XAT 2026 Result - Direct Link to Download Scorecard Here

Updated By Intajur Rahaman on 19 Mar, 2025 10:39

The XAT 2026 result will be released in January 2026. You will be able to download the XAT 2026 scorecard in PDF format using your XAT User ID and Password till March 31, 2026. Find the direct link to access and download the XAT scorecard right here!

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XAT 2026 Result

The XAT result 2026 will be released in January 2026, by XLRI Jamshedpur on the official website (xatonline.in). The result will be issued in the form of a scorecard, which you can download until March 31, 2026, using your login credentials. Over 160 B-schools in India accept the XAT 2026 scorecard. You can find the XAT results 2026 PDF download link below:

XAT Result 2026 Download Link ( To be Activated)

The XAT scorecard 2026 includes candidate's marks, overall and sectional percentile along with the status of whether the candidate has cleared the minimum XAT cutoff or not. XAT 2026 will be conducted in computer-based mode in a single session on the first Sunday of January 2026, from 2 PM to 5 PM. After the release of the XAT 2026 results, XLRI Jamshedpur will release the official XAT 2026 cutoff in the last week of January or the first week of February 2026, which will feature the names of the qualified candidates for further selection rounds. Find complete details related to the XAT 2026 result on this page.

XAT Result 2026 Highlights

Check the highlights of the XAT 2026 result provided in the table below.



Mode of XAT Result Release


XAT Result Website


Credentials Required to Check XAT Result

XAT ID and Date of Birth (DOB)

Details Mentioned on XAT Scorecard

  • Date of Exam

  • Date of Result

  • Candidate's Name, DOB, XAT ID

  • Overall & Sectional Percentile

XAT Scorecard Validity

1 Year from the Date of Release

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What is a Good Score in XAT 2026?XAT 2026 Percentile vs College
XAT Score vs Percentile 2026

XAT Result 2026 Date & Time

Candidates appearing for XAT 2026 must be aware of all the important dates related to the exam, result, answer key, selection process, cutoff, and more so that they don't miss out on anything important. Check the XAT 2026 result date below.



XAT 2026 Exam Date

January 2026

XAT 2026 Result Date

January 2026

XAT Result Time 2026


Last Date to Download XAT Scorecard 2026

March 31, 2026

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Steps to Check XAT 2026 Result on Official Website

The XAT 2026 result will be released by XLRI Jamshedpur on the official website in online mode. The steps to check and download the XAT result 2026 PDF are given below:

Step 1: Go to the Official XAT Website (xatonline.in)

To check the XAT 2026 result and download the scorecard, test-takers need to go to the official website of XAT 2026. A tab indicating 'Scorecard' will be available on the right side of the homepage.

Step 2: Click on the XAT 2026 Scorecard Tab

Click on the tab and you will be redirected to the XAT result 2026 login page, which looks like the following.

XAT Results 2025

Step 3: Log in Using XAT 2026 ID & DOB

On this page, you will have to enter your XAT 2026 login credentials in the given field. Enter your XAT ID and Date of Birth followed by entering the captcha code. In case you forgot your ID, you can get it from your mail received after the XAT registration. If you don’t remember your password, you can click on the ‘Forget Password’ and retrieve it to view the XAT 2026 result.

XAT Results 2025

Step 4: Download XAT 2026 Scorecard

After checking the result, download the XAT Result 2026 PDF and take a few printouts. You will need to provide a printed copy of your scorecard at the time of counselling conducted by XAT participating institutes. You will not be able to view the XAT 2026 result after the link is closed. So, make sure you save the result and produce a few hard copies. Your XAT scorecard will contain the overall and section-wise percentile you scored in the exam.

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How to Calculate XAT 2026 Score & Percentile

To calculate your XAT 2026 score and percentile, you first need to be aware of the XAT marking scheme which has been provided below.

XAT 2026 Marking Scheme

Type of Response

Marks Allotted

Right Answer

+1 Mark

Wrong Answer

-0.25 Marks

Unattempted Questions

0 Mark

8 Consecutive Unattempted Questions

-0.10 Marks

How to Calculate XAT Score?

