FTII JET Selection Process 2025: Counselling, Document Verification, Seat Allocation, Medical Test

Updated By Himani Daryani on 10 Oct, 2024 17:02

Registration Starts On February 22, 2025

The FTII JET exam is scheduled for April 6 and 7, 2025. Following the written test, candidates will participate in orientation sessions and interviews as part of the FTII JET Selection Process 2025. Keep reading to learn more!

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FTII JET Selection Process 2025

FTII JET Selection Process 2025: The Film and Television Institute of India (FTII) & Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute (SRFTI) conducts a joint entrance exam, the JET 2025 exam, for students seeking admission into its PG diploma and certificate programs. According to the official notification, the application process is expected to begin in February 2025, with the FTII JET 2025 exam scheduled for April 2025. 

Following the FTII JET 2025 written test, successful applicants will participate in orientation sessions and interviews, which play a significant role in the final FTII JET selection process. Some courses may also require candidates to participate in an offline audition. The JET 2025 merit list will be compiled based on the candidate's performance in all stages, including the JET scores, orientation, audition, and interviews.

Aspiring applicants can check here all the details regarding the FTII JET selection process 2025, including the counselling process, web options, seat allocation, and medical test!

FTII JET Selection Process 2025: Overview

The selection process for FTII JET 2025 includes several stages for various specializations across Film and Television Wings. The programs offered include Post Graduate Diploma and Certificate Courses, as well as Undergraduate Certificate Courses.

Film Wing Specializations:

  • Direction & Screenplay Writing
  • Cinematography
  • Editing
  • Sound Recording & Sound Design
  • Art Direction & Production Design
  • Screen Acting
  • Screenwriting

Television Wing Specializations:

  • Direction
  • Electronic Cinematography
  • Video Editing
  • Sound Recording & Television Engineering
  • Animation & Visual Effects Design

Stage 1:

Students seeking admission into the PG Diploma, PG Certificate, and UG courses must first take the FTII JET 2025 written test. This applies to all specializations in both Film and Television Wings.

Stage 2:

For all courses, except Screen Acting, candidates who pass the written test move on to an Orientation and Interview stage. This will be conducted jointly with SRFTI (Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute), Kolkata.

The final merit list will be prepared based on the JET exam, Joint Orientation, and Joint Interview stages, with each stage contributing 20%, 50% (20% practical + 30% written), and 30% weightage, respectively, subject to qualifying the Medical Test.

Stage 2 (for Screen Acting):

For the PG Diploma in Screen Acting, applicants qualifying in the Written Test will move on to the Audition stage, which will be held offline.

Stage 3 (for Screen Acting):

Based on the performance in the JET 2025 exam and the Audition , 'Result 1' will be prepared. Candidates qualifying from this stage will proceed to the Orientation and Interview round. The final merit list will be based on 'Result 1' and 'Result 2' (Orientation & Interview), each carrying 50% weightage, subject to passing the Medical Test.

Related Questions

Ques: Are there different FTII JET selection processes for different specializations?

Ans: Yes, while most specializations follow a common selection process involving a written test and interviews, Screen Acting has a different process that includes an offline audition after the written test.

Ques: What is the FTII JET selection process for the Screen Acting specialization of the Film Wing department?

Ans: For screen acting, applicants who pass the written test will proceed to an offline audition. This stage is important for evaluating the practical acting skills of students. The final merit list will combine scores from the audition and interview stages.

Colleges Accepting Exam FTII JET :

FTII JET Selection Process 2025: Counselling Process

The counselling process for all PG diploma courses of the Film & Television Wing at FTII and SRFTI (except standalone courses like AD&PD, Screen Acting, and Screenwriting), will be conducted online. This includes the Orientation and Interview for Joint Film Courses such as Direction & Screenplay Writing, Cinematography, Editing, and Sound Recording & Sound Design. Both FTII, Pune, and SRFTI, Kolkata, will hold these sessions online, and a course-wise joint merit list will be published.

The orientation and interview for standalone courses will also be conducted online, with their merit lists published alongside the joint merit lists. After all merit lists are released, shortlisted candidates will be asked to provide their preferences for PG Diploma courses (except standalone ones) across the two institutes. Selection will be based on these preferences and merit, and the entire counselling process will be carried out online through system software. 

Important Points to Remember:

  • In case of a tie, the student with higher cumulative marks in the written test, orientation, and interview (out of 300 marks) will be given preference.
  • For screen acting, the student with higher cumulative marks in the written test, audition, orientation, and interview (out of 400 marks) will be preferred.
  • If the tie persists, the scores from the written test, then orientation, and finally the interview will be taken into account. For screen acting, the order will be written test, audition, orientation, and interview. 
  • Students with marks above zero may be considered for the final merit list, and participation in all three stages, Written Test, Orientation, and Interview, is mandatory.

Related Questions

Ques: What is the mode of the counselling process for FTII JET 2025?

Ans: The counselling process will be conducted online for all PG diploma courses at FTII and SRFTI, including orientation and interviews for joint film courses.

Ques: How will I be notified about the FTII JET 2025 counselling sessions?

Ans: Shortlisted applicants will receive notifications regarding their counselling sessions through the official website after the merit lists are published.

Ques: What criteria are used in case of a tie in scores during the FTII JET 2025 counselling process?

Ans: In case of a tie, preference is given to the student with higher cumulative marks in the written test, orientation, and interview. For screen acting, cumulative marks from the written test, audition, orientation, and interview are considered.

