What is the IBPS Clerk exam pattern prelims?
The Prelims section of the IBPS Clerk exam is for a total of 100 marks. Students are required to answer 100 questions from three sections: English Language, Numerical Ability, and Reasoning Ability. The prelims exam lasts for 60 minutes.
Is the IBPS Clerk exam tough?
The IBPS Clerk exam assesses a student based on their reasoning skills, numerical skills, English language, general awareness, quantitative aptitude, etc. The Mains section of the IBPS Clerk exam is believed to be harder than the Prelims stage. The overall difficulty level of the IBPS Clerk exam is moderate to difficult.
What is a safe score for the IBPS Clerk exam?
A safe score for the IBPS Clerk Prelims exam ranges from 80 to 85 and a score of 150 is deemed to be good for the IBPS Clerk Mains exam.
What is the IBPS Clerk salary?
The average IBPS Clerk salary ranges from INR 28,000 to INR 30,000 per month.
What is the pattern of the IBPS Clerk exam?
The pattern of the IBPS Clerk exam is divided into 2 stages: Prelims and Mains exam. Students are required to clear both stages to become eligible for various clerical posts in public sector banks.
How many sections will be there in IBPS Clerk prelims exam?
There will be three sections in IBPS Clerk prelims exam: English Language, Reasoning Ability, and Numerical Ability.
How many sections are there in IBPS Clerk Mains 2024 exam?
There are four sections in IBPS Clerk Mains 2024 exam:General/ Financial Awareness, General English, Reasoning Ability and Computer Aptitude, and Quantitative Aptitude.
What are the total marks for IBPS Pre and Mains exam 2024?
IBPS Preliminary 2024 exam will consist of 100 marks while Mains exam will consist of 200 marks. The cut off list will be different for both the exams.
How many marks are deducted for every wrong answer in IBPS clerk exam 2024?
In IBPS clerk exam 2023, 1/4th or 0.25 marks are deducted for every wrong answer.
IBPS Clerk exam is conducted in how many regional languages?
There are 13 regional languages other than hindi and english.
How many total questions are there in IBPS Clerk Exam?
In the IBPS Exam, there will be a total of 100 multiple-choice questions.
Is IBPS Clerk Exam conducted in online mode?
Yes, IBPS Clerk Exam is conducted in online mode for both Preliminary and Mains Exam.