CAT Sample Papers with Solutions and Answer Keys PDF

Updated By Aarushi Jain on 19 Mar, 2025 17:17

Solving CAT sample papers is an intelligent approach to prepare for the exam. The papers provide you with a clear vision of the question patterns and test format, which makes you familiar with the test pattern. Solving them enables you to analyze your knowledge, detect weak points, and gain confidence. Constant practice with the sample papers can improve your performance and preparedness for the actual test immensely.

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CAT Sample Paper

CAT Sample Paper 1

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CAT Sample Paper 1 Answer key

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CAT Sample Papers

CAT sample papers play a very important role in the CAT exam preparation. Solving them helps you understand the exam pattern, time management, and question types. If you attempt the model papers of CAT, you can gauge your strengths and weaknesses, identify important topics, and improve your problem-solving abilities. Additionally, it familiarizes you with the actual exam environment, reducing anxiety and boosting confidence while attempting the CAT 2025 question paper. Regular practice with CAT sample papers with solutions will also enhance your speed and accuracy, which is crucial for success in the exam. The CAT 2025 exam will be conducted by IIM Kozhikode on November 30, 2025 (tentative). Download CAT practice papers PDFs on this page and check ahead all the important information related to it.

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CAT Sample Papers PDF Download

Practising the CAT sample papers will help you get familiar with the CAT exam pattern 2025, the marking scheme, the CAT syllabus 2025, and the types of questions that may be asked in CAT 2025. Download the CAT model papers 2025 given below and incorporate them into your CAT 2025 preparation.

CAT Practice Papers

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CAT Practice Paper 1

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CAT Practice Paper 2

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CAT Practice Paper 3

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CAT Practice Paper 4

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CAT Practice Paper 5

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CAT Practice Paper 6

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CAT Practice Paper 7

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CAT Practice Paper 8

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CAT Practice Paper Answer Key

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Related Questions

Ques: Do IIMs release sample papers of CAT?

Ans: IIMs don’t release the sample papers of CAT. You can find them on various websites and download them for free or by paying some amount. The coaching institutes also provide CAT sample papers to students to boost their preparation.

Ques: How closely do CAT model papers resemble the actual question paper?

Ans: The CAT model papers have a similar exam pattern and syllabus as that of the actual question paper. However, the topics and types of questions will surely be different. The sample papers are prepared in a way that helps you understand what to expect in the actual exam.

Importance of CAT Model Papers

CAT practice papers are an incredible way to improve your preparedness for the exam and move towards getting a good score in the exam. Here are some of the advantages of solving CAT sample papers.

  • They help in improving speed, accuracy, and time management. You will be able to know the time you have to devote to each section by solving the sample papers of CAT. Also, you will know what questions to solve first without losing any marks.
  • They help you identify your strong and weak areas in CAT preparation. You can devote your time and adjust your preparation strategies accordingly.
  • Solving CAT sample papers 2025 will help you get familiar with the CAT syllabus 2025 and the nature and type of questions that will be asked in the exam. It will help you be better prepared and get to the answers quicker.
  • You can also evaluate your performance against the candidates who were shortlisted for IIMs in the previous year. It would help you enhance your preparation and exam performance.
  • You can get your hands on the sample papers of CAT as many times as you want. You can come back and solve practice problems and analyse their progress.
  • CAT model papers are often free of cost which means you would not have to spend a single penny on them.
  • You can practice and utilize new tips and tricks, such as these Vedic Maths Tricks for CAT when solving sample papers. It is a good way to find out what works and what does not work.

Related Questions

Ques: Are CAT sample papers and mock tests different?

Ans: Yes, the CAT sample paper and the CAT 2025 mock test are different. Sample papers are practice papers, while mock tests are simulated exams designed to mimic the actual test environment. Both are valuable for preparation, but mock tests provide a more realistic exam experience.

Tips to Solve CAT Sample Papers

When solving sample papers, you must ensure that you are following the CAT 2025 preparation tips given below for the best results.

Tips to Solve CAT Sample Papers

  • Time Yourself - It is important to keep a timer running when solving sample papers of the CAT exam. It will help you get an idea of your speed vs. accuracy when solving CAT questions. Note the time you take to solve a practice set and try to reduce it as much as possible till the time it does not affect your accuracy.
  • Solve in One Go - Solving the sample paper in a single stretch is a good strategy to find out how many questions you can solve within the stipulated time limit for CAT 2025. It will also help build stamina to sit through the entire exam.
  • Do Not Use Gadgets - Stay away from smartphones or any other form of gadgets to avoid distraction. Treat the papers like the real CAT exam as it is the only way of enhancing performance and getting a reality check. 
  • Self-Assessment - Self-assessment is the key to making the best use of CAT sample papers. Note down the areas where you are taking more time or making mistakes and work on them.
  • Come up With a Better Strategy - Check whether you are making careless mistakes and need to pay more attention or whether you need to use a different strategy for a particular type of question. Circle out the eros and blunders and come up with a better strategy to rectify them.

Related Questions

Ques: How can I find CAT sample papers on the internet?

Ans: You can find the CAT sample papers easily on the internet. Simply search for them and you will see various websites containing the modes papers. Some will provide these papers for free while some will charge a nominal amount.

Ques: Is the CAT sample paper pattern similar to the actual exam?

