Dear student,
Radhey Hari Govt. P.G. College admission in MSc Physics has ended for the academic year 2023-24. The college admission process starts in the month of June and ends by early September. PG admission at Radhey Hari Govt. P.G. College is done by Kumaun University. Candidates who have minimum 45% marks in BSc degree in relevant discipline are eligible for MSc admission at Radhey Hari Govt PG College. The college also offers MSc Mathematics, MSc Chemistry, MA English, MA History etc. courses at PG level.
Private admission kab tak Honge at Radhey Hari Govt. P.G. College
Is the admissions still going on in bsc course?
Open BA k leye kese addmission hoga
Sir BA open k leye koi registration form fill krna hoga and esk leye kya krna h...