IPU CET 2025 Result - Result Link, Merit List, Cutoff and Download Scorecard/Rankcard

Updated By Mahima Gupta on 15 Jul, 2022 17:47

Registration Starts On February 01, 2025

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IPU CET 2022 Result (Out)

IPU CET 2022 result has been declared by Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi on July 15. The result has been announced separately for each programme by the GGSIPU officials. Those who will appear in the GGS IPU CET 2022 entrance exam will be able to check their scores in the IPU CET 2022 result card once it is available on the official website. The University does not provide the result to the test takers through any offline mode. Given below is a direct link of the IPU CET 2022 Result.

IPU CET Result 2022- Direct Link

The GGS IPU CET 2022 result card will contain various details of the candidates such as their name, the rank secured by them in the IPU CET exam (Category-Wise), merit position, cutoff scores etc. In order to check how they fared in the entrance exam, the candidates have to download the IPU CET 2022 result card from the official website using their IPU CET 2020 roll number mentioned on the IPU CET admit card 2022

All the important details regarding the IPU CET 2022 result is given below including the important dates, steps to check the IPU CET result etc. What is expected to be done from the side of the candidates post-IPU CET 2022 result declaration is also given below. 

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IPU CET 2022 Result Important Dates

Candidates must note that IPU CET 2022 was conducted by the conducting authority on different dates, for different courses. The below table shows the schedule of the result announcement for various courses.



IPU CET Exam 2022 for UG & B.Ed

June 18 & 19, 2022

IPU CET Exam 2022 for PG & PhD

June 23 & 25, 2022

IPU CET 2022 Result

July 15, 2022 (Out)

How to View IPU CET 2022 Results

Given below are the steps for viewing IPU CET 2022 result

  • IPU CET 2022 results will be available on the official website of GGSIPU as well. To view the IPU CET 2022 results, you must visit the official website of GGSIPU.

  • After visiting the GGSIPU website, click on the link 'CET 2022 Results'.

  • A new page will be open where you will find result PDFs for LLB, B.Tech, MCA, BCA, M.Tech, etc.

  • Click on the PDF link relevant to you. The PDF will have the list of qualified candidates, their ranks, and other important details.

  • Once you check the result, download the PDF for further use.

Details Mentioned on the IPU CET 2022 Result Card

The candidates can find the following details on the IPU CET 2022 result/scorecard. The candidates must ensure that all the details mentioned in the 2022 IPU CET scorecard are correct before downloading/saving the same:

  • Test-taker’s name

  • Name of the programme applied for by the test-takers

  • IPU CET 2022 code

  • IPU CET 2022 roll number of the candidates

  • Category of the test-takers

  • Region

  • Rank status of the candidates

Calculation of IPU CET 2022 Result

The calculation of the IPU CET 2022 result will be the responsibility of GGSIPU officials. According to the IPU CET exam pattern and marking scheme, each question will carry 4 marks. If a candidate’s response matches with the expected/correct response given in the IPU CET answer key, then the candidate will be awarded 4 marks and 1 mark will be deducted in case of each wrong response. The officials will follow the given formula to calculate the final score obtained by the candidate in the IPU CET entrance exam for 2022:

Total Marks for Correct Attempts - Total Marks for Incorrect Attempts = Final Marks

Post IPU CET 2022 Result Declaration

Once GGSIPU declares the IPU CET 2022 result on its official website, the GGSIPU authorities will conduct the IPU CET 2022 counselling process. The IPU CET counselling process for the year 2022 will be conducted in both online and offline modes. The counselling process for IPU CET 2022 will be conducted in multiple rounds (usually two) followed by a spot-counselling round. The candidates can check more by clicking here on the IPU CET 2022 counselling process link.

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FAQs about IPU CET Result

What is the course of action after the IPU CET 2022 result declaration?

Following the final round of counselling and the allocation of seats for each programme, each candidate is given an enrollment number. Candidates will be able to generate an Admission Slip once they have been assigned an Enrolment Number. Within a certain amount of time from the date the admission slip was printed, the candidates must enroll in the designated college with the admission slip and enrollment number. After printing their admission slip, candidates are advised to join as soon as possible rather than waiting until the last day of joining.

After the end date, is it possible for the candidate to change his choices?

After the last date, the candidate's choices will be considered locked, and no changes will be permitted.

What is the counselling registration fee?

Candidates must pay a non-refundable fee of INR 1000 at the time of counselling.

What is the seat distribution for candidates from both the Delhi and the Greater Delhi Regions?

The overall seat distribution is 85% for the Delhi Region and 15% for the Outside Delhi Region. In the case of Self-Financing Institutes, however, the sanctioned intake may include 10% Management Quota seats, reducing seats for general seat allocation.

Are there any restrictions on the number of choices of Institutions/Colleges etc. in the choice filling form for IPU CET 2022?

There are no restrictions for selecting multiple options. On the contrary, the University recommends that the candidate select the maximum number of options available in the program/CET code. However, choices should be filled in order of preference (not alphabetically), as allotment is based on the qualified candidate's choices submitted in order of preference and availability. It is more important to fill as many choices as possible, especially since candidates are not permitted to add any choices later on.

Where should students report for IPU CET 2022 Counselling or seat allocation?

Online registration and selection can be completed from any location that has access to the internet. Only applicants from the reserved category whose qualifying degree result has not been declared or who have passed their qualifying degree through distance education will be required to report physically for document verification at a later date.

When will the IPU CET 2022 seat allocation process begin?

The start date of counselling has not yet been announced.

How do I pay the IPU CET 2022 seat allocation fee?

After passing the IPU CET, candidates should go to ipuadmissions.nic.in to create their profile and pay the registration fee.

What steps are taken to calculate the IPU CET 2022 results?

The calculation of the result is the responsibility of a GGSIPU official. Each question will be equal to 4 marks, according to the IPU CET exam pattern and marking scheme. If a candidate's response matches the expected/correct response given in the answer key, the candidate will receive 4 marks, and 1 mark will be deducted for each incorrect response. The officials will use the formula provided to calculate the candidate's final score in the IPU CET entrance exam 2022.
Total Marks for Correct Attempts - Total Marks for Incorrect Attempt = Final Marks

How to check the IPU CET 2022 Result?

The IPU CET 2022 Result will be available on the university's official website. Candidates must check the GGSIPU official website on the date of declaration for their respective results. On the official website, a link for IPU Result 2022 will be provided, and by clicking on it, a new page will be opened in which candidates can select their respective degree to view the result and download a pdf for future reference.

Are IPU results released all at once?

No. The IPU CET results are published separately for each paper. The results are published on the official website by the conducting authority.

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