NMAT 2024-25 Cut Off (Out): Check Section-Wise Cut Offs for NMIMS and Other Colleges Here

Updated By Intajur Rahaman on 28 Jan, 2025 16:33

The NMAT 2024-25 cutoff for NMIMS campuses is now out. This year, the institute has set a common cutoff for MBA programs across all campuses. The MBA cutoff for NMIMS stands at 209 marks while that for MBA Pharmaceutical Management is 190 marks.

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NMAT 2024-25 Cut Off Overview (Out)

The NMAT 2024-25 cutoff for NMIMS is now out. For the Mumbai campus, the NMAT cutoff 2024-25 is 209 marks for the flagship MBA course, while the cutoff for MBA Pharmaceutical Management is 190 marks. This year, the institute has set a common cutoff for MBA programs across all campuses. Sectional cutoffs also exist in the NMAT exam. Candidates are required to score 50-62 in all sections, including Quantitative Skills, Logical Reasoning and Language Skills.

NMAT 2024 exam was conducted from November 5 toDecember 20, 2024, and the NMAT 2024 second phase was conducted in a computer-based test format from January 13 to 17, 2025. The cut-off list determines the minimum marks a candidate must score to gain admission at their preferred NMAT participating institute. The NMAT cutoff is decided every year based on multiple factors, including total applicants, qualified candidates, difficulty level, number of seats, etc. Candidates need to be aware that the cut-off marks will consist of different sections and overall expected marks. Achieving all the sectional cut-offs and the overall cut-off will be necessary for admission to NMAT participating institutes. Candidates scoring equal to or above the listed cut-off marks will be shortlisted for further rounds of the NMAT 2024-25 selection process. Check the complete details about the NMAT 2024-25 cut-off on this page.

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NMAT 2024-25 Cut Off Dates

It is important for the candidates to know about the cutoff dates of NMAT 2024-25. The following table indicates the dates for the release of the cut-off list of NMAT 2024-25.




November 5 to December 20, 2024

January 13 to 17, 2025 (Phase 2)

NMAT Result Declaration

Within 48 Hours of the Exam

NMAT 2024 Cutoff Release

January 18, 2025 (Out for NMIMS)

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NMAT 2024-25 Sectional Cut-Offs

The NMAT 2024-25 exam was conducted from November 5 to December 20, 2024. The NMAT results 2024 will be made available within 48 hours after the exam has been conducted. Given below are the section-wise cut-offs for NMAT 2024-25.


Total Marks

Cut Off

Language Skills


50 (MBA Pharmaceutical Management)

62 (MBA)

Quantitative Skills


50 (MBA Pharmaceutical Management)

62 (MBA)

Logical Reasoning


50 (MBA Pharmaceutical Management)

62 (MBA)



190 (MBA Pharmaceutical Management)

209 (MBA)

Note: The cut-off marks are tentative and based on the previous year's NMAT cut-offs.

NMAT 2024-25 Cut Offs for NMIMS Campuses

Candidates must obtain the NMAT cutoff 2024 to become eligible to proceed to subsequent selection stages, which include a WAT, GD, and PI. For seeking MBA admission at various NMIMS campuses Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, and Indore, candidates are expected to score somewhere between 80 to 99 percentiles. Notably, NMIMS Mumbai has the highest cut off. 

NMIMS Campus-Wise NMAT 2024-25 Cutoff


NMAT Expected Cut Off 2024

Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS Mumbai)


NMIMS Bangalore


NMIMS Hyderabad


NMIMS Navi Mumbai


NMIMS Indore


Programme-Wise NMIMS Mumbai NMAT Cutoff 2024-25


Quantitative AptitudeLanguage SkillsLogical ReasoningOverall Score

MBA Banking/Capital Marketing




MBA in Pharmaceutical Management

Top Management Colleges :

NMAT 2024-25 Cut Offs for Other Top MBA Colleges

Candidates may check the NMAT percentile predictor 2024 to estimate their potential NMAT 2024 score much before the release of the official NMAT results 2024 and evaluate their chances of seeking admission to the NMAT participating colleges. Different institutions accepting the NMAT results will have varying cut-offs based on their requirements and seat availability. Following are the expected NMAT 2024-25 Cut Offs of some of the top MBA colleges accepting NMAT scores.

