UPSC Law Syllabus for Civil Services (IAS) Mains Exam 2024- PDF Download, Important Topics, Weightage

Anmol Arora

Updated On: January 10, 2024 12:17 AM | UPSC Civil Services

Appearing for UPSC Civil Services Exam 2024 and choosing Law as the optional subject? This article shall give you an idea of the syllabus of the UPSC Law Syllabus for IAS Mains 2024!

UPSC Law Syllabus

UPSC Law Syllabus For Civil Services (IAS) Main Exam 2024: The Union Public Service Commission has released the information about the UPSC CSE exam which is to be held on 15 September 2023. The preliminary examination will be conducted by the organization on May 26, 2024. The candidates have started preparing for the preliminary examination. For the main examination, the candidates can check out the major information about the UPSC CSE Syllabus 2024 for the Law paper which is an optional subject. The people who will successfully pass the preliminary examination will be liable to take the main examination. After the main examinations are conducted, the interview round will be conducted by the organization.

There are 48 subjects available in the main examination to choose from for the candidates. The candidates are required to choose the subject of the choice and each optional subject includes 2 papers, that is paper 1 and Paper 2. Both of these papers will be 250 marks making a total of 500 marks for the Law paper also. It is important to check out the major information about the syllabus for UPSC IAS mains Law paper 2024. The article given below talks about the major information related to the syllabus for paper 1 and Paper 2 if you have chosen law as your optional subject:

Also Read: UPSC CSE 2024 Exam Day Instructions

UPSC IAS Mains Law Syllabus 2024

Two papers will be conducted for the UPSC IAS Main Law subject. The candidates need to prepare for both of the papers by taking into consideration the syllabus which is released by the organization on the official website. The candidates can check out the information about the paper-wise syllabus for a law subject from the details mentioned below:

Paper I

Paper one consists of two topics: constitutional and administrative law and international law. The students can check out the details related to both of the topics from the tables given below:

Constitutional and Administrative Law

The candidates can check out the major information about the topics included in this section from the table provided below and prepare themselves accordingly:

Relationship between directive principles, fundamental rights, and fundamental duties

Governor and his powers

Emergency provisions

Constitutional position of the President

Constitution and Constitutionalism: The distinctive features of the Constitution

Constitutional relation with the Council of Ministers

Fundamental rights - Legal Aid; Public interest litigation

Principles of natural justice - Emerging trends and judicial approach

Supreme Court and High Courts:

  • Powers, functions and jurisdiction

  • Appointments and transfer

Centre, States and local bodies:

  • Eminent domain - State property - common property - community property and Local Bodies

  • Administrative relationship among State, Union, and Local Bodies

  • Distribution of legislative powers between the States and the Union

  • Legislative powers, privileges and immunities

Services under the Union and the States:

  • Recruitment and conditions of services; Administrative tribunals Constitutional safeguards
  • Union Public Service Commission and State Public Service Commissions - Functions and Power
  • Election Commission - Functions and Power

Separation of powers and constitutional governance

Amendment of the Constitution

Delegated legislation and its constitutionality

Ombudsman: Lokayukta and Lokpal

Judicial review of administrative action

​International Law

The following topics are included in this section by the UPSC organization so the candidate must start their preparation for the exam accordingly:

Nature and definition of international law

Improvement and Protection of the human environment: International efforts

Relationship between international law and municipal law

The territorial jurisdiction of States, extradition and asylum

Law of the sea:

  • Inland waters
  • Contiguous zone
  • High seas
  • Exclusive economic zone
  • Territorial sea
  • Continental shelf

Individuals: Procedures and Human Rights available for their enforcement; Nationality, statelessness

Peaceful settlement of disputes - different modes

Fundamentals of international humanitarian law - contemporary developments and International conventions and

Lawful recourse to force: aggression, self-defence, intervention

Nuclear - non-proliferation treaty, Legality of the use of nuclear weapons; CTBT, ban on the testing of nuclear weapons

United Nations: Its principal organs, powers, functions and reform

Treaties: Formation, application, termination and reservation

State-sponsored terrorism, international criminal court, International terrorism, hijacking

