Tips to Prepare for English Language Section of CLAT 2025

Subhashri Roy

Updated On: May 01, 2024 06:05 PM | CLAT

A grip over rules of grammar, good vocabulary, daily practice, multiple revisions and a good understanding of reading comprehension can help candidates ace the English language section of CLAT 2025.

Tips to Prepare for English Language Section of CLAT

The English language (including comprehension) section of CLAT is designed to evaluate a candidate's English language proficiency such as grammar, vocabulary, language usage, conceptual clarity through comprehension.

The English language section has 20% weightage in the exam and around 22-26 questions are from this section, which makes it a significant subject for the CLAT 2025

To prepare well for this section, it is recommended to analyze previous year question papers, solve at least 50-60 comprehensions before the real exam, have knowledge about important topics, daily practice of 3 to 4 hours, and multiple revisions of grammar rules etc.

With CLAT 2025 approaching, it is essential to go through the tips to prepare for the English language section of CLAT 2025 explained in this article. These preparation tips are recommended by subject matter experts and were adopted by previous year exam toppers, thus all the candidates must go through them very carefully and try to adopt some or all of these in the study plan.

CLAT 2025 English Language Section Highlights

Some of the crucial highlights about the CLAT 2025 english language section is given in the table below. Candidates must go through it thoroughly to be aware of the demand of the section.



Exam Name

CLAT 2025

Section Name

English Language Section

Number of Questions Asked from English Language Section

22-26 Questions

Sectional Weightage


Syllabus for English Language Section

Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary Based Questions, Figures Of Speech (Irony, Personification etc), Tenses, Articles, Prepositions, Modals, Active And Passive Voice, Subject Verb Agreement, Spotting Grammatical Errors, Verbs Formation, Verbs Usage, Synonyms & Antonyms, Idioms & Phrases, One-Word Substitution, Phrase Replacement, Jumbled Phrases etc.

Important Topics

Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary Based Questions, Tenses, Prepositions, Modals, Subject Verb Agreement, Verbs Formation, Verbs Usage, Synonyms & Antonyms, One-Word Substitution, Phrase Replacement etc.

Also Read: Important Topics for English Language Section of CLAT 2025

CLAT 2025 English Language Syllabus

In the CLAT 2025 English section, passages will be given which will be 450 words each. These passages will be of Class 12th standard and based on contemporary or historically significant fiction and non-fiction writing. Each passage will have a series of questions that will test the comprehension and vocabulary skills of a candidate. Questions would be based on:

  • Reading and understanding the main point of the question including the viewpoints and arguments mentioned in the passage.
  • Summarising the passages.
  • Drawing inferences and conclusions based on the passage.
  • Comparing various arguments or viewpoints mentioned in the passage.
  • Comprehending the meaning of various phrases and words mentioned in the passage.

CLAT 2025 English Language Important Topics

Here are the most important topics in the CLAT 2025 English Language section. Aspirants need to be focused on these topics while preparing for the exam.

  • Sentence Correction
  • Fill in the Blanks
  • Sentence Rearrangement
  • Idioms and Phrases
  • Comprehension-Based Questions
  • Foreign Language Words
  • Spelling Check

CLAT 2025 English Language Preparation Tips

Chalk out a Preparation Plan

To prepare for any examination, it is very important to invest your time in the preparation strategy. Your strategy should comprise the time required to complete the syllabus and have enough time to revise the topics. Calculate the time you will spend on each topic and prepare the study plan. While creating the preparation plan, identify your strengths and weaknesses and plan accordingly. Find out the topics that you feel should be given more attention and the ones to which you don’t have to dedicate the maximum of your time.

Make a Habit of Reading Every Day

As mentioned at the very beginning of this article, make reading your habit. While doing so, make sure you don’t indulge in reading something that you don’t enjoy. Reading materials that don’t interest you will only lead to a waste of time. However, reading newspapers is a must and cannot be ignored at any cost.

Make a Section-Wise Preparation Strategy

The main sections to include in this strategy are Grammar, Reading Comprehension, and Vocabulary.