Steps to Check NMAT 2024-25 Cut Off

By following the steps given below, candidates can check how they can check the cutoff of NMAT 2024-25.

  • Go to the official website of your desired NMAT participating institute.

  • Look for the NMAT 2024-25 cutoff link on the home page or look for the cutoff link under the 'Admission' drop-down menu.

  • Click on the given link.

  • A new page will open with the cut-off list.

  • Download the sheet and take a printout of it. Remember to download the soft copy in PDF format for future reference.

Factors Determining NMAT 2024-25 Cut Off

Several factors will determine the NMAT 2024-25 cut-off. These factors help establish the benchmark for candidates, which institutions use to create their cut-off lists. Candidates must consider these factors and work diligently to meet the required cut-off marks. The factors influencing the NMAT by GMAC 2024-25 cut-off include:

  • The total number of candidates appearing for NMAT 2024-25.
  • The difficulty level of the examination.
  • The total number of seats available.
  • The total number of candidates qualifying for NMAT 2024-25.
  • The rankings of the participating institutes.

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Previous Years' NMAT Cutoff

Find the NMAT cutoffs for the years 2023, 2022, 2021, and 2020 below.

NMAT Cutoff 2023

ProgrammeLRLSQSTotal NMAT Cutoff 2023
MBA Mumbai717671234
MBA HR717671234
MBA Business Analytics687069225
MBA Digital Transformation676966222
MBA Pharmaceutical Management505050185
MBA Bangalore657064222
MBA Navi Mumbai657064222
MBA Hyderabad606060206
MBA Indore606060206

NMAT Cutoff 2022

ProgrammeLRLSQSTotal NMAT Cutoff 2022
MBA Mumbai717669232
MBA HR717669232
MBA Business Analytics687067225
MBA Digital Transformation687067225
MBA Pharmaceutical Management505050185
MBA Bangalore657064224
MBA Navi Mumbai657064224
MBA Hyderabad606060206
MBA Indore606060206

NMAT Cutoff 2021

ProgrammeLRLSQSTotal NMAT Cutoff 2021
MBA Mumbai717670232
MBA HR717670232
MBA Business Analytics657064215
MBA Digital Transformation606560210
MBA Bangalore657064224
MBA Navi Mumbai657064224
MBA Hyderabad606560210
MBA Indore606560210

NMAT Cutoff 2020

ProgrammeLRLSQSTotal NMAT Cutoff
MBA Mumbai767676235
MBA HR767676235
MBA Business Analytics606060210
MBA Digital Transformation606060210
MBA Bangalore737373230
MBA Navi Mumbai737373230
MBA Hyderabad555555200
MBA Indore555555200

Colleges you can apply

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FAQs about NMAT by GMAC Cut Off

How many marks do you need to clear the NMAT cut off?

The minimum cutoff marks required to get shortlisted for a B-school is around 150.

When is the NMAT cut off released?

The NMAT cutoff released date is different every year but it is usually released in the 3rd week of January.

What happens after the NMAT cutoff is released?

Candidates are shortlisted on the basis of NMAT cutoff. The shortlisted candidates must then appear for the selection process of their college, which will include GD / PI and a written test or essay.

Is the NMAT cutoff same every year?

No, the NMAT cutoff is different every year and is determined by the colleges on a yearly basis.

How can I check the NMAT cutoff?

The NMAT cutoff marks are available on the official website of the respective participating colleges or institutes.

Does the NMAT exam have sectional cutoff?

Yes, there are sectional cutoffs in the NMAT exam.

What are the factors that influence the NMAT cut off?

The basic factors that influence the NMAT cut off are the number of applications received by a college and the number of seats available in the course. Factors such as the difficulty level of exam and the number of candidates that appeared for the exam also indirectly affect the NMAT cut off marks.

Is the NMAT cutoff the same for every college?

No, every participating college of NMAT will have a different cutoff for admission.

Who releases the cutoff for the NMAT exam?

The NMAT cutoff marks are released by individual colleges that accept the NMAT exam scores for admission.

What does the cutoff for NMAT mean?

The cutoff for NMAT is basically the minimum NMAT score required for a candidate to take admission in a participating college.

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