To calculate your XAT score using the answer key, you need to first calculate the total marks you scored from each correct response. Next, deduct the marks as per the incorrect responses and unattempted questions. This will give you your XAT score, which you can use to estimate your percentile score in the exam. Use the following formula to calculate your XAT score:

XAT Score = No. of Correct Answers - No. of Incorrect Answers

How to Calculate XAT Percentile?

A percentile is a measure of a candidate's rank in the XAT exam, in comparison to the other candidates who took the same exam within the same time frame. The percentile score is determined based on the candidate's raw scores in each section. To find out your XAT percentile, divide your rank by the total number of candidates who took the exam, and then multiply the result by 100. Use the following formula to calculate your XAT percentile:

XAT Percentile= Candidate’s XAT Rank/ Total Candidates x 100

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XAT Scorecard Sample

XAT 2026 result page as well as the XAT result 2026 PDF contains all the important information about the candidates and their sectional and overall scores in the exam as mentioned above. Check the XAT scorecard sample image provided below.

XAT Score Card Sample

XAT 2026 Marking Scheme

It is important for the candidates to have a clear understanding of the XAT marking scheme before they take the examination. The XAT 2026 marking scheme has been mentioned below:

  • For every correct answer, +1 mark will be awarded to the candidates.
  • 0.25 marks will be deducted (1/4 negative marking) for every incorrect answer.
  • 0.10 marks will be deducted for every unattempted question after 8 unattempted questions. 

Details Mentioned on XAT 2026 Scorecard

The following details will be present on the XAT 2026 scorecard or the XAT result 2026 PDF.

  • Date of Examination
  • Date of the Result Declaration
  • Name of the Candidate
  • XAT ID
  • Candidate’s Date of Birth
  • Exam Centre Name and Address
  • Sectional Percentile
  • Overall Score and Percentile

XAT 2026 Tie Breaker Criteria

There is a possibility that two or more candidates will receive the same percentile in the XAT exam. In this situation, XLRI will use the tie-breaker to narrow down the contenders for the last round of selection. The exact tie-breaker rules that were used when there were identical XAT 2026 results in the order shown below are provided below.

  • Candidates will be given precedence based on their graduation grade point average.
  • Candidates with higher XAT scores will be chosen.
  • Candidates who are older will receive preference.

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What After the XAT 2026 Result?

XLRI Jamshedpur releases the XAT cutoff for the academic session after the XAT 2026 result is announced. Based on their performance on the XAT 2026, candidates are shortlisted for the GD & PI, and WAT rounds. All XAT participating institutes will conduct the XAT 2026 selection process in February or March 2026. Those who appeared for the exam can use our XAT College Predictor 2026 after the result declaration to get an idea of the colleges they may get admission to.

Candidates must visit the official website of each participating institute to view its XAT cutoff. To schedule a Written Ability Test (WAT), Group Discussion (GD), and Personal Interview, candidates who have been chosen for further consideration will be contacted (PI). A different selection process will be followed for each participating institute.

To track the status of their selection, candidates must visit the official XLRI Jamshedpur website, xlri.ac.in. Candidates who want to check the status must choose their desired program name from the available drop-down menu. XLRI Jamshedpur offers three programs following trends from the previous year.

  • General Management Programme
  • Business Management (BM)
  • Human Resource Management (HRM)

Note: Candidates will need to submit individual applications after reviewing their XAT scores because there is no standard admissions procedure for XAT participating institutes.

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XAT Toppers List 2026

Once the XAT results have been declared, the name of the students who have achieved an exceptional score on the XAT exam will also be announced by the exam conducting authorities. Candidates can check out the names of XAT 2026 toppers in the table below once they are announced, candidates may also check out the XAT previous year toppers mentioned below:


Name of the Student

XAT 2026 Percentile
















XAT 2025 Toppers List


Name of the Student

XAT 2025 Percentile


Ashrut Saxsena



Sagnik Dutta



Ayush Patwa



Durga Srilekha Regulagadda



Aman Ehtesham


XAT 2024 Toppers List


Name of the Student

XAT 2024 Percentile


Avigyan Naha



Rishab Rahiman



Ishaan Shekhar



Aman Singh



Siddharth Pandey


XAT Score vs Percentile 2026

It is important to understand the XAT Score vs Percentile 2026 analysis to estimate the XAT 2026 percentile and apply to colleges accordingly. Check out the XAT score vs percentile analysis in the table below:

XAT Percentile

QA & DI Score

VALR Score

DM Score

Overall Score



















































Candidates can use our XAT 2026 percentile predictor to get an estimate of their percentile based on their raw XAT score.