For Grammar

The first and most important thing to do is to buy a basic English grammar book like Wren and Martin. Pay attention and go through each section. When you are preparing specifically for this section, candidates must pay attention to every little detail and build the foundation. Good knowledge of the basics of the English language will only help you identify the right answer quickly.

Start thinking and forming sentences in English in your head. Start finding your own mistakes and rectifying them, which is the best way to learn English Grammar.

For Reading Comprehension

Five skills that a CLAT aspirant requires to ace the comprehension part are:

  • Good vocabulary
  • Ability to draw inferences
  • Identify the tone and purpose of the passage or the question.
  • Find out how many passages are there in the exam and how much time you can spend on each of them.
  • Learn how to make connections, visualize, synthesize, determine the importance, and make inferences while answering comprehension-based questions.

For Vocabulary

Vocabulary-based questions include Antonyms, Idioms, Spellcheck, Synonyms, Foreign Language words, etc. To ace questions on vocabulary, CLAT aspirants need to solve the quizzes on antonyms, synonyms, etc. It is not humanly possible to learn and remember multiple new words so candidates must make sure that they make note of them and use them regularly.

  • Practice A Lot of Quizzes

CLAT 2025 aspirants must practice quizzes and solve sample papers based on the English Language as much as possible. Divide your practice session into comprehension-based questions, grammar-based questions, and vocabulary-based questions.

In the English section, there is nothing to mug up, students can only practice grammar to improve their skills. The more you practice, the more you tend to get used to the questions, and if you are lucky you might end up finding similar questions in CLAT 2025.

  • Jot Down Anything that You Find Important

Do not forget to write down important points that might be helpful in the exam. It is always good to have a notebook filled with pointers. These points will help you with the last-minute revision/preparation.

  • Do Not Waste Your Time on Multiple Books

Especially for the English Language section, candidates must refer to just one good book. English Language books tend to have similar content which candidates often waste time on.

Note: Candidates who are good at English should not be overconfident and take the English Language section lightly. This section contains 28 to 32 questions and has 20% weightage. Prepare well for the English section to improve your fluency in the language which would lead to securing full marks in this section. The candidates who are not so good in English, with a prescribed strategy, positivity, and enough practice, can certainly score high in this section.

Also Read: What to Expect from CLAT 2025?

Quick Tips and Strategies for the English Language Section of CLAT 2025

The English language section in the CLAT exam is generally considered less challenging as it primarily focuses on fundamental grammar and vocabulary concepts. Here are some helpful tips to excel in the English Language section for CLAT 2025.

Collaborating with study groups can be advantageous as it allows for discussing passages with multiple individuals, enabling a broader understanding of different viewpoints and meanings. Engaging in debates over arguments can further enhance CLAT 2025 preparation and foster critical thinking skills.

To enhance grammar proficiency, it is recommended to refer to reliable grammar books and practice questions from them. Strengthening grammar skills is crucial for achieving high marks in this section.

When ample time is available, candidates should dedicate effort to expanding their vocabulary. Learning new words should be accompanied by understanding their meanings and applying them appropriately. This approach will contribute to improving performance in the English section.

To gain familiarity with the CLAT 2025 exam pattern , it is essential to acquire sample papers and solve them. Regularly practicing with sample papers or mock tests released by the Consortium of NLUs is a beneficial habit.

By implementing these tips, candidates can effectively prepare for the English Language section of the CLAT exam, enhancing their grammar skills, expanding their vocabulary, and becoming acquainted with the exam's question format.

Best Books for English Language Section of CLAT 2025

Given below is the list of the best books for the CLAT 2025 English Language section.

Name of the Book

Name of the Publisher/Author

Word Power Made Easy

Norman Lewis

Word Power Made Easy New Revised & Expanded Edition (English)

Norman Lewis

The Pearson Guide to the CLAT (English)


Objective General English (English)

RS Aggarwal

Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning

RS Aggarwal

High School English Grammar & Composition (English)

P C Wren, H Martin

Also Read: Preparation Tips for Legal Reasoning Section of CLAT 2025

Section-Wise CLAT 2025 Preparation Tips

Click on the below-mentioned links to check out the section-wise preparation tips for CLAT 2025:

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What type of questions are asked from the CLAT English language section?