FTII JET Selection Process 2025: Document Verification

Document verification will not take place during the JET 2025 written test. Instead, the initial verification of documents will be done when the answer sheets are being evaluated. If any of the submitted documents, such as educational, caste, PwD, OBC-NCL, or EWS certificates, do not meet the required criteria, the applicant’s application may either be cancelled or considered under the unreserved category. Therefore, it is important for candidates to carefully upload all necessary documents during the FTII JET 2025 application process, as only these will be considered for the admission process.

FTII JET Selection Process 2025: Seat Allocation

FTII, Pune and SRFTI, Kolkata admit students based on the FTII JET 2025 exam. The seat allocation process for both institutes is managed through the Joint Seat Allocation or JSA system. This system will include four rounds of seat allocation. The FTII JET 2025 seat allocation process will be conducted online. 

  • Applicants must visit the official JSA portal using their FTII JET 2025 login credentials to register and fill in their choices for courses and institutes. There is no fee for filling in choices, and they can select up to five courses. 
  • Only one seat will be allotted based on these choices, provided the candidate appears on up to three merit lists published by the institutes.
  • Candidates must fill and save at least one course choice to be considered for allocation. Failing to do so will disqualify them from the seat allocation process.
  • When a seat is allocated, candidates must log in to the JSA portal and accept the seat by completing "Online Reporting." They must then pay a Seat Acceptance Fee of ₹50,000 through UPI/ Net Banking/ Debit card or Credit card to confirm their seat. This fee will later be adjusted against the total admission fee. 
  • The seat will only be confirmed after successful payment, and a Provisional Seat Allotment Letter will be available for download on the portal. Non-payment of the seat acceptance fee will result in the cancellation of the seat, and the candidate will no longer be eligible for future rounds of seat allocation.
  • If a student does not wish to accept the allocated seat, they can reject it by simply not completing the steps for "Online Reporting." This will automatically cancel their seat.
  • Candidates can choose between the "Freeze" or "Float" options:
    • Freeze: The applicant is satisfied with the allocated seat and does not want to participate in further rounds.
    • Float: The applicant accepts the current seat but is open to a higher preference seat if available in subsequent rounds.

Related Questions

Ques: How many courses can I select during the FTII JET 2025 seat allocation?

Ans: Students can select up to five courses without any fee for filling in choices. However, they must save at least one course choice to be considered for allocation.

Ques: What happens if I do not fill in any course choices during the FTII JET seat allotment process?

Ans: If a student fails to fill and save at least one course choice, they will be disqualified from the seat allocation process.

Ques: What is the procedure after receiving a seat allocation in the FTII JET 2025?

Ans: Once a seat is allocated, applicants must log in to the JSA portal to accept the seat by completing "Online Reporting" and paying a Seat Acceptance Fee of ₹50,000.

Ques: What if I do not want to accept the allocated seat for FTII JET 2025?

Ans: Students who do not wish to accept the allocated seat can reject it by not completing the "Online Reporting" steps, which will automatically cancel their seat.

FTII JET Selection Process 2025: Reporting at the Admitting Institute

After the completion of JSA 2025 and seat acceptance, candidates must report to the admitting institute to finalize their admission. During this visit, they are required to complete all necessary admission procedures and confirm their enrollment to begin the academic session. The institute will conduct a physical verification of all submitted certificates by comparing them with the originals. If any discrepancies are found, or if the documents do not meet the required standards, the admission will be cancelled. 

FTII JET 2025 Selection Process: Medical Test 

Qualified applicants are required to undergo a Medical Test. Details about the medical test will be sent to the qualifying candidates via their registered email addresses. If the outcome of the medical test is unfavorable, the candidature of the shortlisted candidate may be cancelled. Candidates are advised to refer to the official websites and prospectuses of FTII and SRFTI available here!

The FTII JET Selection Process for 2025 is an important journey for budding filmmakers and television professionals. Reflecting on this process, it’s interesting how the conducting authorities combine written tests with personal evaluation through interviews and auditions. This highlights the industry's demand for all-rounders who can thrive in creative & highly competitive environments.

Want to know more about FTII JET


What are the stages involved in the FTII JET 2025 selection process?

The FTII JET selection process 2025 includes three main stages: a written test, orientation and interview sessions, and, for specific courses like Screen Acting, an offline audition.

How is the final merit list compiled for FTII JET 2025?

The JET final merit list is based on the candidate's performance across all stages: the written test (20% weightage), orientation (50% weightage), and interviews (30% weightage), subject to passing a medical test. For screen acting, the final merit list will be based on 'Result 1' (written test & audition) and 'Result 2' (Orientation & Interview), each carrying 50% weightage.


How does seat allocation work for FTII JET 2025?

Seat allocation is managed through a Joint Seat Allocation system, usually involving four rounds. Candidates must fill out their course preferences online, and acceptance of allocated seats requires payment of a ₹50,000 fee.

What should candidates do if they wish to reject an allocated seat in FTII JET?

If a candidate does not wish to accept the allocated seat, they can reject it by simply not completing the steps for "Online Reporting." This will automatically cancel their seat.

Is a medical test required for all candidates during the FTII JET selection process 2025?

Yes, all qualified candidates are required to undergo a Medical Test. Details about the medical test will be sent to the qualifying candidates via their registered email addresses. If the outcome of the medical test is unfavorable, the candidature of the shortlisted candidate may be cancelled.

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