Salt Brook Academy, Dibrugarh'or hostel fees protyek bosor change hoi aru beleg hoi vibhinno dhoronor room'or karone. For example, single-seater'or fees around INR 7000 hoi aru double-seater'or around INR 4000 hoi. Ekedore, female aru male students'or hostel fees vary koribo pare. Apuni jodi specific type'or room jonabe pare, ami aru bhal dore answer koribo parim.
Kya NEET waalo ko preference di jayegi ya CUET walo ko jab BHU mai BSc Nursing selection hoga?
Is class 11 aur 12 both topics will be covered in CUET syllabus?
Can I get admission to BHU through CUET?
Can you kindly share the TN SET 2025 exam subjects and date?