WTO, TRIPS, GATT, New international economic order and monetary law: IMF, World Bank

Also Read : UPSC CSE 2024 Prelims Exam Day Instructions


Paper 2 is also important for the law subject and it consists of 4 separate sections that must be tackled by the students. The four sections included in the second paper are the law of crimes, the law of torts, the law of contracts and mercantile law, and last contemporary legal developments. Check out the major information about the syllabus from the details given below:

Law of Crimes

The candidates will be giving their main examination really soon so they must start their preparation for the law subject by taking into consideration the following topics presented by the organization:

Preparation and criminal attempt

Offences against the human body

General exceptions

Law of Crimes

Criminal liability General principles: Men's rea in statutory offences, Men's rea and actus reus

Offences against Property


Joint and constructive liability

Offences against public tranquillity

Criminal conspiracy

Vicarious liability including State liability

Plea bargaining

Offences against the State

Emerging trends and Kinds of punishment as to abolition of capital punishment

Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988

Protection of Civil Rights Act 1955 and subsequent legislative developments

Liability based upon strict liability and fault; Absolute liability


Offences against women


Law of Torts

The following topics are included in this section by the UPSC organization so the candidate must start their preparation for the exam accordingly:

  • Nature and definition.
  • Liability based upon fault and strict liability; Absolute liability.
  • Vicarious liability including State liability.
  • General defences.
  • Joint tort feasors.
  • Remedies.
  • Negligence.
  • Defamation.
  • Nuisance.
  • Conspiracy.
  • False imprisonment.
  • Malicious prosecution.
  • Consumer Protection Act, 1986.

Law of Contracts and Mercantile Law

The candidates can check out the major information about the topics included in this section from the table provided below and prepare themselves accordingly:

  • Nature and formation of contract/E-contract.
  • Factors vitiating free consent.
  • Void, voidable, illegal and unenforceable agreements.
  • Performance and discharge of contracts.
  • Quasi-contracts.
  • Consequences of breach of contract.
  • Contract of indemnity, guarantee and insurance.
  • Contract of the agency.
  • Sale of goods and hire purchase.
  • Formation and dissolution of the partnership.
  • Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881.
  • Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996.
  • Standard form contracts.

Also Read : How to Prepare for UPSC Civil Services Personality Test Tips?

Contemporary Legal Developments

The candidates will be giving their main examination really soon so they must start their preparation for the law subject by taking into consideration the following topics presented by the organization:

Purpose/Prospects of Information Technology Law Concept including Cyber Laws

Trial by media

Right to Information Act

Public Interest Litigation

Major statutes concerning environmental law

Competition Law- Concept, purpose/ prospects

Intellectual property rights - Concept, types/prospects

Alternate Dispute Resolution - Concept, types/prospects

Also Read : UPSC CSE 2024 Expert Tips and Last-Minute Strategy

UPSC CSE 2024: Overall Exam Pattern

The candidates can check out the information about the overall UPSC CSE Exam Pattern 2024 for the main exam from the table given below:




Paper A

Indian Language


Paper B



Paper I



Paper II

GS I (General Studies)


Paper III



Paper IV



Paper V



Paper VI

Optional Subject I


Paper VII

Optional Subject II


UPSC CSE 2024 Optional Paper Exam Pattern

  • The paper will be conducted for a total of 3 hours duration.
  • The total marks for paper I and Paper II each will be 250. That means the overall marks for 2 optional papers will be 500.
  • The students will have to choose one subject for the optional paper. The students will have to attempt two papers for one optional subject (Paper I and Paper II).

UPSC Law Syllabus For Civil Services IAS Main Exam 2024: Best Books

The candidates who want to appear for this optional subject can get the major information about the books that are required in order to prepare for this subject from the pointers given below:

Important Books

Publisher Name

International Law

S. K Kapoor

Our Constitution

PM Bakshi

Introduction to the Constitution of India

D.D Basu

Constitution of India

VN Shukla

International Law

Malcolm N Shaw

Indian Penal Code

KD Gaur

Mercantile Law

R.K. Bangia

Law of Tort

Autochthon Pillai

Related Articles:

Hope the above-mentioned information was helpful. Stay tuned to CollegeDekho to get more updates on exams in various streams. In case of any query, you can head to our QnAZone.