Ans: The CAT sample paper pattern is similar to the actual exam. The sample papers are designed to reflect the format, style, and difficulty level of the real exam. However, you should remember that the actual exam may have some variations in question types and difficulty.

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CAT Sample Paper Pattern & Marking Scheme

When tackling the CAT 2025 sample papers, it is crucial to understand the exam's pattern, structure, and marking system. You should pay special attention to the key details regarding the CAT 2025 exam pattern and marking scheme provided below.



CAT Exam Sections

  • Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR)
  • Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC)
  • Quantitative Ability (QA)

Section-wise Division of Questions

  • VARC - 24
  • DILR - 20
  • QA - 22

Mode of Examination

Computer Based Test

Total Exam Duration

120 minutes or 2 hours

Sectional Time Limit

40 minutes

Total Marks


Question Paper Language


Type of Questions

MCQs and Non-MCQs (TITA)

Number of MCQ Choices


Marking Scheme

+3 marks for every correct answer

-1 for every incorrect MCQ answer

No negative marking for wrong non-MCQ answers

Related Questions

Ques: Can I get 99+ percentile in CAT just by solving the sample paper?

Ans: No, achieving a 99+ percentile in the CAT exam requires thorough preparation beyond just solving sample papers. While practising sample papers is helpful, you must also focus on concept clarity, time management, and mock tests to improve your chances of achieving a high percentile.

Ques: Is solving CAT sample papers a good way for revision?

Ans: Yes, solving CAT sample papers is an excellent way for revision. It helps in understanding the exam pattern, managing time, and identifying weak areas. Additionally, it familiarizes you with the types of questions asked, boosting confidence for the actual exam

Where Can I Find CAT Sample Papers?

CAT 2025 sample papers are made available in both online as well as offline mediums. Provided below is the list of places where you can find the sample papers of CAT.

  • Best Books of CAT 2025: You can find the sample papers in the best books for CAT 2025 exam. Most of the practice and preparation books come with model papers and sample questions for the candidates.
  • Coaching Centres of CAT 2025: Top CAT 2025 coaching institutes prepare you for the exam and also provide free and paid CAT practice papers mock tests and sample papers for practice and enhancing performance. Look for reputed coaching centres or reliable online platforms that provide CAT study material.
  • Online Sources: There are plenty of online resources such as where you can get your hands on the sample papers of CAT 2025 free of cost. Conduct an online search using keywords like "CAT sample papers" or "CAT previous year's question papers." You will find numerous websites offering downloadable PDFs or online practice tests.

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FAQs about CAT

What are CAT Sample Papers?

CAT sample papers are simulated exam question papers that closely resemble the format and categories of questions on the real CAT examination. They are available online and as PDF downloads. Through practicing with CAT sample papers, students learn the relative importance of each topic and the degree of difficulty of the CAT questions.

Where can I find CAT Sample Papers?

Candidates can find CAT sample papers and CAT books on a number of internet portals. Students can go through the papers that are available and practice only those that are authentic and up to the CAT standards. Students should obtain the free CAT sample papers from this page to ensure high-quality preparation.

Are CAT Sample Papers also called CAT Model Papers?

Yes, CAT Model Papers are another name for CAT Sample Papers. These are comparable to the actual CAT question paper and assist students in evaluating and projecting their performance. Experts in management have created these papers to help applicants improve their readiness for the CAT.

What is the difficulty level of CAT practice papers?

The CAT practice papers range in difficulty from moderate to high. CAT question paper designers attempt to maintain consistency in the difficulty level to align with the requirements of the official CAT exam, even though the difficulty level typically varies with the question papers.

What is the purpose of solving CAT model papers?

The purpose of solving CAT model papers is to enable aspirants to gauge their degree of readiness for each of the three areas of the test. The accuracy and time management abilities will improve as candidates become more adept at identifying the areas that need attention.

Will it be wise to skip solving CAT Sample Papers?

Students may choose to skip solving CAT Sample Papers, even though it is not a good idea, if they have already completed the CAT Mock Test and the previous year's CAT papers. It is recommended that students set aside some time to practice these example papers prior to taking the CAT exam in 2023, given its significance.

Is it mandatory to solve CAT practice papers?

Solving CAT practice papers is not mandatory. Nevertheless, solving them will boost an applicant's self-assurance. Their performance will improve as they practice these sample papers more. As a result, one needs to begin practising CAT sample papers as soon as revision is complete.

How many CAT practice questions should I solve?

There is no restriction on how many CAT  practice questions one can solve, but in order to do a comprehensive revision, one must solve at least ten CAT sample papers. Students can use this to forecast their scores and perform as well as possible on the actual test. Five CAT sample papers at the very least will be helpful if there is a time constraint.

How much time should one take to solve each CAT Sample Paper?

Each CAT sample paper must be completed in two hours by candidates, as this is the amount of time permitted for the entire exam. When practising the papers, they have to set a timer and attempt to finish them in the allotted amount of time. Students must to attempt to complete each portion of the CAT exam within the 40-minute time limit, as well.

Is solving CAT practice papers enough for preparing for the CAT exam 2024?

No, completing CAT practice questions alone won't get you ready for the CAT test. You must study the entire CAT syllabus, as well as the previous year's practice exams and question papers. You can practice with these CAT sample papers if you still have time for better preparation.

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