NEET Questions on the Biological Classification reflect on the important topics in the Chapter 2 of the NEET Biology Syllabus. The NEET Questions on the Biological Classification are curated by keeping in mind the previous years’ question pattern and trends followed in the NEET entrance exams. The NEET Questions on the Biological Classification list is topic specific and highlight the primary areas of study which are required to be thoroughly studied for securing a good score in the NEET entrance exam, in the Biology section. Some of the most asked NEET Questions on the Biological Classification are usually based around the plant and animal kingdoms, kinds of bacteria, different characteristics of living organisms, etc.
NEET Questions on the Biological Classification offer a comprehensive understanding of the interconnected definitions of the five kingdoms of living organisms, namely, Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia. The NEET Questions on the Biological Classification are based on the preaching and research of R.H. Whittaker, who proposed the following theory of classification of kingdoms, taught across the Biology Syllabus in higher secondary and undergraduate medical course curriculums. In this article, the primary focus will be on the important NEET Questions on the Biological Classification as per the
NEET Question Paper PDFs
, for all students to refer to.
List of NEET Questions on the Biological Classification
It is important for all NEET aspiring students to possess the required knowledge of the important questions to be studied for the upcoming entrance exams. Analyzing the important NEET Questions on the Biological Classification allow students to focus on the important areas of study, and curate an effective preparation strategy as per their understanding of the subject matter. Students who refer to the NEET Questions on the Biological Classification have a higher chance of securing what is a good score in NEET UG . Therefore, to understand the important areas of study in the chapter “Biological Classification” in NEET Biology Syllabus , students must refer to these following important NEET Questions on the Biological Classification as listed below:
NEET Questions on the Biological Classification-
Q1. This component provides a sticky character to bacterial cell:
- Glycocalyx
- Nuclear membrane
- Cell wall
- Plasma membrane
Q2. Pick the incorrect statement:
- Diatoms are microscopic and float in water passively
- Diatoms are chief producers in oceans
- Diatomaceous earth is formed by the cell walls of diatoms
- Walls of diatoms are easily destructible
Q3. The imperfect fungi that are decomposers of litter and help in mineral cycling belong to?
- Basidiomycetes
- Deuteromycetes
- Ascomycetes
- Phycomycetes
Q4. Pick the incorrect statement:
- Neurospora is used in the study of biochemical genetics
- Penicillium is multicellular and produces antibiotics
- Yeast is unicellular and used in fermentation
- Morels and truffles are poisonous mushrooms
Q5. A capsule is advantageous to a bacterium because?
- it allows the bacterium to attach to the surface
- it allows the bacterium to “hide” from the host’s immune system
- it protects means of locomotion
- it protects the bacterium from desiccation
Q6. The most abundant prokaryotes helpful to humans in making curd from milk and in production of antibiotics are the ones categorized as:
- heterotrophic bacteria
- chemosynthetic autotrophs
- archaebacteria
- cyanobacteria
Q7. The pathogen Microsporum responsible for ringworm disease in humans belongs to the same kingdom of organisms as that of?
- Ascaris, a roundworm
- Rhizopus, a mould
- Wuchereria, a filarial worm
- Taenia, a tapeworm
Q8. Some hyperthermophilic organisms that grow in highly acidic (pH 2) habitats belong to two groups:
- liverworts and yeasts
- eubacteria and archaea
- protists and mosses
- cyanobacteria and diatoms
Q9. Pick the correct combination of statements (i-iv) regarding characteristics of some entities:
- Methanogens are archaebacteria that produce methane in marshy areas
- Nostoc is a filamentous blue green alga which fixes atmospheric nitrogen
- Chemosynthetic autotrophic bacteria synthesize cellulose from glucose
- Mycoplasma lack a cell wall and can survive without oxygen
Q10. Bacterial leaf blight of rice is caused by a species called?
- Pseudomonas
- Xanthomonas
- Erwinia
- Alternaria
Q11. In five-kingdom classification, unicellular green algae are included in the kingdom of?
- Metaphyta
- Protista
- Monera
- Metazoa
Q12. In five-kingdom classification, which single kingdom contains blue-green algae, nitrogen-fixing bacteria and methanogenic archaebacteria?
- Monera
- Protista
- Plantae
- Fungi
Q13. Fungi usually store the reserve food material in the form of?
- Starch
- Glycogen and oil
- Lipid
- Protein
Q14. Identify a character that is not unique to archaebacteria:
- Cell wall structure
- Cell membrane structure
- Flagellin protein structure
- Fatty acid synthetase present
Q15. Diatoms have left behind large amounts of cell wall deposits in their habitats because:
- They are most abundant in that habitat
- Their life span is long
- Their wall is indestructible
- The statement is not true
Q16. Which of the following is not an edible mushroom?
- Agaricus bispora
- Pleutorus ostreatus
- Lentinula edodes
- Amantia phalloides
Q17. Fungi resemble plants in?
- Lack of chloroplasts and heterotrophic nutrition
- Reproduction by only sexual means
- Having a cell wall and vacuoles
- Exhibition of bioluminescence
Q18. Saprophytic protists are?
- Slime moulds
- Dinoflagella
- Chrysophytes
- Protozoans
Q19. Identify the incorrectly matched pair:
- Diatoms: Chief producers in oceans
- Dinoflagella: Red tides
- Slime moulds: Spores dispersed by water
- Euglenoids: Protein-rich pellicle
Q20. Members of kingdom Protista:
- are primarily aquatic
- do not have membrane bound organelles
- are all ciliated or flagellated
- reproduce exclusively by asexual means
To conclude, the list of NEET Questions on the Biological Classification marks an important area of study in the NEET Syllabus which all students must cover through and through during their exam preparation period. Therefore, all students must understand the importance of NEET Questions on the Biological Classification to enhance their preparation strategy. The NEET Questions on the Biological Classification are listed by considering the year-wise NEET Biology syllabus, previous years’ question papers, toppers’ recommendations and experts’ advices. Find out more updates on the upcoming NEET entrance exam by following CollegeDekho!
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