What is the Rajasthan JET 2025 result date for release?
The Rajasthan JET 2025 result date for release has not yet been declared by AUJ on its official website. Based on the previous year’s trends, however, the result for Rajasthan JET may tentatively be declared in the 1st week of August 2025. For detailed information, students should stay tuned with the official portal i.e., @jetauj2025.com.
Can the candidates select their institute based on Rajasthan JET 2025 results?
No, candidates cannot select their institute based on Rajasthan JET 2025 results. They will need to appear in the options entry/counselling process for seat allotment after the declaration of the Rajasthan JET result 2025.
What should the candidate do once the Rajasthan JET 2025 results are declared?
Once the Rajasthan JET 2025 results are declared, the candidates need to fill out the option entry form through the official website. Only the candidates who have filled options will be eligible for inclusion in the merit list.
What details are available in the Rajasthan JET result 2025 declared by the exam conducting body?
Rajasthan JET result 2025 includes the marks scored by the candidate and also ranks obtained by them. It also includes the section-wise score the applicant has achieved. Furthermore, the applicant’s scorecard is required during the counselling process.
How can I check the Rajasthan JET 2025 results?
Students can check the Rajasthan JET 2025 results by visiting the AUJ’s official website and logging in using their registration ID and password. Once they are redirected to a new window, candidates can check their scorecard, download it, and take a printout of the same for any future reference.
Where can I find the Rajasthan JET 2025 result PDF to download?
Students can find the Rajasthan JET 2025 result PDF to download on the official website of AUJ. The authority will release an official notification for the same under the “Important Alert(s)” pop-up after which the applicant’s scorecard will be displayed under their candidate login.
What is the Rajasthan JET 2025 result evaluation scheme?
The Rajasthan JET 2025 result evaluation scheme is listed briefly in the following pointers:
For every right answer, four marks are given.
For every incorrect attempt, one mark is subtracted.
For questions that are not attempted, no marks are allocated or eliminated.