TISSNET 2025 Mock Test FREE (Online & PDF) - Practice JEE Mock Papers Here

Updated By Tiyasa Khanra on 07 Nov, 2023 11:56

15 days Remaining for the exam

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TISSNET 2024 Mock Test

TISSNET Mock Test 2024 will be released most likely in December 2023 for candidates to become acquainted with the TISSNET exam pattern. Since TISS is one of the most prestigious institutes for Social Science courses in India, the level of competition is high and it is important to be well-prepared before appearing for the exam.

One of the best ways to prepare for the exam is to appear for the TISSNET mock test or demo test. It is extremely important to practice TISSNET 2024 mock tests if you're planning to take the exam. A mock test can be very useful when it comes to becoming familiar with the exam screen, layout, and navigation. The TISSNET Mock Test will help you get an idea of the actual test and the types of questions asked in the exam. By practicing the TISSNET mock test, you can know your weaknesses and strengths. The TISSNET 2024 Mock Test will be available on the official website.

The TISSNET mock test 2024 is meant for practice only and acts as a window to know what the actual question paper looks like. Basically, a mock test helps you analyze your level of preparation. It also helps you figure out the areas where you are weak and need to work on. Candidates are also advised to solve the TISSNET previous year's question papers and sample papers if they wish to get a good score and successfully gain admission to TISS.

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TISSNET 2024 Mock Test Series at CollegeDekho

Candidates who have registered for TISSNET 2024 are recommended to take the mock tests available for the exam to get a good idea of how to go about the exam. The direct link for accessing the TISSNET 2024 mock test will be updated below once it is available.

Importance of TISSNET Mock Test 2024

It is very important that candidates who are appearing for the TISSNET 2024 exam take the mock test. The advantages and importance of taking the TISSNET 2024 mock test have been explained in the pointers given below.

  • TISSNET Mock Test 2024 helps you become familiar with the test-taking environment.

  • TISSNET 2024 Mock Test is a very handy tool to get acquainted with the layout of the actual paper and know the difficulty level of the questions, which are asked in the examination.

  • By taking the TISSNET 2024 mock tests, you will also understand the nature of questions, and get an idea of how much time does it take you to solve each section.

  • Not only this but taking the TISSNET 2024 mock tests also give you an insight into your preparation level so that you are able to work on your weak areas.

Quick Look at TISSNET Exam Pattern and Marking Scheme 2024

Having a thorough understanding of the TISSNET 2024 Exam Pattern is one of the very important factors for candidates who wish to score well in the exam. TISSNET 2024 mock test is based upon the exam structure and pattern of the TISSNET 2024 exam. The score of candidates appearing for the TISSNET 2024 exam is calculated based on the actual marking scheme of the exam, which further increases the benefits of taking the mock tests for TISSNET exam preparation.

The following information provides a summary of the TISSNET exam pattern and overview.

  • TISSNET is an objective test with 100 questions that need to be solved within a time limit of 1 hour and 40 minutes.

  • The question paper has 3 sections namely: General Awareness, English Proficiency, and Math & Logical Reasoning. There is no sectional time limit.

  • Every correct answer is awarded +1 marks and no marks are given for unanswered questions.

  • There is no negative marking in the TISSNET exam.

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TISSNET 2024 - Sectional Composition of Questions in Actual Exam

There are four sections in the TISSNET 2024 exam. Each section of the TISSNET 2024 exam has a fixed number of questions and a limited syllabus for preparation. The following table has a quick overview of the number of questions in each section and the section-wise maximum marks for the TISSNET 2024 exam can also be checked in the following table.

Name of the Section

Number of Questions

Maximum Marks

English Proficiency



Mathematics and Logical Reasoning



General Awareness






Overall Pattern of TISSNET Mock Test 2024

The official TISSNET mock test has many important instructions for the candidates for attempting the TISSNET question paper. Candidates are required to read the exam instructions carefully and follow them during the entrance examination. The official TISSNET 2024 mock test consists of 24-25 MCQs that are divided into three sections:

SectionNumber of MCQs
General Awareness8 - 9
Quantitative Reasoning7 - 8
Verbal Ability8 - 9

General Instructions to be followed for Attempting TISSNET 2024 Mock Test

Some of the general instructions that must be followed by the candidates in order to attempt the TISSNET mock test 2024 have been mentioned below in detail:

  • The exam duration of TISSNET is 30 minutes. There will be a clock set at the server with a countdown timer in the top right corner of the screen. The timer will have the remaining time to complete the entrance examination. Candidates must complete the entrance examination before the timer reaches zero.

  • With the help of the following symbols which is displayed on the right side of the screen,  the question palette will show the following status of each question:

You have answered the question

You have not answered the question

You have not visited the question yet

The question(s) "Answered and Marked for Review" will be considered for evaluation

You have not answered the question, but have marked the question for review


How to Navigate to a Question in the TISSNET Mock Test 2024?

  • At the right of your screen, click on the question number given in the Question Palette. By doing this, candidates must note that this option will not save your answer to the current question.

  • By clicking on โ€œSave & Nextโ€, candidates will have their answers saved for the current question and then, they can go to the next question.

