SBI Clerk 2025 Mock Test FREE (Online & PDF) - Practice JEE Mock Papers Here

Updated By Intajur Rahaman on 11 Feb, 2025 06:58

SBI does not release any official SBI Clerk mock tests. However, you can practice unofficial mock tests from various educational websites and other platforms. The mock test will help familiarize students with the number, type, and pattern of questions, as well as the sequence and timing of sections in the SBI Clerk exam.

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SBI Clerk 2025 Mock Tests

Candidates aspiring to crack SBI Clerk 2025 should practice SBI Clerk 2025 mock tests regularly. Appearing in mock tests helps the candidates to understand the examination pattern of the SBI Clerkin a better way. It has been found that on many occasions even when the candidates go through the examination pattern they remain unaware of the examination structure. This problem can be solved by practicing SBI Clerk mock tests, which will help in acquiring detailed knowledge about the examination pattern. There are many other advantages of solving mock tests.

The State Bank of India every year conducts the SBI Clerk on a national level to select candidates for the post of Junior Associate (Customer Support & Sales) and Junior Agricultural Associate. SBI Clerk is conducted in two phases i.e. SBI Clerk Prelims and SBI Mains. The candidates who qualify in the SBI Clerk Prelims get an opportunity to appear in the SBI Mains examination. 

This will help the candidates to stand out from the crowd and ace the examination. Appearing in mock tests can be considered one of the vital elements of the preparation strategy. This generates and successfully sows the seeds of confidence in the candidates. But, before appearing for mock tests the candidates are advised to go through the examination pattern, the SBI Clerk syllabus, and how to prepare section of the SBI Clerk. The best books section of the SBI Clerk can also help the test takers to score well in the mock tests and the final SBI Clerk examination.

How to Access SBI Clerk 2025 Mock Test

The candidates should go through a few steps to appear in the mock tests for SBI Clerk. Given below are the easy steps that can help in getting the mock test released above.

  • To access the SBI Clerk mock tests the candidates should click on the link given on this page.

  • After clicking on the link the candidates will be redirected to a new page.

  • The candidates should then register themselves to appear in the test.If the candidates have already registered themselves beforehand then they simply need to login with the ID and Password.

  • When the candidates successfully log in they can access the mock tests for SBI Clerk.

  • The candidates are advised to start solving the mock tests as soon as they get the scope of accessing it.

Importance of SBI Clerk Mock Test

Appearing in mock tests can act to be beneficial for candidates preparing for SBI Clerk 2025 examination. These pointers will take the candidates through the advantages of appearing in mock tests:

  • The candidates become aware of the examination pattern of SBI Clerk by appearing in mock tests.

  • The candidates appearing in mock tests for SBI Clerk get to know about the syllabus of the national-level examination.

  • The candidates get room to work on time management by appearing in the mock tests. This can be considered as one of the major elements which is required to ace an examination.

  • The most advantageous element of appearing in mock tests is the emergence of confidence in the test takers. The candidates get used to of appearing in examination by taking part in mock tests on a regular basis. This also helps them to deal with the nervousness one can face on the date of examination.

  • Mock tests can help aspiring candidates to guess the trend of the upcoming final question paper.

  • Appearing in mock tests for SBI Clerk will help the candidates to evaluate their potential and gives them an idea of where they need to invest more time and diligence.

  • Mock tests prepare the candidates in such a way that they can solve difficult and tricky questions with an ease.

SBI Clerk 2025 Examination Pattern and Marking Scheme

The entrance examination of SBI Clerk is generally conducted in two phases namely SBI Clerk Prelims and SBI Mains. The candidates who qualify and crack the SBI Clerk Prelims will earn the eligibility to appear in SBI Clerk Mains. We have provided the examination pattern and marking schemes of both the phases of SBI Clerk below:

SBI Clerk Prelims

  • The question paper can be divided into three major sections i.e. English Language, Numerical Ability, and Reasoning Ability.

  • The total number of questions asked in the paper is 100.

  • The total marks of the examination is 100.

  • Each question carries 1 mark.

  • The candidates will get a negative marking of -0.25 for every incorrect answer.

  • The duration of the SBI Clerk Prelims Examination is 1 hour.

SBI Clerk Mains

  • The question paper can be divided into 4 sections i.e. General/Financial Awareness, General English, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability, and Computer Aptitude.

  • The total number of questions asked in the examination is 190.

  • The total marks is 200.

  • The candidates earn 1 mark for every correct answer.

  • Every incorrect answer leads to a negative marking of 0.25.

  • The duration of the SBI Clerk Mains examination is 2 hours and 40 minutes.

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