into the questions, plan your approach. Decide how you will tackle the set of questions. For example, if it's a puzzle, consider which clues or conditions to start with.
  • Begin by solving the easier or less time-consuming questions in the set. This helps you build confidence and earn quick marks.
  • Read all the choices carefully before eliminating one option.
  • Answer the questions only on the basis of information provided in the problem i.e. you should not consider any data that is not given in the question.
  • Read all the choices provided in the answer before reading the question. Sometimes you do not need to read the question, you can eliminate the option directly.
  • Candidates may face some of the choices linked to general knowledge. You are advised to not fall into these kinds of traps as these kinds of questions are designed to confuse the candidates.
  • Utilize the rough sheet provided to you to draw a table, graph, or chart to organize your information.
  • Check out topper tips for CAT 2024 to know the strategy of attempting logical reasoning questions in the CAT exam.
  • Skip the question if you are facing any problems while answering it. You may answer that question after answering all the reasoning questions.
  • Solve the maximum number of CAT mock tests 2024 and CAT previous year papers PDF to understand the exam structure.
  • Keep an eye on the clock and manage your time effectively. You should aim to complete each DILR set within the allocated time, as there is a fixed time limit for the entire section.
  • Try to visualize the data provided in the question. This will help you to solve the question without writing it on paper.
Also Read: How to Start CAT Preparation 2024 from Scratch

How to Solve Logical Reasoning Questions in CAT 2024?

While attempting CAT 2024 Logical Reasoning, candidates can use the following tips to solve them correctly.
  • When you notice a question about logical reasoning, the first thing you should do is read it attentively and make a list of all the information you acquire from it.
  • Prioritize questions within the set based on your assessment of difficulty and time required. Try to tackle the higher-scoring or easier questions first.
  • Read and analyze the clues, conditions, or data carefully. Often, the solution lies in the details provided. Look for patterns and relationships.
  • You can use it to create Venn diagrams, tables, or charts for better comprehension, according to your convenience.
  • The questions are closely related in a single set. It is crucial that you read each question several times to ensure that you fully comprehend the appropriate responses. You will be able to solve the set if you understand its logic.
Also Read: How to Prepare for CAT Quantitative Ability (QA)

Strategies to Adopt for Logical Reasoning Questions in CAT 2024

Candidates must follow the following strategies to excel in the LR section of the CAT 2024 exam:
1. Set time Limits: If you attempt all 32 questions in the CAT Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning portion within the allotted hour, you will have completed the exam in less than two minutes per question. However, in order to obtain a high CAT score, you shouldn't attempt every question; instead, you should determine a time goal for the Logical Reasoning portion and strive to achieve it. You have a decent chance of doing well if you correctly answer at least 10 to 12 questions, as we previously explained. Establish a time limit for your questions and make an attempt to answer them all within that time.

2. Determine the Type of Question: The first step in addressing a logical reasoning question correctly is to recognize the question's type. Remember that this is only possible with consistent practice, which will help you recognize the different types of questions and remember how to answer them.

3. Answer Step-by-Step: Writing down all of the provided information should be your first step. LR problems typically include a number of statements that provide hints for answering the given questions. After that, continue to solve the issue step by step. This is crucial to do so that you don't miss any hints that could hinder you from ever being able to answer the question.

4. Avoid Making Baseless Assumptions: Never rely on or infer any information that the question does not explicitly provide. When selecting among the possible answers, solely take into account the information provided in each question passage. Despite the fact that assumptions can be helpful in some circumstances, this is typically mentioned in the question paper. Avoid doing so unless it is expressly stated in writing. You can answer the questions using the information provided, so don't stress and focus entirely on answering.

5. Carefully Review Your Options: The options are set up such that they contain figures and answers that candidates frequently misinterpret. So, avoid falling for that trap! Make intelligent decisions by thoroughly reading the options.

6. Be Aware of Your Weaknesses: Keep an eye on performance improvement as you continue your CAT preparation. But as exam day draws near, begin to note which question types you're still frequently finding challenging and consider avoiding those. Don't waste your time on it; instead, make the most of your time by attempting the problems that are the easiest for you to handle.

Also Read : How to Prepare for CAT Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC)

How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning Questions in CAT?

Verbal Ability & Logical Reasoning section can be prepared for intelligently, therefore getting a high percentile in the CAT 2024 won't be too difficult for you.
  • Go through the CAT papers from prior years and attempt to complete as many mock CAT tests as you can.
  • At this point, with only a few days until the actual CAT Test, you should finish about 10 to 15 sets of logical reasoning problems per day.
  • Solving Sudoku, crossword puzzles, riddles, and other puzzles on a regular basis is another interesting method to get ready for this section. You can do this by checking out the daily newspaper's leisure section, as well as by solving case studies from different books and puzzle websites online.

Important Topics for CAT 2024 Logical Reasoning

You are advised to keep a copy of the CAT syllabus 2024 with you while preparing for the exam. You can sort out the topics of CAT according to your strengths and weaknesses. Some of the important topics for the Logical Reasoning of the CAT exam are provided in the table below.