  • After that, candidates will have to click on โ€œMark for Review & Nextโ€ to save your answer for the current question to move on to the next question.

    How to Answer a Question in the TISSNET Mock Test 2024?

    By following the steps given below, candidates can answer the multiple-choice type questions in the mock test:

    • Click on the button of one of the options in order to select your answer in the test

    • Click on the button of the chosen option again or click on the โ€œClear Responseโ€ button to deselect your chosen answer.

    • Click on the button of another option if you wish to change your chosen answer.

    • Click on the โ€œSave & Nextโ€ button to save your chosen answer.

    • Click on the โ€œMark for Review & Nextโ€ button to mark the question for review.

    • Candidates will first have to select the question for answering and then follow the procedure for answering that type of question if they wish to change their answer to a question that has already been answered.

    How to Navigate through Sections in the TISSNET Mock Test 2024?

    • On the top bar of the screen, the sections of the question paper will be displayed. The section you are currently viewing will be highlighted. By clicking on the section name, candidates can view the questions in a section.

    • Candidates will be automatically taken to the first question of the next section if they click on the Save & Next button on the last question for a section.

    • Candidates can view their summary of the corresponding section that appears in every section above the question palette.

    • During the stipulated time, candidates can shuffle between sections and questions anytime during the examination as per their convenience.

    General Tips and Tricks for Attempting TISSNET 2024 Mock Tests

    Candidates are often looking for the best tips and tricks to ace the TISSNET 2024 exam. The TISSNET 2024 mock test tips and tricks that are given below will not only help the candidates do their best in the mock test but will also help them in giving their best performance in the actual TISSNET exam. Some of the best tips to perform well in the TISSNET 2024 exam can be found below.

    • Candidates must attempt easy questions first to gain confidence while appearing in the mock test.

    • Candidates must avoid wasting their precious time on the difficult questions asked in the mock test. The candidates should proceed to the next question. If the time permits, candidates must return to such questions later.

    • Candidates must manage their time wisely without compromising on their accuracy.

    Want to know more about TISSNET

    FAQs about TISSNET Mock Test

    Can I attempt the TISSNET 2023 mock test more than once?

    Yes, you can attempt the TISSNET 2023 mock test more than once, but the administering authority cannot remain the same. Various exam preparation agencies also offer mock test services and they can be approached for the same. At CollegeDekho as well, we help you prepare for the TISSNET 2023 through varying methods, one of which is a mock test.

    Can I get a TISSNET 2023 mock test scorecard?

    No, you will not get a TISSNET 2023 mock test scorecard. While you will get a score descriptive form, its standing is nothing for the actual admissions or competitive processes. You could not use the descriptive form for anything else except your understanding. You can use the same to diagnose your mock test attempt.

    Are the TISSNET 2023 mock test scores descriptive?

    TISSNET 2023 mock test scores may or may not be descriptive. The scores shall be available for you just after your mock test attempt is over and finalised. The score description shall be dependent on the already fed information. If a description is available it shall be given. Otherwise, you will have to rely on scores only.

    Is the TISSNET 2023 mock test attempt scored?

    The TISSNET 2023 mock test attempt is scored in the same manner as the TISSNET 2023. The marking scheme remains the same as designed for the actual exam. The calculation is comparatively fast. You often get the results immediately after completing your attempt as the exam is multiple-choice based.

    Will the TISSNET 2023 mock test be helpful for the exam?

    Yes, the TISSNET 2023 mock test will be helpful for the exam as well. It will help you get to know how to wrap up the entry formalities of the test. This portion takes a lot of time and causes the candidates to panic at the time of the actual test. The mock test shall help you get through it with experience.

    What are the benefits of attempting the TISSNET 2023 mock test?

    The benefit of attempting the TISSNET 2023 mock test is that you could easily get to know what your actual test attempt shall look like. All other practice tests and exercises are simply simulating the possible exam conditions. On the other hand, the mock test situation can be relied upon to be the same at the time of the actual exam as well.

    Should I attempt the TISSNET 2023 mock test?

    Yes, you should attempt the TISSNET 2023 mock test. It will help you get a heads-up on how the descriptive exam pattern shall appear in practical form. You will get to test your speed and accuracy. You could also be able to assess your skills regarding the timing and handling of exam pressure.

    Do I have to appear for the TISSNET 2023 mock test?

    No, you do not have to appear for the TISSNET 2023 mock test compulsorily. You can opt to sit out of the test. It is simply a practice test designed to get the candidates familiarised with the actual test pattern and attempt. It is, however, not a requirement to appear for the TISSNET 2023.

    When will the TISSNET 2023 mock test be held?

    The exact dates of the TISSNET 2023 mock test are not yet available. However, candidates can visit the CollegeDekho website for TISSNET 2023. A direct link shall be provided once the mock tests are available for the general candidates. You can follow the link and register and appear for the test.

    What is meant by the TISSNET 2023 mock test?

    TISSNET 2023 mock test is a practice test conducted by the administration to help candidates prepare for the TISSNET 2023 test. The test is available on the official website of TISSNET for all those candidates who wish to appear for the same. You will have to register first, even for the mock test.

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