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Which is a better optional subject Law or PSIR under the Civil Services (IAS) Mains Exam 2024?

Law or PSIR optional both are equally good and scoring. The answer to this question depends upon one’s interest if one is comfortable with political science concepts one should definitely take PSIR and if one is well aware of the law then one should definitely choose Law as an optional in the Civil Services (IAS) Mains Exam 2024. However, the law being tougher, it is always recommended to choose Law Optional only when one has studied it in his/her graduation so that the technicalities can be easily dealt with. 

What are the important topics under Contemporary Legal Developments that one must study to qualify the Civil Services (IAS) Mains Exam for Law Optional 2024?

The important topics under Contemporary Legal Developments that one must study to qualify for the Civil Services (IAS) Mains Exam for Law Optional 2024 are as follows:

  • IT Law & Cyber Law
  • Right to Information Act
  • Intellectual Property Rights
  • Public Interest Litigation
  • Alternate Dispute Resolution 
  • Competition Law
  • Trial by Media

What is the syllabus of Paper II in the Civil Services (IAS) Mains Exam for Law Optional 2024?

The syllabus of Paper II in the Civil Services (IAS) Mains Exam for Law Optional 2024 is given below:

  • Law of Crimes
  • Law of Torts 
  • Constitutional Legal Developments

What is the syllabus of Paper I in the Civil Services (IAS) Mains Exam for Law Optional 2024?

 The syllabus of Paper I in the Civil Services (IAS) Mains Exam for Law Optional 2024 is given below:

  • Constitutional & Administrative Law
  • International Law

What are the important topics under Constitutional & Administrative Law that one must study to qualify the Civil Services (IAS) Mains Exam for Law Optional 2024?

The important topics under Constitutional & Administrative Law that one must study to qualify for the Civil Services (IAS) Mains Exam for Law Optional 2024 are as follows:

  • Relationship Between Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties & Directive Principles of State Policy
  • Emergency Provisions
  • Centre, State & Local Bodies
  • Legal Aid & Public Interest Litigation
  • Supreme Court & High Court
  • Services Under Union & States
  • Governed & His Powers

What are the important topics under Law of Crimes that one must study to qualify the Civil Services (IAS) Mains Exam for Law Optional 2024?

The important topics under Law of Crimes that one must study to qualify for the Civil Services (IAS) Mains Exam for Law Optional 2024 are as follows:

  • Preparation & Criminal Attempt
  • Abetment 
  • Offenses Against the State
  • Criminal Conspiracy
  • Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988
  • Defamation
  • Plea Bargaining 

What are the important topics under Law of Torts that one must study to qualify the Civil Services (IAS) Mains Exam for Law Optional 2024?

The important topics under Law of Torts that one must study to qualify for the Civil Services (IAS) Mains Exam for Law Optional 2024 are as follows:

  • Consumer Protection Act, 1986
  • General Defences 
  • Conspiracy
  • False Imprisonment 
  • Quasi Contracts
  • Malicious Prosecution
  • E-Contract

What are the important topics under International Law that one must study to qualify the Civil Services (IAS) Mains Exam for Law Optional 2024?

The important topics under International Law that one must study to qualify for the Civil Services (IAS) Mains Exam for Law Optional 2024 are as follows:

  • Nature & Definition of International Law
  • Relationship between International Law & Municipal Law
  • United Nations
  • State Sponsored Terrorism
  • Law of the Sea
  • Peaceful Settlement of Disputes

What are the important topics of the Civil Services (IAS) Mains Exam for Law Optional 2024 Syllabus?

The Civil Services (IAS) Mains Exam for Law Optional 2024 Syllabus is as follows:

  • Constitutional & Administrative Law
  • International Law
  • Contemporary Legal Developments
  • Law of Torts
  • Law of Crimes

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