Topic Name

Expected No. of Questions

Difficulty Level

Blood Relations

2-3 Questions


Syllogisms and Venn Diagrams

2-3 Questions


Assumption and Binary Logic

1-2 Questions



1-2 Questions


Seating Arrangements

2-3 Questions


Clocks and calendars

0-1 Questions


Team Formation

1-2 Questions


You should note that it is not necessary that all types of problems will be asked in the exam. The question paper may contain 1-2 questions of puzzles or it may not cover any question from it.

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Difficulty Level of Logical Reasoning of CAT

You may face around 16 Logical Reasoning questions in the CAT exam. The difficulty level of the questions will range from easy to moderate. Most of the questions will not require any lengthier calculations. You can solve them with the help of some logic and understanding.

The marking scheme of the Logical Reasoning will be the same as the remaining sections of the CAT. Three marks will be awarded for each correct answer while one mark will be deducted for each incorrect answer.

How to Improve Logical Reasoning for CAT 2024?

You can improve your logical reasoning for CAT by solving a maximum number of questions from the Logical Reasoning section. You can note all the important topics mentioned in the syllabus of CAT and then you can pick any topic as per your choice. You can either purchase a mock test series from any coaching institute or you can download an online PDF from the internet.

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For admission-related guidance, fill out our Common Application Form or call on our toll-free number 1800-572-9877. If you have any other doubts regarding the CAT exam, you can ask them in our Q&A zone . We wish you all the best for the CAT exam!

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Are there any recommended resources or study materials for logical reasoning preparation?

Utilize CAT preparation books, study materials, and online resources that specifically focus on logical reasoning. Solve previous years' CAT question papers to get acquainted with the question patterns and difficulty levels. Join coaching programs or online courses that provide comprehensive logical reasoning preparation.

How can I improve my speed in solving logical reasoning questions?

Enhance your speed by practicing regularly and familiarizing yourself with different types of logical reasoning questions. Learn to quickly identify patterns, make logical connections, and solve problems efficiently. Time yourself during practice sessions to build speed.

Are there any specific strategies to improve accuracy in logical reasoning?

To improve accuracy, focus on understanding the logic behind each question. Break down the given information, make logical deductions, and eliminate answer options that contradict the given conditions. Practice time management to allocate sufficient time for each question.

How should I approach logical reasoning questions in CAT 2024?

Develop a systematic approach by reading the questions carefully and understanding the given information. Identify the key components and relationships involved. Practice solving different types of logical reasoning questions to enhance your analytical and problem-solving skills.

What is the exam pattern for the logical reasoning section in CAT 2024?

The logical reasoning section in CAT 2024 typically consists of sets of logical puzzles, arrangements, seating arrangements, blood relations, and other reasoning-based questions. The number of questions and the difficulty level may vary, but there are usually around 16-20 questions in this section.

What are the tips to answer Logical Reasoning questions in CAT?

Following are the tips to answer Logical Reasoning questions in CAT-

  • Read the question carefully and understand what you are asked.
  • Utilize the provided table, graph, or chart to organize your information
  • Think of the solution by considering the four options provided.
  • Choose the right answer and submit it.
  • Since CAT has a -1 negative mark for every incorrect answer, choose the option wisely.

What are the preparation tips for CAT Logical Reasoning?

Some of the important preparation tips for CAT Logical Reasoning are-

  • Start with any study material, preferably, Arun Sharma for LR or any coaching modules.
  • Solve questions on basic topics like Seating arrangements, Rankings, Venn diagrams, Games and Tournaments, Puzzles, Quantitative Reasoning, etc.
  • These questions are never asked directly in CAT, but a lot of practice on these topics will help you develop the logic required for questions.
  • Solve previous year question papers as well as sample papers.
  • Attempt mock tests to analyze your preparation level.

What are some important topics for CAT Logical Reasoning?

Some of the important topics for CAT Logical Reasoning are Assumptions, Blood Relations, Binary Logic, Clocks and Calendars, Constraint-based puzzles, Data Arrangement, Family Trees, Matching Puzzles, Proposition, Statements, Seating Arrangement, Sets, Syllogism, Venn Diagram, etc. Students can expect questions from any of these topics in the CAT exam.

What is the easiest way to answer CAT Logical Reasoning questions?

Some of the easiest ways to answer CAT Logical Reasoning questions are-

  • Focus carefully on the information and factual data provided in the question.
  • Try to understand what the question is asking.
  • Read the options carefully and think about which one is the right answer.
  • Mark the correct answer or leave the question unattempted to avoid negative marking.

How can I develop Logical Reasoning for CAT?

Candidates can develop Logical Reasoning for CAT in the following ways-

  • Don’t assume the information or facts. Read the question carefully and consider the given factual data to get an answer.
  • Pay attention to words like “all”, “some” “none”, “other than” “only” or “unless” as they play an important role in determining the facts for the particular passage.
  • Pay attention to negative prefixes as well, such as “non-“, “un-“, or “dis-“.
  • Practice sample questions from the past years to get an insight into why each choice for the given question is correct or incorrect.

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