XAT 2026 Percentile vs Marks

XAT 96 Percentile Marks 2026XAT 95 Percentile Marks 2026
XAT 97 Percentile Marks 2026XAT 93 Percentile Marks 2026
XAT 94 Percentile Marks 2026XAT 92 Percentile Marks 2026

XAT 2026 Good Score

XAT 2026 VALR Good ScoreXAT 2026 DM Good Score
XAT 2026 QA & DI Good ScoreXAT 2026 GK Good Score

XAT Cutoff 2026

XAT cut-off scores are based on the minimum marks scored by the candidates to get shortlisted for further selection rounds, comprising the Group Discussion, Personal Interview, and Written Ability Test. XAT Cut-off list will be prepared course-wise and institute-wise. Candidates who successfully meet the XAT cutoff 2026 will be shortlisted.

Candidates are advised to check the cutoff list, after viewing and downloading their XAT result 2026 PDF, on the official website of the institute. Along with the result, students would also be able to check the cut-offs for various programs offered by XLRI. XAT scores are widely accepted by Indian business schools. Students with a valid XAT score can apply for more than 150 institutes.

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FAQs about XAT Result

How is the XAT score calculated?

A candidate's XAT score is determined using the XAT raw scores they obtain in each section. In the XAT exam, each correct answer is worth one mark, while each incorrect entry is worth -0.25 marks. 0.10 points will be deducted if eight consecutive questions go unanswered. Using this marking scheme and a candidate’s raw score is calculated.

What is XAT result 2026 release date?

The XAT result 2026 release date will be announced on the official website. The results will be announced by XLRI Jamshedpur. The XAT 2026 result will be issued as a scorecard, which candidates can download until March 31, 2026, using their login credentials. Over 150 B schools in India will accept the XAT 2026 scorecard.

Will I receive the XAT result 2026 over the phone?

No, you will not receive your XAT results 2026 over the phone. It will be available only on the official website of XAT 2026. You can check it using your computer, laptop, or mobile phone by logging in with your ID and password. 

Can I download my XAT scorecard?

Yes, you can download your XAT scorecard. Besides this, you can also take a printout of the scorecard by clicking on the “print or save as” button for your future reference. You must save the scorecard early as it will be available only for a limited period of time. 

What after the XAT result 2026?

Following the announcement of the XAT 2026 results, XLRI will begin the counselling process. Candidates will be contacted for additional selection rounds if they receive qualifying scores on the XAT 2026. After that, they will need to bring the necessary paperwork to the college.

How will the XAT result 2026 be calculated?

The XAT 2026 marking scheme and the XAT percentile calculation methods will be used to determine the exam's results in both the XAT raw score and the XAT percentile score. To learn more about the marking scheme and the marks that will be awarded or deducted, you can look at the exam pattern.

What details are mentioned on the XAT scorecard?

The candidate's name, gender, address, date of birth, XAT ID, date of the exam, validity of the XAT scorecard, sectional scores, sectional percentiles, and overall percentile are some of the crucial details listed on the scorecard.

What is a good XAT 2026 score?

As score of 30 or more is a good XAT 2026 overall score. It indicates that you are above the 90th percentile. You will undoubtedly place in the 99+ percentile if your XAT 2026 score is higher than 40.

What should I do if the information on the XAT Result is wrong?

In the event that any of the information on your XAT result scorecard is inaccurate, you should get in touch with the organisation that administers the test right away and explain the problem and any necessary corrections. Within a few days, you will receive a response regarding the same.

How can I check my XAT 2026 result?

You must go to xatonline.in in order to view your XAT 2026 result. You will need to input your password and registration number there. You will be able to view your sectional and overall percentiles on the XAT scorecard tab.

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