How to Become a Trial Lawyer

About Trial Lawyer

A Trial Lawyer is the most popular brach of lawyers that not only presents the client in front of the court and jury but also defends them in order to prove them non-guilty. The duty of a Trial Lawyer is to counter and argue the case at hand with the legal findings and their ability. Before representing a client, a Trial Lawyer meets with the client to understand the intricacies of the case. 

When out of the court, a Trial Lawyer schedules order, reviews files, contacts witnesses,  talk to clients and take depositions. When inside the courtroom, the lawyer, prepares scheduling orders, meet with judges, argue motions, select jurors, and argue cases. 

In order to be a Trial Lawyer, an aspirant must have at least completed a bachelor’s in law. After getting a license from the government they can work as a full-time Trial Lawyer. Individuals with at least 2 to 3 months of experience get the first-hand experience which makes them understand the profession better and tackle the cases faster. With sound legal knowledge, analytical approach and excellent communication skills anyone can be a successful Trial Lawyer.

Responsibilities of a Trial Lawyer

The general responsibilities of a Trial Lawyer are specified below.

  • To represent a client in a trial and to argue the case for them.

  • To study judicial decisions and to research law relevant to the case they have taken over.

  • To meet and update the client regularly and to keep them informed about the developments.

  • To provide pointers in order to convince the jury and judge about the innocence of the client.

  • To collect and examine all the necessary evidence in the favour of the client.

  • Discuss the options and strategies with the client that needs to be adopted at the trial.

  • To cross-examine witnesses, counter-argue and present the case of the client in the court.

Eligibility to become Trial Lawyer

Here are the basic eligibility criteria in terms of the qualification, work experience and skills that must be fulfilled in order to be a successful Trial Lawyer.

Qualification Required

  • Candidates must have at least completed a 5 years long LLB or a 3 years long LLB.

  • Students with an LLM degree are also eligible for the chosen job profile.

  • Candidates with just diploma or certificate courses are not eligible to be a Trial Lawyer


  • Good Debating Skills

  • Sound Communication Skills

  • Problem Solving

  • Critical Thinking

  • Analytical Skills

  • Persuasion Skills

  • Time- Management

  • Eye to Details

  • Deep Knowlege of Legal Terms and Concepts

Work Experience

  • 2-3 years of experience with private firms or with a seasoned attorney can help in enhancing the required skill set which can further help in being an established Trial Lawyer.

Courses to Become a Trial Lawyer

The table provided below has the most popular law courses that can be pursued to be a Trial Lawyer. Besides it, the table also contains the name of the top institutes that offer quality legal education and is known to contribute profoundly to the field of law. You can either click on the links to apply directly for admission to the mentioned college or you can fill the Common Application Form. You can also give a call on our toll-free number 1800-572-9877 to take help from our admission experts.

Types of Job Roles Trial Lawyer

An aspirant willing to be a Trial Lawyer can be employed with the state, private law or a business firm. After gathering a few years of working experience, a Trial Lawyer can work independently as well. Given below are a few of the job profiles that are available for a Trial Lawyer.

If you are wondering what occupation fits you the best, you can take the Career Profiling Test of CollegeDekho. In case you have any questions about the Trial Lawyer, write to us on the QnA zone.

Employment Opportunities for Trial Lawyer

A Trial Lawyer gets plenty of career opportunities in law firms. Provided underneath are the legal areas that an individual can consider for jobs as a Trial Lawyer.

  • Supreme Courts

  • High Courts

  • District Courts

  • Legal Practice

  • Law Firms

  • Law Universities/ Law Colleges

  • Legal Websites

  • Business Firm

Top Recruiting Agencies for Trial Lawyer

Few major top recruiting agencies that hire a Trial Lawyer are enlisted below.


  • Bankai Group

  • ATMA

  • Kapil Gupta & Associates

  • Uday Shankar Associates

  • SRP & Associates

  • Sanjay Mann & Associates

  • The Lawyer's Hub

  • Kanth & Associates

  • AK Singh & Co.

Planning to choose Trial Lawyer as your career?