The CLAT English language section evaluates candidates' knowledge of reading, writing and speaking proficiency. In CLAT, six to seven passages are asked of around 450 words and the candidates are expected to answer multiple choice questions based on these passages. 

What are some of the best books for the CLAT English language section?

Some of the best books for the CLAT English language section are as follows.

  • Objective English by Wren & Martin
  • The Person Guide to CLAT (English)
  • Objective General English by RS Aggarwal
  • Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning by RS Aggarwal
  • Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis
  • 30 Days to a More Powerful Vocabulary by Norman Lewis

What is the time limit for the CLAT English language section?

There is no specific time limit for the CLAT English language section. The CLAT exam is held for 2 hours, and it is the combined duration for all the sections of CLAT.

Does CLAT have a different marking scheme for the English language section?

No, CLAT follows the same marking scheme for all its sections, and nothing different for its English language section. The details for CLAT marking scheme is given below:

  • +1 mark awarded for every correct answer
  • -0.25 marks for deducted for every each correct answer
  • No marks deducted for unattempted questions

What are some of the best tips to prepare for the English language section of CLAT?

Some of the best preparation, tips for English language section of CLAT are as follows:

  • A complete analysis of previous year question papers to know about how the questions are asked in the exam, to understand the way the questions are framed in the exam, to be aware of the topics which are directly or indirectly repeated etc. 
  • Solving at least 50 mock tests and sample papers to know about your strengths and weaknesses and work upon them accordingly.
  • Having proper knowledge of exam pattern & syllabus beforehand to streamline your preparation in the right direction using the right approach
  • Dedicated hours of study for each section depending upon sectional weightage without leaving any section.
  • Developing conceptual clarity to improve your performance in the reading comprehension passages.
  • Multiple revisions on weekends can also help to achieve your desired score in the upcoming CLAT.
  • Further, regularly reading newspapers can help increase one’s vocabulary. Make a habit of reading a newspaper by underlining new words, then find their meanings and try to remember these words.
  • A grip over grammar rules will also help in scoring good marks in this section which will affect your overall CLAT score.

What are some of the key topics that need to be prepared for the CLAT 2025 English language section?

The key topics to be prepared for the CLAT 2025 English language section includes the following:

  • Reading Comprehension
  • Vocabulary Based Questions
  • Tenses
  • Prepositions
  • Modals
  • Subject Verb Agreement
  • Verbs Formation
  • Verbs Usage
  • Synonyms & Antonyms
  • One-Word Substitution
  • Phrase Replacement

When will the CLAT 2025 be conducted?

The CLAT 2025 is expected to be conducted in December 2024.

What is the maximum number of questions asked from the English language section of CLAT 2025?

A maximum of 22-26 questions are asked in the CLAT 2025 from the English language section from various topics such as reading comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, sentence formation, jumbled phrases etc.

What is the syllabus for the CLAT 2025 English language section?

The syllabus for the CLAT 2025 English language section include the following topics: 

  • Reading Comprehension
  • Vocabulary Based Questions
  • Figures Of Speech (Irony, Personification etc)
  • Tenses
  • Articles
  • Prepositions
  • Modals
  • Active And Passive Voice
  • Subject Verb Agreement
  • Spotting Grammatical Errors
  • Verbs Formation
  • Verbs Usage
  • Synonyms & Antonyms
  • Idioms & Phrases
  • One-Word Substitution
  • Phrase Replacement
  • Jumbled Phrases 

What is the sectional weightage of CLAT 2025 English language section?

The sectional weightage of CLAT 2025 English language section is 20% marks.

How many questions from the English Language section are asked in CLAT 2024?

Around 22 to 26 questions are asked in the CLAT 2024 English Language section. This comprises about 20% in the exam.

What are the top tips to prepare for the CLAT 2024 exam?

The top tips to prepare for the CLAT 2024 exam are as follows:

  • Chalk out a preparation plan
  • Make a habit of reading everyday
  • Make a section-wise preparation strategy
  • Start conversing in English, and rectify your yourself to enhance grammar skills
  • Practice a lot of quizzes
  • Practice reading comprehension questions
  • Limited resources 

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Dear student, 

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