The admission to IIT Hyderabad is offered to canddiates is offered at undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral levels. The institute accepts various entrance exams like JEE Advanced (BE/B.Tech courses), GATE (ME/M.Tech and PhD), IIT JAM (MSc), UCEED (BDes), CEED (MDes). The duration of UG courses is 4 years and the duration of PG courses is 2 years. The IIT Hyderabad B.Tech cutoff 2023 on the basis of JEE Advanced entrance exam has been released in 4 rounds. Interested candidates must visit our website to get more idea about the cutoff and other details.
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How to join in Mtech admission
Which iit or nit can I get in electrical engineering. My gate score is 365
Has vignan releases the admit card for 28 march 2025 vsat exam