Pay Scale/Salary of Trial Lawyer

A Trial Lawyer with a good amount of work experience and apt skills can earn a lot more than a fresher. The average salary of a Trial Lawyer is ₹ 4,91,318. Captured below are the entry-level, mid-level and senior-level salary extracted by a Trial Lawyer.

Job Profile

Entry-Level Salary per annum (in INR)

Mid-Level Salary per annum (in INR)

Senior-Level Salary per annum (in INR)

Trial Lawyer

₹ 2,00,000

₹ 4,91,000

₹ 8,50,000

Displayed below is the pay scale graph of a Trial Lawyer. The figure records the salary growth that a Trial Lawyer experiences with time.

Salary of Trial Lawyer

Books & Study Material to Become Trial Lawyer

The study materials and books that are recommended to a Trial Lawyer are provided below. 

  • The Trial Lawyer: What it Takes to Win by David Berg

  • To be a Trial Lawyer by F. Lee Bailey

  • Win Your Case: How to Present, Persuade, and Prevail--Every Place, Every Time by  Gerry Spence 

  • The Best Defense by Alan Dershowitz

  • Becoming a Trial Lawyer: A Guide for the Lifelong Advocate by Richard H. Friedman

  • The Tools of Argument: How the Best Lawyers Think, Argue, and Win by Joel P. Trachtman

Pros of becoming a Trial Lawyer

  • The career comes up with various intellectual challenges every day which not only utilises the analytical skills but also the problem-solving skills of an individual. The job offers utmost satisfaction and is emotionally rewarding.

  • Work of a Trial Lawyer never gets monotonous and the learning never stops. 

  • A Trial Lawyer enjoys plenty of privileges and perks which include financial advantages, office facilities etc.

Cons of becoming a Trial Lawyer

  • The job might get very stressful due to long working hours and mental exhaustion.

  • A Trial Lawyer might have to face unrealistic deadlines throughout the career.

  • Sometimes, clients can get very arrogant and intolerant making it difficult to work with them.

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FAQs about Trial Lawyer

Can I work independently as a Trial Lawyer?

Yes, an individual is free to work independently as a Trial Lawyer.

What challenges do a Trial Lawyer face?

A Trial Lawyer might end up getting unrealistic deadlines or stubborn clients which can iincrease the stress and cause mental exhaustion.

What is the major advantage of being a Trial Lawyer?

The major advantage of being a Trial Lawyer is that an individual gets to learn new things almost every day. The job never gets boring and there are fresh challenges every day.

Which books must a Trial Lawyer consider for skills and knowledge enhancement?

To enhance skills and knowledge, a Trial Lawyer must consider study materials from reliable sources. Some of the apt books are The Trial Lawyer: What it Takes to Win by David Berg, Win Your Case: How to Present, Persuade, and Prevail--Every Place, Every Time by Gerry Spence, Becoming a Trial Lawyer: A Guide for the Lifelong Advocate by Richard H. Friedman, To be a Trial Lawyer by F. Lee Bailey and many more.

Which skills play an important role in order to become a Trial Lawyer?

The skills that play a significant role for a Trial Lawyer are debating skills, observational ability, analytical thinking, time management, patience and deep legal knowledge,

Can I be a Trial Lawyer after completing an integrated LLB?

After completing a three-year-long LLB or a 5 year long LLB, a candidate is eligible to be a Trial Lawyer.

Is it necessary to complete LLM to be a Trial Lawyer?

No, it is not mandatory to complete LLM in order to be a Trial Lawyer.

What is the average salary that a Trial Lawyer earns?

The average salary earned by a Trial Lawyer is ? 4,91,318 per annum.

How much can a Trial Lawyer earn after 4 years of work experience?

After 4 years of experience, a Trial Lawyer can earn anywhere around ? 4,91,000 per annum. The salary might vary depending on the ability and the skills of an individual.

What are the major responsibilities of a Trial Lawyer?

The major responsibilities of a Trial Lawyer include collecting and examining all the necessary evidence, research and representing the client in the court.

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